Help! I can't choose my new logo...
My friend, I'd loooove your trusty opinion! 🙋 You already know we are remodelling, but you may not know we are rebranding simultaneously too... My beloved raw food restaurant in Chelsea, London will focus on a retail offering, my workshops and nutritional mentoring for new'ish mums. My plant-based cakes, juices, salads, coconut jerky, etc are going to be stocked all across London shops, cafes and fitness centres, so naturally we felt the need to update our current logo (pic 1) to reflect the warm, nourishing, energising, positive and loving natural brand that we've been nurturing for years. Please could you share in the comments below which one of the pics (2, 3 or 4) sings to you and why. Thank you so so so much, I value your thoughts more than anything!  P.S. A little more about our brief for the rebrand is below...