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    Master of the Month | Jason Vale | Turbo Salad Recipe

    Being a high-energy coach, it is very rarely that I look for inspiration outside of myself when it comes to liveliness. To me energy is like magic. It is like a superpower. Mysterious to observers, but obvious to the possessor of this high energy, because we know, that anyone is capable of such magic, you've just gotta go and create it.

    Jason Vale, aka The Juice Master, is one of those magicians. This man is a legend in the world of wellness, he is the leading expert in the UK and is one of the most influential people when it comes to juicing and health. He is the number one best-selling author of 10 books, DVDs and CDs on juicing, health, fitness and junk food addiction. [I'm a proud owner and enthusiastic reader of nearly all of them! But hey, there are quite a few I tell you]. Jason sold over 2 million books worldwide and is most famous for his 7lbs In 7 days - Super Juice Diet, which hit the number one best-selling spot of ALL books on Amazon, knocking out the Da Vinci Code!

    Meet our December's Master of the Month…

    Describe your typical day of eating and drinking. 

    I tend to get up and start the day with a hot lemon then I will have some kind of juice for breakfast. Maybe a Ginger Zinger or a green juice. I typically have a salad for lunch and a Smoothie and with a cooked vegetable soup or warm salmon salad for dinner.

    Who inspires you to eat well and stay healthy?

    Still the same reason I got into juicing. I was really fed up with being overweight, and dealing with psoriasis, hayfever and eczema and feeling so lethargic. I read a little book on juicing by Doctor Norman Walker and it literally changed my thinking about food overnight and my life from then on turned very juicy! I began juicing, as a novice at first, I went a bit crazy, drunk buckets of carrot juice and even turned bright orange! But even as a novice I noticed things started to improve; my skin started to clear up, I had more energy, I was losing weight and feeling absolutely amazing. So I began studying it, refined my recipes and diet and slowly became the “Master” of juicing (that’s what my friends used to call me, and it just stuck!).

    There was me, a guy from Peckham in London drinking lots of juice every day with everyone thinking I was a few strawberries short of a trifle, but I didn’t care, I was a changed man. I wrote my first book Slim for Life, sent it into Harper Collins, and the next day they called me up said it was the best thing they’d read on the subject in 25 years!

    7 books later I’m still as passionate as ever that if I can do it, so can everyone else.

    What is your biggest weakness when it comes to food and how do you deal with that?

    Without being arrogant I don't have any weaknesses. I never say no to having anything otherwise that will be all I want. It's about managing what you want. I will be good, eat well 80% of the time, but if I go out for dinner and want chips I will have chips, it's fueling your body the best way you can 80% of the time.

    My top tip for:

    Improving your diet is… furnishing the body with the finest, easiest to ingest nutrients on the planet, and juicing retains 95% of the nutrients found in fruit and vegetables. Introduce a juice a day to your diet..

    Staying healthy while travelling is… easy if you take time to plan it. I make juices and store them in containers so it will last me throughout the day. I make salads, have fruit to snack on.

    Detoxing is… removing the toxins in your body and supplying the body with the finest nutrition in the fastest possible time. I make sure I do one of mu juice programmes at least once a month to make sure my body is fighting fit.

    Immunizing is… eat plenty of these:
    Avocados – the only complete fruit in the world in that it contains every major food group and a huge array of nutrients.
    Beetroot – a blood builder, liver cleanser and beetroot juice is medically proven to lower blood pressure within half an hour of consuming it, amazing!
    Apples – more vitamins than you can shake a bunch of grapes at and a real staple for many of my juice recipes because of it’s all round high nutrient content.
    Carrots – the anti-cancer king and a real winner on the mineral front. In combination with apple juice, it tastes amazing and is fantastic for you too.
    Last one – wheatgrass – you cant put it in a centrifugal juicer but juiced fresh through a masticator or in powder form it is phenomenal for the body. In fact whole communities in America live off wheatgrass juice and have huge cancer success rates with it too . Amazingly powerful.

    How would you like to be remembered?

    I have come up with 3…

    1) Attitude of Gratitude – More important than anything else is the appreciation of life and the position we have been granted. We are in the top 1% in the world when it comes to wealth, we have access to the best foods in the world and live in a free society. That fact alone is so often under appreciated. Also, some people might be surprised to hear that a lot of my books are more about the psychology of food than about juicing. We’ve spent so many years of our lives being subtly brainwashed by BIG Food and BIG Drink companies that it’s so important to try and untangle this web of clever and deceptive advertising. Appreciating and being grateful for everything you have right now and everything that will come into your life, even if you dont do anything else, will have the biggest impact of your life and health. It’s no surprise that some of the oldest people in the world are often the happiest and most grateful.

