Shakespeare's Fruit Salad
Meet Shakespeare.
Shakespeare is a tortoise, but genuinely believes he is a dog. He sniffs everything, digs holes in the garden and bites everything at least once.
He also possesses that puppy dog trick, when staring into your eyes for long enough, he can make you give in to anything. If you hold him on your palm looking into his eyes and rotate it side to side, his neck will do all the work and he’d always win the staring completion- just ask Elliot, it’s their favourite game.
He spends his days in what is an absolute disgrace of a human garden, but an absolute paradise of an Amazon for him, so I can't bring myself to weed out his snacks.
He spends his nights (and cold winter days) in a purpose built Tortoise Mansion with an upstairs dining room, a corner jacuzzi, a master bedroom and a whole collection of 'pebble' cushions.
Shakes is possibly the funniest, cutest, most adorable little man I've ever met, my wee little seratonine generator. But he can be naughty too, just watch him perform a brave stunt...
Here's another video of him dealing with obsticles, that also happen to be my toes...
The best thing about the little guy is that he is a Raw Vegan too!!!! Infact his diet is so healthy, he is my ongoing inspiration. He loves his wild edibles, watercress, rocket, collards and romaine, and especially all kinds of juicy creamy fruits. He can get very picky though, but this fruit salad is his all time favourite...
Made out of only Bananas, Apples, Pears and Melon, this is the easiest thing to make.
It may not be the most presentable salad though, so I decided to change that and carved a melon to create two bowls:
-Cut into 2 halves-Deseed
-Cut into 2 halves-Deseed
-Scoop out with a spoon or carve out the melon meat with a knife to use for the salad
Cashew Cream with Passionfruit
1 Cup Cashews
1 Cup Water
-You can half the amount if your blender is small and the ingredients cover the blade
-Blend to a creamy consistency
-Pour over salad with the passionfruit
This is not exactly Shakespeare's first choice, but it is mine, so I decided to add this salad in too...
You can also do this will any other kind of fruit, but berries are by far my favourite, so what I used are Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and 1 apple for the base
-Chop the apple in half to make a steady base
-Threat the berries onto wooden skewers
-Spike skewers into the apple
Chopsticks and a vase
-Carve the spiky teeth
-Pile in your chopped fruitWhat I have in the jar, Shakespeare would probably not approve of, but it is totally divine..
Cashew Cream with Passionfruit
1 Cup Cashews
1 Cup Water
-You can half the amount if your blender is small and the ingredients cover the blade
-Blend to a creamy consistency
-Pour over salad with the passionfruit
You can also do this will any other kind of fruit, but berries are by far my favourite, so what I used are Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and 1 apple for the base
-Chop the apple in half to make a steady base
-Threat the berries onto wooden skewers
-Spike skewers into the apple
The dipping sauce can be any of your own choice, but what I put in mine was
1 soft Avocado
3 Tbsp Agave Nectar
2 Tbsp Cacao Powder2 Tbsp water
This is the fruit salad my sister made for mum and dad when they got back to Canada after visiting me here in London
Chopsticks and a vase
-Carve the pineapple into flowers
-Dice mangoes into strips for the leaves-Peel the pomegranite and transfer all the seeds into glass vase
-Thread everything onto chopsticks, leaving berries until last