How to detox at home - starting at no cost to kinda expensive
Happy New Year, you guys!
I don’t know about you, but something tells me that this year is bound to be truly magical.
After working with many of you over the course of last year and after reflecting back on 2015, I know energetically it’s been a tough one for many. Even as you’ve welcomed brand new digits full of hope and desires, some of us still had ‘debts’ left to pay and found ourselves weak, sick, irritable, achy or disappointed during this first week of 2016 or perhaps losing material but sentimental things, which is also the universe’s way of encouraging you to leave stuff behind.
You may have started with good intentions, but now feeling like you have already let yourself down within days, so I’m here to remind you that you’re OK…
Actually this first week of a new year is more of a transition week, sorta like doing a cleanse and experiencing all kinds of awful detox symptoms before feeling and seeing the benefits.
It’s a week to be kind to yourself and to spend time setting your intentions not just for the start of the year, but for all of it.
It’s a week to explore all of your options. A week to make wishes. A week to day dream and to plan. And only if this plan involves a good and effective detox to clear out the bad and begin with the new, then read on.
Below you will find various detoxing options which I’ve categorised in order of cost, starting from ideas that cost nothing at all…
Do you have either a juicer or a blender at home? Then you can start this 24 hour plan tomorrow. If you own both, you can even extend your cleanse to 48 hours, because I put together a thorough step-by-step guide with recipes using a juicer and totally different recipes using a blender. Download it for free here >>
Although not exactly a detox plan, this step-by-step guide to creating your own vision board is an essential component to reaching your ideal weight, body and health goals. See my blog post here >>

My amazing friends of Neal’s Yard Remedies just launched their stunning new wellbeing website and I got the privilege to guest-write their very first post. Detox and Alkalising being my favourite topics ever, this blog post includes my Top 10 Detox Tips >>
THE UNCOOK BOOK // $3.99 – £11.89

My raw food recipe book, The Uncook Book, is not specifically designed as a detox guide, but there are over 140 recipes and a bunch of them can definitely be used when menu planning for a cleanse. I suggest starting the day with a juice or smoothie (like ‘Everyday Green’), a salad for lunch (like ‘Sauerkraut’ or ‘Hearty Kale Salad’), a porridge for an afternoon snack (like ‘Green Warming Oat Porridge’) and a soup for dinner (like ‘Alkaline Soup’). If you don’t want to wait for a copy in the post, you won’t believe your luck!- the downloadable version of The Uncook Book is on special right now at a majorly discounted rate of US$3.99 (84% off!!). Or order a hardcover copy via Amazon UK or Amazon US at 30% off.

The first eBook that I ever launched came as a result of designing over 100 individual detox programs. After working with so many different clients, there emerged an undeniable pattern of ingredients and food combinations that encouraged toxic release from the body. Any body. ‘Purified- Your Complete 7 Day Detox Program‘ was born as a result. Many that do this plan end up enjoying the changes and energy levels so much that they continue for another 7 days, which I provide as a bonus within this downloadable guide.


This may not be my event or focused on detoxing, but I have massive respect for Gabby Bernstein and the content she is going to cover at this ‘Make Your Resolutions Stick’ workshop. Plus as Gabby teaches you about how to change old patterns to create new dreams and guides you through powerful meditations, you may just find that the results you experience are more radical and sustainable than any diet or detox will provide. Book your ticket here >>
DONE FOR YOU CLEANSE // £75 – £390

If you’re mega busy to prepare your own recipes or simply prefer a bullet-proof nutrition-packed detox plan that has been designed to work with your digestion cycles and is fully prepared for you using the best organic ingredients, check this out. Residents of London can choose between a 1, 3 or 6 day cleanse that is delivered straight to their home. Available in January only. More details here >>