    2) Movement is Life – More important than diet even, is the necessity to move your body every day. We have become a nation of people now sat behind a desk staring at a screen all day. You MUST make sure you get out and do something active a couple of times a day. Movement keeps the lymph system working, removing toxins and dead cells and an increased heat rate and oxygen are like superfuel to the body. I once met an 80 year old man that beat me 6-0 three times in a row at tennis. Now, I consider myself pretty good at tennis but this guy was phenomenal and I asked him what his secret was. He just said one thing, “move your body every day. I’ve been doing that all my life and I’m just as fit as I ever was”. What a living testament to his own statement! It is ridiculous that you even see kids these days unable to run, play and move because they’ve become a nation obsessed with computer games and TV, it’s heat breaking. So tip number 2, MOVE your body daily.

    3) Nature’s Liquid Fuel – We are the ONLY species on the entire earth that cooks our food. I have never once met and gorilla that can cook me a good BBQ and I don’t think I ever will. The life force that the animals of the world live off, including us, is to be found in raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables, plants, nuts and seeds. Now in today’s modern world it’s pretty impossible to consume entirely raw foods, or huge amounts of fruits and vegetables. That’s where juicing comes in, you are giving your body all the vitamins and minerals it needs in liquid form, that goes straight to the cells where its needed. A combination of the right attitude, daily exercise and the right nutrition and you have the perfect combination to life-long health.

    If you got to keep only 3 of your belongings: 1 thing from your kitchen, 1 thing from your garden and 1 thing from your bookshelf- what would they be?

    I would take my juicer from my kitchen, vegetables from my garden and my ipad from my bookshelf

    If you could host a dinner party for 3 guests (dead or alive) - who would they be and what would you serve?

    I can't answer this as there's just too many people to invite!

    Why do you believe that life is Better Raw?

    There are many foods out there touted as the new superfood, and there certainly are some foods that contain a super concentration of nutrients and antioxidants for example. BUT in all honesty all fruits and vegetables are superfoods really. They all nourish the body, provide an array of vitamins and minerals to help the body grow and repair and they are what our ancestors have been living on for years! People also ask me what particular juice I can recommend for their ailment, but I’m a real believer in the One Disease One Body approach, in that the body can not selectively heal. If you are feeding it an abundance of nutrients rich in live foods it wont cure one ailment without helping the body fix the rest.


    Our Master of the Month shares his favourite raw food recipe...

    Serves 1-2

    Why this is good for you:  
    - This salad is rich in silica, helping the hair, nails, and skin.
    - The cabbage is superb for many digestive and intestinal problems, such as bowel infections, parasites and colitus, and the broccoli is one of nature’s true super-foods, helpful for high blood pressure, liver problems and constipation.
    - The grated carrot helps to reduce inflammation of the mucus membranes in the intestines and respiratory tract. This really is one hell of a power salad!

    1 cup spinach leaves
    1 cup rocket leaves
    ½ cup watercress
    1/8 cup red cabbage, grated
    ½ carrot, grated
    ¼ cup broccoli, grated
    ½ sweet pepper (any colour), diced
    4 black or green olives
    Egg cupful of cold-pressed olive oil
    Balsamic vinegar
    1 lemon
    1 lime
    Flesh of 1 large avocado, diced into large chunks

    - Place the spinach, rocket and watercress leaves on a plate or in a small salad bowl.
    - Top with the red cabbage, carrot, cucumber, broccoli, pepper and olives.
    - Add olive oil and balsamic vinegar and juice from half the lemon and lime. Toss together.
    - Place the avocado chunks on top and squeeze over the lemon juice from the remaining lemon and lime.


    If you’d like to know more about Jason Vale, I highly recommend that you start with one of his books. 7lbs In 7 days is not only an educational book full of epic juice recipes, it is a highly entertaining read too. If I were being honest- it is the only health book I've read cover to cover AND re-read again! Yes- that good! Jason's mega juicy site is here: www.JuiceMaster.com

    Master of the Month | Elena Alekseeva | Cream of Mushroom Julienne Recipe

    For the Russian version, click here>>

    As I am spending the majority of November in Vilcabamba, Ecuador for my retreat and my family, I thought- what better time is there to introduce you to a very special local? So special in fact, that even ‘Master of the Month’ seems like a tiny title in comparison to the work that this spiritual being with the biggest heart, does in the world. I am truly blessed to call her my mum!

    Elena Alekseeva is a gifted spiritual channeller, whose work is in demand from all corners of the globe. She moved to Vilcabamba (aka The Valley of Longevity or the Raw Food Capital of the World) with my Dad, Vladimir, almost four years ago, around which time she was also guided to take down her website. This didn’t make her any less busy though, because the people who need to find her, always do. And this knowing is exactly why no email or request for a spiritual diagnosis and correction has ever gone unanswered. People seek her out for every possible reason -whether it be help with poor health, troubled relationships, money blocks, limiting beliefs and fears, depression or simply guidance on effective meditation or cleansing their present and past lives’ energy- Elena first conducts a comprehensive spiritual diagnosis using a dowsing rod (if the individual and the universe permits) and then a full correction of all of your cells, organs, meridians and energy fields, bringing you to a higher level of vibration.

