As you might know, we offer our Alkaline Cleanse packages only three months per year. Since we put a limit to how many we're able to offer, they usually sell out pretty quickly.
We send these detoxes all across the UK, which is amazing as we are now able to produce more than just enough to service London.
But, I still receive messages from many of you not residing in the UK as well as requests for tips from those that can't afford my Alkaline Cleanse, so I decided to take a day to document what the detox involves, what ingredients we put into it and how I recommend everything to be taken, so you can do your own cleanse at home :)
Here we go...

Today, I'm doing my own #AlkalineDetox #TanyasCleanse. FUN!
'Fun', because not only have I done it before but I designed it my way. I've tried many juice cleanses and noticed that long term they weren't right for me. I needed some solids to make it through; and because I felt so lethargic and starved, I noticed the pH of my body going from slightly acidic to very acidic! I played around with food combinations, added probiotics, fibre, more chlorophyll, calcium and other nutrients and minerals to the mix, spaced out all the 'snacks' strategically and BAM!... Alkaline result!
My alkaline cleanse comes complete with your own set of pH Strips so you can also monitor your own #AcidAlkaline levels through the day (or buy your own litmus paper from a Pharmacy). 💚

Here is my first 'meal' of the day on #TanyasCleanse #AlkalineDetox. I say 'meal' because it is complete nutritionally. The chia provides protein and cleansing fibre, the lime is the most alkalising food of all and the cayenne is there to fire up your digestion.
If chewing it, you'll receive extra benefits- this meal will be able to mix with your saliva, which is the first step of digestion within your system.

This is our signature organic cold-pressed juice at Tanya's. It's made of kale, spinach, cucumber, lemon & green apple. Greens contain high levels of alkaline minerals, including magnesium & calcium, but they won't digest well if the juice is gulped down. Sip slowly & focus on it making you shine from within.
Either empty the OptiBac probiotic sachet into the juice or dilute in water to have as a shot, but try to have the probiotics at the same time as sipping on the juice. Optibac offer an amazing line of live cultures for every one of your needs & this one in particular is 'for a flat stomach', because it helps against bloating during the cleanse. I recommend taking probiotics every single day for healthy intestinal flora. 💚

Enjoyed crunching on these super delicious activated sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds. They have been soaked to make them easier on the digestion, then sprouted to boost the nutrient value and their pH, then coated in spices which promote detoxification (cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, rosemary, turmeric, cumin, cayenne, pink salt) while strengthening the immune system. Finally they’ve been dehydrated below 47degrees C to keep them raw and full of enzymes.
Please chew lots and do not mix these seeds with any liquid. If you are thirsty, let them digest first, then drink after 30 minutes. 💚

This organic cold-pressed juice contains beetroot, carrots, celery, green apple, lemon and ginger. The root vegetables are helping to keep me grounded and balanced, while lowering the discomfort of toxin release from my body during my #AlkalineDetox #TanyasCleanse today. The antioxidants and electrolytes within the juice will provide you with energy and mental focus, while looking after your immune system too!

These crackers are packed with fibre to scrub your insides clean. They contain sprouted oats (all gluten free), hulled flaxseeds, chia seeds, kale, sunflower seeds, ginger, cracked pepper, pink salt and lots of wheatgrass powder.
Please do not flush them down with any liquids, chew them slowly on their own. Your body is designed to provide you with enough fluids for ideal digestion and it is possible to restore this memory within it in as little as three meals. Solids are not to be eaten with liquids and you will get great health benefits following this alkalising principle. 💚

This organic cold-pressed juice is the healthiest afternoon treat. It contains organic carrot, orange, mango and fresh turmeric root. The anti-inflammatory properties within the juice will help settle any bloating or joint issues, while the sweetness from the fruit will take care of unhealthy cravings in a healthy way.
Although citrus fruits are often mistaken for being acid, they actually leave an alkaline ash in your body after they are burned into energy. That’s true only and specifically for cold-pressed, non-processed and non-pasteurized juices, like the organic hand-squeezed juice I had at 4pm during #AlkalineDetox #TanyasCleanse.
Try sipping yours with closed eyes and visualise how your cells are waking up and guiding the acids to leave your system. 💚

This soup contains whole blended vegetables for you to get all the fibre. It, like the entire #TanyasCleanse, is also free from nuts and mushrooms, which can be acidifying for the body.
I prefer a warm soup, but would like to keep it raw, so I simply transfer mine into a bowl and add boiling water, then stir. As you are not microwaving it or keeping it over a burning stove, this won’t ‘cook’ the soup or kill any enzymes.
Ingredients: cucumber, spinach, celery, lemon, mint, peas, avocado, basil, mixed herbs, cumin, pepper, pink salt.

Crunching on raw vegetables has been found to release serotonin and aid digestion. That’s an ideal combination for boosting your body’s pH also. Sesame seeds provide the highest form of calcium, which together with the lemon are the most alkaline way to end your day. The turmeric is high in anti-inflammatory properties, perfect for calming any uncomfortable toxin release.
Remember to chew plenty and enjoy every bite consciously. Ingredients: carrots, celery, raw tahini, lemon, cayenne, pepper, pink salt.
(I decided on a change of scenery and came out into the My Chelsea reception to have my dinner and just look at what I discovered in their guest book above!)

This 1 litre bottle includes 10g of Neal's Yard Remedies Green Complex Powder. Inside is a mix of spirulina, spinach, parsley, chlorella, seagreens ascophyllum nodosum, barley grass, wheat grass, green tea extract, acerola cherry extract (on manioc maltodextrin), oat grass.
I simply add filtered water, shake shake shake and sip on it through the day while on the #TanyasCleanse. I also recommend that when you take a sip, imagine it flowing to your cells and purifying them, while you say ‘I love and respect every cell of my body. Being healthy is my divine right’.

So there you have it!
As you can see just a 1 Day Package includes more nutrients and minerals than many of us get in a whole week, but if you are after a nice internal scrub, glowing skin, weight-loss, mega energy boost, flatter stomach and serious improvement in your digestion, I'd really go for a minimum of 3 days, better yet- two lots of 3, so you get 6 consecutive days in total.
1 Day - to give your digestion a break and boost pH levels - £69
2 Days - for a system reboot and an all organ spring clean - £135
3 Days - acid toxin release and a clean, slim, alkaline start - £199
Happy detoxing!