Just two days before all of UK went into lockdown, I had a note from our accountant urging to stop all food and drink orders to clear stock ASAP, because the first two weeks of March in 2020 vs 2019 saw a revenue drop by 60%.
Everyone was already staying away from public spaces and The Living Room at My Chelsea Hotel was deserted.
Then, forced to close our doors, three months into lockdown was three months too many for some painful financials to deal with.
To avoid further losses, we had no choice but to hand the hotel and the deli over to another company and say our goodbyes.
It all feels so surreal and so raw still (no pun intended).
I just can’t come to terms with the idea of going back to our beloved London without my beautiful deli to visit, without My Chelsea to stay at, without all the staff who became family.
Discovering just how many businesses the virus has taken and will continue to take is simply heartbreaking.
We may be a number in the statistics of the world, but for many of us our business used to be the world.
Time to create a new world now.
I know that I already posted these words on social media, but I wanted to write to you here and to thank everyone for supporting our restaurant turned deli over the years.
Honestly, it is our customers, I am missing the most. I just love you guys so so unbelievably much!
I’m not going far myself (well I suppose NZ is as far as it gets, LOL, but I mean I'm still online connecting with you all) and will continue to post whatever inspires and serves you.
Speaking of which, what sort of blog posts would you like to see more of...
Family updates? Recipes (raw or cooked vegan)? Inspirational quotes? Kitchen hacks? Food prep tips? Videos? Cleanse ideas? Nutritional facts? Wellness coaching? Glimpses into my every day life?
I’d love to know what’s interesting (or not interesting) to you!
It would be so so so amazing if you could please add your thoughts in the comments section below...
Thank you.
I love you.
Stay well,

💚 P.S. I’ve started coaching on Skype again and it’s keeping my broken heart in one piece.