    Meet our November's Master of the Month…

    Describe your typical day of eating and drinking. 

    When I wake up I do some exercises for blood circulation in bed. I get up, massage my body with the massage brush, jump into a barrel of cold water, raise my arms to the sun and make a connection with the harmony of the universe and earth, fill myself with the Divine healing light and I send it to everyone. I drink a glass of hot water for the activation of the intestine. I do exercises. After that i really want to drink a green smoothie. My favorite is – I make pineapple juice (or mandarin juice), add different herbs from my garden: dandelion and plantain leaves, Kale, mint, beet and carrots leaves, spinach, strawberries, bananas, flax seeds or chia seeds. I make papaya and mango fruit salad, pour almond milk with chia seeds (or sprinkle with sprouted dehydrated buckwheat instead of chia). Later, I like to drink organic coffee (we harvest coffee from our garden, dry the coffee beans, make our own coffee or we buy coffee from the locals in Vilcabamba). I love to drink coffee with lemon, honey, and even with some sweets (ground pumpkin seeds with added coconut oil, honey, vanilla).

    During the day, I eat different fruits or make juices (my favorite - watermelon, ginger, mint, strawberry). I love to make vegetable salad with the different nut sauce, raw soups, and desserts. I start thinking about lunch when I feel hungry. I don’t make dinner, we eat whatever we want – fresh fruits, vegetables, green smoothies, coconut chips, herbal tea with honey.

    Who inspires you to eat well and stay healthy?

    This question has the answer within itself. Being healthy inspires me to eat healthy. I do not want to be sick in old age. All diseases people have from the wrong thoughts and wrong food. Better if I change my habits in favor of health now. My family, children, future grandchildren inspire me to eat right to be healthy. If I'm healthy, I can make a contribution to the improvement of life on our planet by my experience and example.

    What is your biggest weakness when it comes to food and how do you deal with that?

    The biggest weakness of mine - is to restrain myself from overeating. I love to create new raw food recipes. All of them are so delicious, especially the desserts, it's hard to stop tasting or to leave a half-eaten meal. But now I have learned to feel when it comes time to say, "I’m done" and set aside the plate.

    My top tip for:

    Improving your diet is… eat less, particularly on those days when you don’t work out much physically. And say ‘no’ to salt.

    Staying healthy while travelling is… About being organised. I like to prepare different crackers and nut and vegetable breads to have on me while travelling. I also take with me nuts and dates, because it’s impossible to be hungry with them.

    Detoxing is… the most effective cleanse is taking a rest from eating, even if the meal consists of only vegetables and fruits. Every Monday I drink only water. Each person is different and the approach to nutrition and cleansing must also be personalized. What's important to one person may be harmful to another.

    Immunizing is… equally important when it comes to the development of the soul and strengthening of the physical body. The body requires rejuvenation by cold water tempering, resting, movement and musscle strengening, and taking walks in fresh air. But better yet is to live where there is always clean air, pure water, where fruit and vegetables are without any chemicals. And also we should not forget to clean our chakras, channels, meridians through which we, as plants get the Light from the Source, and without this Light we cannot live, same as we would not be able to live without food, fresh water and clean air. This is what I do every day.

    What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

    When people tell me stories about their new feelings and sensations after my spiritual diagnosis and correction (pain disappeared, can now hear the voices of fruits and vegetables, began to write poetry, started doing painting, singing, all day live in the higher vibrations, all fears are gone, improved relationships, started living consciously, etc.) Their results - is the best compliment.

    How would you like to be remembered?

    I would not do anything for this purpose. I try to live in harmony with the world every day. Often, people from different countries call or write to me, asking for help. I always give the answer to every individual on how to live in creativity and joy. Everything I do - this is my karma (positive or negative), and how people perceive and remember me - it is their karma (smile).

    If you got to keep only 3 of your belongings: 1 thing from your kitchen, 1 thing from your garden and 1 thing from your bookshelf- what would they be?

    From the kitchen, I would take a blender, from the garden – my greens, and from the bookshelf - my favorite tool for getting information (a dowsing rod) and a notebook, which describes the procedure for correction after the diagnosis, so that I could help those people which the universe wants to heal through me.

    If you could host a dinner party for 3 guests (dead or alive) - who would they be and what would you serve?

    The most favorite guests for my husband and me are our children, Tanya and Alissa. In general, if I invite someone over - they are all my favorite. I would ask everyone what their favorite food is. And I would make for them anything they wish for. I have plans to invite the president of Ecuador to my raw food lunch.

    Why do you believe that life is Better Raw?

