EXCITEMENT ALERT! September 10th will be the start of the most awesome, fun and biggest give-away challenge ever seen on Better Raw, and quite possibly in all of the raw food multiverse!
Every day for 28 business days, I'm giving away prizes, that will blow your mind, ground you and make you more alkaline, all at the same time!
What in the name of Superman has possessed me to do such awesomeness? Well I will give you three pretty good reasons for this:
1. I go kinda gooey caramel for the digits themselves- '2' because that's already a team; '8' because it's not just a number, it's symbol of infinity. 28 is the number of days it takes to form an unbreakable habit. I'm turning 28 this September and a gal's gotta celebrate!
3. In November (date to be revealed), I'll be launching my online program '28 Days to Acid-Alkaline Breakthrough'. I'm getting predictable here, I know. The AAB online course will give you access to MP3 recordings, charts, worksheets and daily tips to dramatically increase your pH levels from acid to neutral, so you can unleash your body's potential to heal and feel permanently and outrageously healthy. Yeah!
How it works:
- From Monday 10th Sept until Wednesday 17th Oct- there will be a brand new exciting prize revealed every single working day (that’s 28 days!).
- You’ll have just 24 hours to complete a mini challenge for that day’s prize. Winners will be announced the very next day.
- If you are here for the first time, click on the most recently revealed image below to learn more about today’s prize and how you can win it.
- To never miss a day’s challenge, click here to register your email address. You will receive a fun daily note delivered straight to your inbox with a newly revealed prize.
Get the surprise daily announcement (I know you- there's AT LEAST one day you'd definitely not want to miss), register now>>
DAY 1: Alkalising pack DAY 2: 5 x magazines &
RRP £33.15 (US$53) RRP £11.45 (US$18) each
RRP £22.50 (US$36) VALUE £48 (AUD$75) each RRP £147 (US$238)
DAY 6: pH strips from DAY 7: Brownie collection
RRP £8.99 (US$14.50) RRP £9.95 (US$16)
RRP £5.99 (US$10) each RRP £37 (US$60) RRP £61 (US$100)
DAY 11: Amatsu Therapy DAY 12: Raw Protein Formula
RRP £110 (London only) RRP £29 (US$47) ea
RRP £45 (US$73) RRP £5 (US$8) x 5 Value US $800.00

DAY 16: Pair UC Love bracelets DAY 17: Universal nut milk
from Universe+Chorus x 3 bag from Living Milk x3
RRP £15.50 (US$24) both RRP £10 (US$16) ea

DAY 18: Active Energy System DAY 19: A choice of treatment DAY 20: Raw Snack Box
with Adam Shaw from Platinum Health Services from Rawgeous
RRP £147 (US $237) Value £60 (London only) x 2 RRP £45 (US$73)

DAY 21: Soapnut Starter Pack DAY 22: Notecards or Design
from LivingNaturally x 3 work by Natasha Bu
RRP £16.50 (US$26.50) RRP £8($13) & £60($96)

DAY 23: 2 Large Juices at DAY 24: eBooks by DAY 25: 4 litres Aloe Vera Gel
Neil's Yard's Wild Juicery Better Raw x 3 drink from Forever Living x3
RRP £13.60 (London only) RRP £15 (US$24) ea RRP £83 (US$133) each winner

DAY 26: Kale Chips DAY 27: BE Green Smoothie Detox
from InSpiral x 4 from Tera Warner x 3
RRP £8 (US$13) ea RRP £91.00 (US $147) ea

DAY 28: Submit a smoothie photo
to win a VITAMIX (UK only)RRP £459.00
Never miss a day of give-away announcements! Enter your details here and be the first to know what insane alkalising prizes are up for grabs daily>>
[Note the competition is open to any one worldwide, unless clearly stated on the day of the prize]