Tanya's has a new logo!
We have a logo! Well, we already had a logo, but as you've read here in the previous post, we were after a refreshed look to match our awesome refreshed biz. From almost 1,000 comments across social media and this site, here's what's clear: -You are a passionate bunch -I am very lucky to have you as my support system -You are loyal to Tanya's brand -You are truly amazing and I love love love you! Thank you so much. I read every single comment and even made spreadsheets against the four presented options to include all of your thoughts and suggestions. Drummm rolllllll...... Here is the result!
As you can see, it's not too dissimilar to our original design, only I have grown up and this logo evolution represents my own journey perfectly :) The changes: -We brightened up the signature fuchsia colour, because you love the vibrancy of our brand. -We kept the 'tanya's' typeface, because you were very loyal to it (and I love it!). -We brought the letters of the typeface closer together, because you felt 'delicious, energising, living food' deserves to pop more on supermarket shelves. -We went for the gradient petals, because they feel 'warm, nurturing, angelic, inspiring and elegant' to you and to me too. -We pumped up the size of the flower to balance against the bolder 'tanya's' typeface. -We changed the tagline to 'Feed your soul', which truly represents what real, organic, wholesome, living food is capable of. This feels most true to my own nature too, because as a Russian, I loooooove to 'feed' and as a raw food coach, I get to witness how living food heals and nourishes the body, fuels with energy, enriches lives and makes you (and your soul) stupidly happy. -The complete logo remains in a circle, because you love the 'holistic' look and it gives us the freedom to use all that vibrant fruity photography as a backdrop (which you also love)! The changes side by side:
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below. Again, thank you so so much for sharing your thoughts on the previous post. I honestly appreciate it beyond words. Happy Thursday! P.S. The Alkaline Cleanse returns in June! Check your inbox for all the details next week. Here's how to subscribe if you aren't already receiving my updates>>