    To have a quality life - we need to be healthy, successful, energetic, and need to eat food that Mother Earth gifts us with love. Our internal system, if it is not toxic, can communicate with plants and take from them everything we need for our health and prolongation of our youth. When I prepare something from Tanya’s recipes, which can be found on her website, www.BetterRaw.com, what could be tastier, healthier and more beautiful? Try! Yummmmy.


    Our Master of the Month shares her favourite raw food recipe...

    Serves 2

    For the marinade
    6 medium button mushrooms, diced
    1 cup carrots, thinly sliced
    1 bell pepper, peeled, deseeded and sliced
    ½ large cucumber, sliced
    juice of 1 lime
    3 Tbsp Tamari soy sauce
    1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
    1 garlic clove, minced

    -Mix all the ingredients and assemble them onto your dehydrator texflex sheets.
    -Dehydrate at 110F for 5 hours.

    For the filling
    1 cup coconut meat
    1 avocado, meat only
    2 Tbsp almond butter
    2 tsp raw honey
    juice of 1 lime
    1 garlic clove, minced
    1/2 tsp ginger root, grated
    Salt to taste
    Pinch of black ground pepper
    Optional toppings: soaked walnuts, fresh coriander and chopped green onion

    -Blend all the filling ingredients apart from the optional toppings.
    -Stir in the dehydrated vegetables and spoon the mixture into bowls.
    -Alternatively make your own decorative basket by wrapping banana leaves into a tube.
    -Serve with your favourite salad.


    If you’d like to know more about Elena’s work or to book a Skype session with her for a comprehensive spiritual diagnosis and correction, email reikielena@hotmail.com . If you’d like an electronic collection of her uplifting poetry 'I'm not alone' (Russian only version), it is available for instant download, here>>

    Мастер Месяца | Елена Алексеева | Грибной Жюльен сыроедческий рецепт

    Для английской версии, нажмите здесь >>

    Так как весь ноябрь я планирую провести в Эквадоре с моей семьёй, занимаясь организацией сыроедческого ретрита, то я решила познакомить вас с одним очень необыкновенным жителем Вилкабамбы, с тем, для которого титул *Мастер месяца* далеко не отражает всей той огромной духовной работы, которую этот человек с большим сердцем делает в этом мире. Этот человек – моя мама.

    Елена Алексеева является одаренным духовным ченнелером, о её способностях знают люди в разных уголках земного шара. Она переехала в Вилкабамбу, также известную как Долина Долголетия и столица сыроедения Южной Америки с моим папой, Владимиром, почти четыре года назад. Елена не рекламирует свои способности в интернете, однако к ней постоянно обращаются за помощью люди из разных стран по самым разным поводам, будь то проблемы со здоровьем или в личной жизни, блокировки в сознании и подсознании, депрессия или просто за помощью в выборе эффективной медитации. Елена помогает избавиться от кармы предыдущих воплощений, проводит духовную диагностику с использованием биолокации (если человек этого хочет и Вселенная позволяет), а затем делает энергетическую коррекцию всех систем организма, клеток, органов, меридианов и биополей, поднимая человека на более высокий вибрационный уровень.

    Я представляю вам Человека Месяца…

    Опиши свой типичный день, как ты питаешься и что пьёшь. 

    Проснувшись, делаю в кровати несколько физических упражнений для кровообращения. Встаю, натираю тело массажной щёткой, окунаюсь в бочку с холодной водой, протягиваю к солнцу руки и соединяюсь с гармонией неба и земли, наполняюсь их светом и я посылаю этот свет всему живому на земле и во всех вселенных. Выпиваю стакан горячей воды для активации работы кишечника. Делаю зарядку. После этого очень хочется выпить зелёный коктейль. Мой любимый – делаю сок ананаса (или мандариновый сок), добавляю разную зелень из моего огорода: листья одуванчиков, подорожник, кэйл, мята, листья свеклы и морковки, шпинат, клубнику, бананы и семена льна или чиа. Делаю фруктовый салат из папайи и манго, заливаю миндальным молоком с семенами чиа (или сверху молока посыпаю пророщенную и подсушенную в дегидраторе гречку). Позже люблю пить натуральный кофе (мы собираем кофе в своём саду, сами сушим кофейные зёрна, делаем свой кофе, или покупаем кофе у местных жителей, очень ароматный). Кофе я люблю пить с лимоном, мёдом, и с ещё с какой-нибудь сладостью (тыквенные семечки размалываю, добавляю кокосовое масло, мёд, ванилин).

    В течении дня кушаю разные фрукты или делаю соки из них (любимый коктейль- арбуз, имбирь, мята, клубника). Люблю делать овощные салаты с разными ореховыми соусами, сыроедческие супы, десерты. Когда чувствую голод, тогда начинаю думать про ланч – что же мне хочется съесть сейчас. Ужин не готовлю, кушаем по желанию – фрукты, овощи, зелёные коктейли, кокосовые чипсы, травяной чай с мёдом.

    Кто/что вдохновляет тебя хорошо питаться и оставаться здоровой?

