Did you know that May is the month of love and random acts of kindness?
Did you know?
Doesn't that fill you with happy vibes just knowing it? Knowing that people all around the world are doing spontaneous awesome things- no strings attached, no expectations, no exchanges, no bargaining, just because?
I was sitting in a hair salon, when my bestie texted to say that someone did the most unexpected sweet thing for her and that she wants to continue the ripple effect.
I too was so inspired, that I went straight to my local veggie store in Fulham to purchase a large watermelon, offered to pay the shop man a little extra to chop it all up into nice big slices, then walked outside and gave half to a homeless lady.
What happened next was so unexpected, it moved me to tears...
The shop owner saw me do this and came right out to give back what I paid him for slicing the melon. It was only £1, but it was enough to affect me to the core and more than enough to remember the knowing look in his eyes forever.
I floated home, thinking only about how beautiful the world is and how lucky I am that I get to play in it. It also got me thinking about my own mission, which is to inspire positivity and ignite so much love within everyone around me, that it gets them to do kind things for their body and their planet. It always felt like a no-brainer that the best possible start for that is a cleanse for your body. A way to clear out what's giving you toxic thoughts and make room for more beauty...
'Purified- Your Complete 7 Day Detox Program' is my bestselling eBook and thousands have purchased a copy all around the world.
I am certain that if only thousands more did the same and completed this short cleanse, the world would be a lighter, brighter place.
UPDATE: The opportunity to download a free copy of Purified has now passed, but you can sign up to our newsletter (to your right) to hear about more awesome and spontaneous offers :) Think of it as a random act of kindness.
I want absolutely nothing in return for it, but somehow I already know that you will join me on my mission and continue the ripple effect even further.
*I devoted a lot of energy to this special eBook and it is the lifeblood of my business. Please understand that I ask for an email opt-in only because I believe it is how it'll land in the right hands. You will be subscribed to my newsletter automatically, but you can unsubscribe at any time. I will never ever share your details with anyone. The eBook value is £15 (approx. US$23).
With love and kindness,
Doesn't that fill you with happy vibes just knowing it? Knowing that people all around the world are doing spontaneous awesome things- no strings attached, no expectations, no exchanges, no bargaining, just because?
I was sitting in a hair salon, when my bestie texted to say that someone did the most unexpected sweet thing for her and that she wants to continue the ripple effect.
I too was so inspired, that I went straight to my local veggie store in Fulham to purchase a large watermelon, offered to pay the shop man a little extra to chop it all up into nice big slices, then walked outside and gave half to a homeless lady.
What happened next was so unexpected, it moved me to tears...
The shop owner saw me do this and came right out to give back what I paid him for slicing the melon. It was only £1, but it was enough to affect me to the core and more than enough to remember the knowing look in his eyes forever.
I floated home, thinking only about how beautiful the world is and how lucky I am that I get to play in it. It also got me thinking about my own mission, which is to inspire positivity and ignite so much love within everyone around me, that it gets them to do kind things for their body and their planet. It always felt like a no-brainer that the best possible start for that is a cleanse for your body. A way to clear out what's giving you toxic thoughts and make room for more beauty...
So I thought of a surprise for you!!!!
'Purified- Your Complete 7 Day Detox Program' is my bestselling eBook and thousands have purchased a copy all around the world.
I am certain that if only thousands more did the same and completed this short cleanse, the world would be a lighter, brighter place.
But if you don't already own a copy, for the next 24 hours only, I'm gifting it to YOU!*

I want absolutely nothing in return for it, but somehow I already know that you will join me on my mission and continue the ripple effect even further.
*I devoted a lot of energy to this special eBook and it is the lifeblood of my business. Please understand that I ask for an email opt-in only because I believe it is how it'll land in the right hands. You will be subscribed to my newsletter automatically, but you can unsubscribe at any time. I will never ever share your details with anyone. The eBook value is £15 (approx. US$23).
With love and kindness,

P.S. You know that hair salon visit I was just talking about? My hair is all gone!! Well not quite, but I went in for a trim and there is now 14 inches less of it. Thanks to the lovely (and err.. not so lovely) FB comments to my question about how short I should cut it, I discovered about the various charities who make wigs for children with cancer. I chose a local charity in Sussex, energetically detached myself from the hair and filled it with love, vibrancy and a speedy recovery for these brave amazing mini people, before sending it off to them.