I love connecting with our readers and hearing from you, so I've created multiple ways for us to keep in touch.
If your questions are specific and go something like 'how do I?', 'what do you recommend?', 'where can I find?', etc., then firstly please try searching a word you are after in the search box below, as there may already be an article on this subject.
Otherwise post your question in the comments section of my blog posts - we have an amazing community of friendly and supportive people helping each other out, plus I try to always answer every question on there myself.
If you're interested in coaching, check out this amazing course from The Institute For Integrative Nutrition, where I myself got certified in less than a year. I'm not currently taking on any new clients, but if you receive my weekly updates, I'll let you know when there's an opening.
Speaking of updates, my newsletter is the first place I announce any news on classes, events, mentoring opportunities, cafe specials, next cleanse dates, plant-based family recipes and personal stuff I don't share publicly anywhere else. Make sure you're on the list, subscribe>>
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Wanna re-publish our recipes or articles on your website? We'd love that! Simply add this blurb at the end:
Wellness Coach, Tanya Maher, is the leading pioneer in the world of ultra-nutritious and energising plant-based foods for the whole family. She is the co-founder of a high-end gourmet raw store, creator of the Amazon #1 best selling DVD ‘Raw Food 101’ and author of Hay House’s ‘The Uncook Book’. Born in Russia, raised in New Zealand and now bringing up her own family in London, Tanya has been hailed as one of most recognised experts in the world of raw food and the UK’s top wellness coach, by the likes of Vogue, Daily Mail and Women’s Health.
Please note, that even though I read every email, it isn't always possible for me to respond personally.
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