    Этот вопрос сам по себе имеет ответ. Именно быть здоровой и вдохновляет меня правильно питаться. Мне не хочется быть больной в старости. Все болезни от неправильных мыслей и неправильного питания. Лучше я сейчас поменяю свои привычки в пользу здоровья. Моя семья, дети, будущие внуки вдохновляют меня правильно питаться, чтобы быть здоровой. Если я здорова, то я смогу внести свой вклад в оздоровление жизни на нашей планете своим опытом и примером.

    Какова твоя самая большая слабость, когда дело доходит до еды, и как ты справляешься с этим?

    Самая большая слабость – это сдерживать себя от переедания. Я обожаю создавать новые сыроедческие блюда. Все они такие вкусные, особенно десерты, что трудно остановиться, чтобы оставить еду недоеденной. Но сейчас я научилась чувствовать, когда приходит момент сказать себе: «я наелась» и отодвинуть в сторону тарелку.

    Мой главный совет для:

    Улучшение моей диеты … меньше кушать, особенно в те дни, когда мало занимаюсь физическим трудом. Отказаться от соли.

    Оставаться здоровой во время путешествий… Я люблю заготавливать разные крекеры, хлеб из орехов и овощей, чтобы иметь при себе в путешествиях. Беру с собой орехи и финики, с ними невозможно быть голодной.

    Освобождение от токсинов… Лучшее очищение – это отдых от еды, даже, если эта еда состоит их овощей и фруктов. По понедельникам я пью только воду. Каждый человек индивидуален, поэтому и питание, и очищение должно быть индивидуальным. То, что важно одному человеку, может принести вред другому.

    Укрепление иммунитета … необходимо заниматься не только развитием души, но и физическим телом. Нужно его закалять холодной водой, давать отдых, укреплять мышцы тела, делать прогулки на чистом воздухе, а лучше жить там, где всегда имеется чистый воздух, чистая вода, овощи и фрукты без какой-либо химии. А так же не забывать очищать свои чакры, каналы, меридианы, по которым мы, как растения, получаем свет жизни от Творца, и без этого света мы не сможем жить, как и без живой еды, свежей воды, чистого воздуха. Этим я и занимаюсь каждый день.

    Что самое приятное кто-то когда-либо говорил тебе?

    Когда люди рассказывают свои истории о своих новых чувствах, ощущениях после моих диагностик и коррекций (исчезла боль, слышу голоса овощей и фруктов, начал писать стихи, рисовать, петь, стало легко просыпаться, весь день живу на высоких вибрациях, ушли страхи, наладились отношения между…, живу осознанно и т.д.) Такие результаты – это лучший комплимент.

    Что бы ты сделала, чтобы тебя помнили?

    Специально для этого я бы ничего ни делала. Я стараюсь жить в гармонии с миром каждый день. Часто люди из разных стран обращаются ко мне за помощью. Я всегда нахожу для каждого индивидуальный ответ, как жить в творчестве и радости. Всё, что я делаю – это моя карма (положительная, или отрицательная), а то, как меня воспринимают и помнят люди – это их карма (улыбка).

    Если бы тебе нужно было взять с собой только 3 предмета: 1 из твоей кухни, 1 из твоего сада и 1 из книжной полки. Что бы это было?

    На кухне я бы взяла блендер, из сада – зелень, а с книжной полки - мой любимый инструмент для получения информации (рамка) и тетрадь, где описан порядок проведения коррекции после диагностики, чтобы в любом месте я могла помочь тем людям, которых Вселенная захочет исцелять через меня.

    Если бы ты проводила званый ужин для 3 человек - кто бы это был и что бы ты приготовила?

    Теперь, самые любимые гости для меня и моего мужа – это наши дети Таня и Алиса. А вообще, если я кого-то приглашаю к себе в гости – они все и есть мои любимые. Я бы спросила у каждого, какое у них самое любимое блюдо, чтобы приготовить для них. И сделала бы всё, чего бы они только пожелали. У меня в планах пригласить к себе на сыроедческий ланч президента Эквадора.

    Почему вы считаете, что жизнь лучше на основе растений?

    Чтобы жить качественно – быть здоровым, успешным, энергичным, нужно и питаться теми продуктами, которые нам дарит с любовью земля. Наш организм, если он не зашлакован, может общаться с растениями и брать от них всё самое необходимое для здоровья и продления молодости. Тем более, что когда делаешь что-то по рецептам Тани Алексеевой, которые можно найти на её сайте www.BetterRaw.com, что может быть вкуснее, полезнее и красивее?


    Наш Мастер Ноября делится одним из своих любимых сыроедческих рецептов...

