My life lessons from 2011
Lush Escapes Retreat September'11 |
I have been busy learning about running a successful business, about what it takes to experience ultimate health levels all of the time, what really makes people tick, the extraordinary powers of the universe, and about myself.
Better Raw workshop |
In total I ran 22 healthy eating workshops, personally coached 39 high achieving individuals, organised and lead 2 retreats, created nearly 300 recipes and published 123 of them via my eBooks, DVD’s, classes and blog posts. I have lost count of courses and classes that I’ve attended myself, although the most memorable of the year must be noted:
Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins, Key Person of Influence with Daniel Priestley, Lifeclass with Oprah Winfrey, National Achievers’ Congress with Richard Branson, Vitality, Longevity and Genius with Dr John Demartini, Power to Achieve with Andy Harrington and Vilcabamba’s two week Raw Food Conference with various health experts.
I'm a Firewalker! |
Right now I’m sitting on the porch at my parent’s house in Ecuador, watching a passionate rain dance with 80 odd citrus trees and I realise that from the massive information overload I’ve come here to decipher, there are some things I now know for sure...
Elliot and I breaking through limiting beliefs |
These are MY LIFE LESSONS FROM 2011 (in no particular order):
Getting the most out of food is not only about what you eat, but what you do not eat. And most importantly, it is about the state you are in when you are eating.
Those that forgive quickly are literally capable of anything.
There are six basic human needs and absolutely every feeling, act or decision we make is based upon fulfilling a minimum of 2 of these needs at a time: Certainty, Uncertainty/Variety, Significance, Connection, Growth and Contribution. It is only by meeting the spiritual needs (Growth & Contribution), that you will experience sustainable joy vs. momentary pleasure.
Underneath that tough facade, men are really rather sensitive. They need nurture, love and attention no less than women do. Stereotypes are an illusion.
All people genuinely want to feel like they are helpful.
Just because you are a CEO, doesn’t mean you must go hard nonstop to be successful. World class endurance athletes are in the top 10% of slow twitch category and the sprinters are in the top 10% of fast twitch. Everyone else in inside 80%. Find your natural pace and work with it, it is the only way you will be most efficient and produce your absolute best results.
You are never angry for the reasons you think you are. There’s an older hurt under that. You must remember it, return to it, feel it and release it before dealing with the present. Not to mention the future.
People are really unattractive when they try to be someone they are not.
Gratitude and Love are two most powerful words in the universe. Even the water structure changes to purity when you utter those two words.
You can never be too alkaline living in this world but a body that is 100% acidic is dead. Maintaining a healthy PH balance will create barriers against any disease, as cancer thrives in acidity. Food plays a large factor here, but not solely. Seeing a puppy or a baby, or listening to classical music even when you don’t like it, can make you more alkaline. Listening to heavy metal music even when you love it will make you more acidic. Stress is the most acid forming of all.
When you are truly happy for the success and joy of others, you can’t help but notice how much success and joy there is to go around all of a sudden.
The more I learn, the less I realise I know, the more I realise I am capable of, the less I discover I’ve got to know to get there.
Lush Escapes Retreat June'11 |