How I healed 12 years of terrible skin...
I must’ve invented my first recipe when I just turned 14 years old, but it wasn’t delicious. It didn’t get better with age. It was rather unsightly too. It also caused much pain for years to come, but at the same time, it was the recipe that made me.
This recipe involved a combination of teenage hormones, stress in my body caused by a near fatal car crash and a morphine overload pumped into me at the hospital, which I turned out to be severely allergic to…
What I got was an entire back full of hideous, giant, repulsive acne, which I was too freaked out to lay a finger on myself, let alone have anyone know the real reason I preferred to sunbathe only my front or why I loved long sleeved dresses so much even in scorching hot weather or why I needed a sick-day as soon as the school announced a swimming event.
It was hard enough being a teenager, but having to hide was pretty damn depressing.
Eventually I learned to come to terms with what I thankfully didn’t need to look at, as it was going on behind me. I simply figured that it is what it is and it’s never going to go so I’ll just plan my life, my road trips, holidays, sports I played and even friends I spent time with- around how easy it is to hide my back.
This went on for many many years. And then I discovered raw food!!
Waamp waamp waaaaamp…
You thought I’d have something new to share, right? Aha- that I do, and I want to tell you my secret in person!
I’ll be doing just that at 2 epic events this May…

LOCATION | Mind Body Spirit Festival at Olympia London
TIME | 1pm-2:45pm, Monday Bank Hol 2nd May
FEE | £15, limited seating, book here>>

TOPIC | Sexy Glowing Skin (skin expert panel revealing their top tips and secrets)
LOCATION | Tanya’s at MY Chelsea
TIME | 7pm-9pm, Monday 9th May
FEE | £25, includes green juice, limited seating, book here>>
Really hope I’ll see you at one or both of the events! They are both very different and will be jam packed with incredible eye opening info on what is going on inside your body, what is causing the issues and how to clear them (and your skin) for good.
My own secret, which I’m going to reveal to you is so good, I usually save it for my retreat attendees only. This time I decided to share it in my classes too, since this year’s retreat is still under question…. but if for some reason you can’t make it or live too far away, let me know in the comments below that you’re keen to read about how I healed 12 years worth of awful skin. If there’s enough interest, I promise to write a post for you guys!