    Грибной Жюльен

    Для маринада:
    6 круглых грибов, тонко порезать
    1 чашка тёртой моркови (красивее, если в фудпроцессоре пошинковать)
    1 сладкий болгарский перец, очистить от шкурки и порезать кусочками
    ½ большого огурца, порезать кусочками
    Сок 1 лимона/лайма
    3 ст.л. Тамари соевого соуса
    1 ст.л. яблочного уксуса
    1 долька чеснока, выдавить через чесночницу

    Перемешать все ингредиенты и поставить в дигидратор на 5 часов при температуре 110F, 

     Для наполнения:
    1 чашка мякоти молодого кокоса
    1 авокадо, мякоть
    2 ст.л. миндального крема (масло)
    2 ст.л. мёда
    1 лайм, сок
    1 долька чеснока, выдавить через чесночницу
    ½ ч.л. тёртого корня имбиря
    Соль по вкусу, немного порошка чёрного перца
    (можно добавить по желанию замоченный на ночь грецкий орех, зелень кинзы, укропа, зелёного лука)

    Все ингредиенты взбить в блендере (кроме дополнительных)
    Перемешать с дегидрированными овощами. 
    Сделать из листьев банан круглую чашку и разложить грибной Жюльен. 
    Можно сервировать с любым салатом.


    Если вы хотите узнать больше о работе Елены, заказать диагностику и коррекцию, или консультацию по Skype, вы можете написать Елене по электронной почте reikielena@hotmail.com. Для желающих почитать её сборник поэзии для души «Я не одна»(только на русском), он доступен для мгновенной загрузки здесь >>;

