Breathing in fresh air, while appreciating seasonal pumpkin soup at our recent Lush Escapes Retreat. |
Just for a moment, picture someone you love very much. It can be a relative, a friend or a spouse. Now imagine that every time you have something to say to them, something exciting to share or advice to ask for, a favour maybe, or you just want to relax with them, joke and chat, is when they give you a nasty look, bluntly curse with anger or worse- ignore you entire. Day after day, after day.
Would that be a healthy relationship? And if it continued in this way, will this relationship eventually take its toll on your health and wellbeing?
I think- YES.
So if this is the case for a human relationship, why should it be any different with food? We are after all energy and light, just as is our food and everything else, which surrounds us.
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Taking in breathtaking views while sipping on pure water and enjoying fresh fruits. |
Can you see how the messages you send to your dinner could have a direct influence on your health? That by not having a single care in the world about what is in the pasta you bought for lunch, or how your ‘healthy’ smoothie was prepared at the cafe, or what program you watch on TV while chewing on that roast, you are silently jeopardising everything it is desperate to provide for you?
Have you ever sat in front of the computer with a sandwich and then went to feel around for it on your desk, only to realise that you’ve finished the whole thing? How could that be, when you could hardly remember chewing, let alone actually tasting it?
Has that happened more than once?
What you say and don’t say can make all the difference to what you get out of a relationship, any relationship, including what you get out of your food.
But of course it is not easy to see it, so we ignore this. And we ignore it every day of our lives. Most of us are walking around like zombies, druggies, because the food we are eating, all cooked and roasted with refined sugars and preservatives is so addictive to our system, that we crave it and get moody when it’s not around, but feel 'happy and zoned out' when it is.
The view of my parents' garden while dining outdoors. |
Consider another example of a relationship- you just want to relax and spend quality time with the one you love, but all they do is obsess over your every move possessively, call you every five minutes to see what you are doing, make you produce a schedule of all of your plans so they can monitor you, take everything you say too literally and too personally, never let you see your friends, speak to anyone else, want you only for themselves and don't let you make any of your own decisions.
Would THAT be a healthy relationship?
I hope I’ve made my point and you see how being both- indifferent to what you put in your mouth and obsessing over food like a disturbed hungers- can not be a healthy way to live.
Words have the most profound effect on… everything.
Think about a prayer. Have you ever stopped to think how in all religions- whether it’s Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or Islam- it is common practice to recite a prayer before taking food? Where does such certainty arise in these dissimilar religions, that this is the right thing to do?
Giving our thanks at a Lush Escapes Retreat, before we pass around beautiful living foods. |
My answer came from a superb documentary called ‘Water’, which was produced to reveal the great findings of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work. From the doco I learned that the frequency of vibrations in prayers of any religion, uttered in any language is 8 hertz, which corresponds to the oscillations to the earth’s magnetic field. Therefore a prayer pronounced with love created a harmonic structure, which is the ingredient of all food.
Whoa. Light bulb moment!
Doreen Virtue, the author of many books, including ‘Angel Words’ also discovered the power and impact of speaking in a loving way, while recording podcasts with her son. Everytime they said the word ‘angel’ or similar loving and spiritual words, the recording graphics shaped those words like angel wings. They experimented with negative words and discovered their graphs to be tight and small.
Double whoa. Strobe lights!
Mum & dad with their foraging reward. |
There is no doubt in my mind, that positive words express the most energy and have the ability to transform your food and water to be healing. Similarly, there is no doubt that negative words have low energy and draw more negativity to you and even destroy what you are eating.
Your thoughts, your presence and your words will have an effect on what you get out of your every bite. And the best thing is- you are in control of it. Make your food with love, eat it with appreciation and thrive on the energy you receive in return.
Being playful with fruit to help it retain the uplifted energy as it ripens. |