    Master of the Month | Jesse van der Velde | Cacao Superfood Smoothie Recipe

    Jesse and I first met when he just bought the UK's leading online superfood store, Detox Your World, from Shazzie. We've since collaborated on various projects, including the launch of my own Acid Alkaline Breakthrough program, over which time I've been able to experience Jesse's incredible work ethic, his dedication, wisdom and passion for wellness, first-hand. More importantly is that we've also become really great friends and got to hang out together with his wife, Marjolijn and my fiancé, Elliot, both in Amsterdam and in London. Jesse is no doubt a master of his work, whose career developed from personal training into being internationally recognised as the #1 health coach in the Netherlands, co-owning superfood web shops superfood.nl and detoxyourworld.com and authoring a bestselling book 'Forever Young', with another on its way. His popular newsletter is enjoyed by an astounding number of 125,000 fans! He is much too modest to ever call his subscribers 'fans' of course, but I am telling you- this wonderful human being, who is loving, kind, generous, and totally down-to-earth, good guy is also kind of a big deal in the wellness world! Meet our September's Master of the Month...
    Describe your typical day of eating and drinking. I start my day off with about half a liter of water, often followed with a fermented drink like Kombucha or Kefir. Then I make myself a smoothie. Because I work out a lot I always use a combination of fresh greens, fruits and a protein powder, together with other superfoods based on what I think my body needs. My intention is always to listen to my body. I believe our body is a very intelligent ‘system’.
    "Research showed that good bacteria in your colon tell your brain (there’s a direct connection from your gut to your brain) what to eat and how much to eat. So the healthier your colon is, and the broader your reference for different foods, the more intuitive you are on what you should eat. "
    Some of my favorite foods are spirulina, avocado, banana, so they’re included in my breakfast smoothie most of the time. I sometimes take up to 60 grams of spirulina per day! But please be aware that you really need to work your way up on your spirulina consumption. What I’m also always considering is what other superfoods or herbs my body needs to keep my hormones balanced. Our endocrine system is a very sensitive system, easily influenced by both internal factors and external factors. Like our thoughts and emotions (particularly stress), what we eat, and physical activity. All these can both influence our hormones positively and negatively, depending on what we do or not do, eat or not eat. Our hormones are also very much influenced by radiation (from WiFi and mobile phones), sleep, etc. I believe if we aren’t aware of this, our hormones slowly start to get out of balance which speeds up aging, fat storage, loss of libido and all those things we don’t want. Some of my favourite herbs are Ho Shou Wu, Mucuna Pruriens, Rhodiola Rosae. And some of my other favourite hormone balancers are Pine Pollen, Maca and Tribulus. During the day I eat things like Quinoa, I have a salad for lunch, I snack on raw protein bars (I like the Pulsin bars), some raw chocolate (LoveChoc is my favourite), avocado, etc. For dinner I like sweet potatoes with a salad or some steamed vegetables. We (me and my wife) also eat a lot of sea vegetables like Kelp Noodles or Wakame, and we also always have some Irish Moss in our fridge to throw in a smoothie. Often I eat dinner with a couple of eggs but I try to limit the amount of eggs I eat to about 7 a week. In the end most people become intolerant to any food that they eat too much of. I see that a lot in the people I coach...
    "After a period of being addicted to a certain food, your body starts rejecting it. And when you do a food intolerance test for those foods, results are 'allergy positive'! The body always keeps itself in balance."
    After a workout I always drink a protein smoothie. Before going to bed I take a vitamin B complex supplement (the one from PR Labs), I take OmegaZen for my omega 3’s and I take vitamin D3 during the winter. When drinking is concerned I don’t drink anything else but water and tea. I follow this formula to determine how much water I should drink: body weight in KG * 0.44 / 10. So when you’re a 100 kg that’s 4.4 litres water per day. What (or who) inspires you to eat well and stay healthy?  I think what inspires me most is to live as long as I can. I want to enjoy life and I also want to achieve a lot in my lifetime (I have a huge mission to help other people achieve amazing health!) but for example when I have to choose between working late to get something done or to do that the next day, I choose to go to bed, get my sleep, keep my body balanced and do the work later.
    "I don’t sacrifice my health to do anything, because I want to live long and have great energy during that time. I’m inspired by being the best I can be."
    What is your biggest weakness when it comes to food and how do you deal with that? I think my biggest weakness is eating too little. I exercise a lot and often when I start my days with a very nutritional smoothie, my body feels so fed and nourished that I'm not that hungry. And of course, if you don't eat, your metabolism slows down and you're not that hungry anymore at all. When it comes to wanting to live long, not eating a lot is an advantage. The less you eat, the longer you live (and the more you get to eat!). But if you want to gain a bit of muscle from your workouts, you need to EAT :) To me that feels like the biggest weakness. Complete these sentences: My top tip for... ...Improving your diet is: start to drink a green smoothie a day (keeps the doctor away!). Add greens, some fruits, an avocado, maybe some shelled hemp seeds, perhaps even some Spirulina. If you want to make it a real 'meal smoothie', add some protein powder from brown rice protein (Sunwarrior) or hemp protein powder. Keep adding the good stuff and you'll stop eating the bad stuff eventually! ...Staying healthy while traveling is: easy! Just mix some superfood powders together into a bag and bring that with you. I mix Sunwarrior protein with Spirulina, some Lucuma, some passion fruit extract (both for taste), some greens powders (like Tanya's pH booster!) and maybe even some super herbs like Chaga, together into one bag. I bring this with me and start every day with a smoothie. You just need to add water! ...Detoxing is: necessary for anyone. I believe in making sure you're exposed to toxins as little as possible (don't eat toxic foods!), but you're always exposed to them. So eat foods that cleanse your body. Like cilantro (coriander), parsley, Spriulina, Chlorella, and Zeolites. ...Immunising is: keeping your colon healthy. You need to 'invite' the good bacteria in your colon. Drink Kombucha (make it yourself!), and Kefir. Use a probiotic supplement once in a while. Ferment your own foods. All cultures, that throughout history have proven to live longer than other cultures, always had something fermented in their food pattern. What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? Great question! I feel blessed every time I hear stories how my work (our programs, or the seminars we give) has changed someone's life. Not a week goes by without a story how someone has quit using their medication and how they completely changed their life by starting to heal their own bodies first. It touches me to hear that every time. How would you like to be remembered? As someone who cared for others and who made an impact in other people's lives. I believe that most people don't value their health enough. My mission is to show them that there's such a higher 'level' of health to experience: more energy, better skin, more satisfaction with your own body. And that it's such a big foundation for everything else in your life. If you got to keep only 3 of your belongings: 1 thing from your kitchen, 1 thing from your garden and 1 thing from your bookshelf- what would they be? Kitchen: Vitamix Garden: The kale that we're growing ourselves Bookshelf: "Mastery" by Robert Greene If you could host a dinner party for 3 guests (dead or alive)- who would they be and what would you serve?  I would invite Nelson Mandela, Tony Robbins and my wife Marjolijn, so she can learn from them as well. I would serve a raw salad with quinoa, home made basil, some sea vegetables (like Wakame) and Kombucha for drinks. Or something like that. I'm not the best chef haha :) Why do you believe that life is Better Raw? Because people who eat mostly raw foods and superfoods are so much happier! They're less stressed, more confident, more happy and more ALIVE! Women who eat mostly raw- radiate. Which makes men happier, and the world a better place ;)
    Our Master of the Month shares his favourite raw food recipe...
    Serves 1
    125 g of organic shelled hemp seeds 2 tablespoons of cacao powder Lucuma powder (add according to taste) 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder 1 banana ½ an avocado ½ litre of water -Simply place all of the ingredients into your blender, blitz for a few seconds or until smooth and it’s ready to serve.
    For more on Jesse, his best-selling books, his sought-after seminars, and the best online stores to purchase your superfoods in the Netherlands and UK, see www.jessevandervelde.com, www.superfood.nl and www.detoxyourworld.com.

    Master of the Month | Cherie Soria | Vitality Soup Recipe

    There is so much amazing development going on with Better Raw, it's a bit overwhelming and crazy exciting to reveal all at once, so I'm going to take it one week at a time... starting TODAY! 

    Master of the Month is our brand new series, where on the 1st of every month I will feature experts and pioneers in the field of wellness and raw food. I couldn't think of a better person to kick off this awesome series, than the beautiful and vibrant Cherie Soria!

    You may know her as the Mother of Gourmet Raw Vegan Cuisine. 
    You may know her as the founder of Living Light Culinary Institute
    You may know her as the author of best selling titles like Raw Food Revolution and Raw Food for Dummies
    To me, Cherie is a true inspiration and I could go as far as calling her the real reason for getting me hooked on raw food five years ago. I was experimenting and having fun with this new way of eating at the time, but once I tried a recipe from Cherie's book Angel Foods - I knew that I've just discovered something completely revolutionary.

    Meet our August's Master of the Month...

    Describe your typical day of eating and drinking.

    This is a pretty typical day with the addition of some cooked beans or quinoa a couple of times a week, a cooked vegan meal in a restaurant on weekends and some gourmet raw foods prepared by our students at lunch.

    6am: 1 cup jasmine green tea
    7am: 12 ounces warm water with lemon
    8am: 3 ounces E-3 Live Brain-on
    9am: 12 ounces fresh fruit smoothie (orange juice, bananas, blueberries, peaches, kale and VitaMineral Green )
    10am: green juice (kale and other leafy greens, cucumber, celery, apple, lemon, parsley)
    1pm: full meal salad bar (spring mix, sprouts, tomatoes, shredded root vegetables, veggie kraut, 1/2 avocado, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, vegetarian support formula nutritional yeast, dressed with Liquid Gold (see page 151, The Raw Food Revolution Diet)
    3pm 12 ounces water
    4pm 12 ounces water
    5pm: 12 ounces water
    5:30pm: My favorite Vitality Soup with chopped tomatoes (see recipe below)
    7pm: 12 ounces water infused with peppermint oil and or ginger juice

    What (or who) inspires you to eat well and stay healthy?

    I inspire myself. I want to be the best that I can be so I can set an example for others and show people what is possible if you take care of yourself.

    What is your biggest weakness when it comes to food and how do you deal with that?

    I don’t have any food addictions. I am addicted to feeling good. And, I am not afraid of eating cooked food when I want it and it serves me – I eat well chosen water-cooked foods like steamed broccoli, legumes, and quinoa, which are health promoting and add to my enjoyment. I do not consider it a weakness.

    Complete these sentences...

    Improving your diet is an ongoing journey.
    Staying healthy while travelling is something that takes planning and determination.
    Detoxing is important from time to time.
    Immunising is not for me.

    What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

    “You will never know what an inspiration you have been to me.”

    If you got to keep only 3 of your belongings- 1 thing from your kitchen, 1 thing from your garden, 1 thing from your bookshelf - what would they be?

    My favorite chef knife. The rich soil I have spent years building.  My most recent book, Raw Food For Dummies, which I coauthored with my husband, Dan Ladermann. It was a labor of love that people tell us is making healthy living easy and delicious for them! Our goal in writing it was to give people everything they need to make tasty raw food meals for themselves and their families. We included how to travel raw, how to find restaurants and other raw food enthusiasts, how to set-up your kitchen and I even created a 31-day meal plan with advanced preparation instructions, so it reminds you when to soak the oat groats to make the oatmeal in time for breakfast! It’s the compilation of my years of experience and the most complete raw food book ever written.

    Why do you believe that life is Better Raw?

    I advocate a whole food, plant-based diet that is fresh, ripe, organic and mostly uncooked. Some water-cooked (steamed or braised) vegetables, legumes and non-glutinous grains are more health promoting than some raw foods that contain condensed fats and sweeteners. A balanced, health-promoting diet can contain some water-cooked foods (not fried, baked, grilled or sautéed), providing that nutrient dense raw vegan foods make up the majority of the diet. Whether cooked or raw, I recommend nutrient dense foods that are delicious (or people won’t eat them). My goal is to make food that is both healthy and delicious.


    Our Master of the Month shares her favourite raw food recipe...

    Serves 2

    1 cup orange juice
    2 cups stemmed and chopped kale or other dark leafy greens
    1 small cucumber, peeled and chopped
    1⁄4 cup fresh parsley, basil, or dill weed
    1 tablespoon light miso
    1 tablespoon lemon juice
    1⁄2 teaspoon garlic, crushed (1 clove)
    1⁄2 green onion, chopped
    1⁄2 avocado, peeled and pitted
    Filtered water as needed for desired consistency

    - Combine the orange juice, kale, cucumber, herbs, miso, lemon juice, garlic, and green onion. Blend the mixture until smooth.
    - Add the avocado and blend again — no more than 1 minute — until smooth.


    For more about Cherie Soria and the amazing Living Light International, take a tour around http://rawfoodchef.com.

    To see Cherie LIVE in action, check out her UK event in September! I am definitely not missing this opportunity and have my ticket already! Come on by and say hi to me too...