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    Tanya Alekseeva- IIN's newest graduate!

    Holy moly, I can't believe that yet another chapter of my year is satisfyingly completed. I just sat the final test at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and graduated as a Qualified Health Coach with a 95% average! If I could do this while running my own business, travelling and planning a wedding, then it is most definitely a testament to successfully applying all the powerful techniques and exercises I've learned during the year long program.

    [Pictured is my graduation for a Bachelor of Property Degree 7 years ago].

    I will miss all the lectures and the world's most inspiring speakers on the course dearly, but I am looking ahead and already putting all of the learnings to good use. But before I jump too far ahead of myself, I am practicing a truly powerful technique, which is gratitude. It is like a muscle, which gets stronger the more you use it, but unlike a muscle, overworking it is not painful. Entirely the opposite actually.

    So right now I shall stop, breathe in the glory, flood my soul with satisfaction, marinate in appreciation and celebrate this beautiful gift.

    You know how much I love to share, so I invite you to celebrate with me and here are FIVE ways you can do just that:

    1. Pop Sunday December 8th into your diary. This is the day I will email you amazing discount codes for all the raw food, superfood and equipment on your Christmas wish list!
    2. Enjoy a completely fr*ee No-Gluten Christmas Recipe eBook, courtesy of IIN.
    3. Book two spots to my Raw Food Christmas Festivities workshop and receive a 50% discount for your friend. (Only available for the remaining 4 spots).
    4. Enter our MEGA Christmas Giveaway and the biggest raw food hamper worth £500 could be all yours!
    5. Enrol at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition by 2nd December and receive a $1000 saving, a surprise winter package and an Apple product! Tell coachblair@integrativeinstitute.com that Tanya Alekseeva told you about this one-off special.


    Tanya Alekseeva

    Raw Food & Soul Adventures Retreat 2014

    It is day six of Raw Food & Soul Adventures Retreat here in The Valley of Longevity!

    The adventure is by no means over yet, but we've already had big breakthroughs. We've concurred fears of the dark in a sweat lodge and fears of heights with zip lining. We've had all sorts of toxic crap release emotionally and physically. We've had a Shaman come to rebalance us and local energy workers introduce us to a new way of meditating. We've enjoyed, prepared and learned how to make nothing but the freshest, organic, nutrient rich, alkalising raw food meals. We've shouted 'I am God' at the top of a mega steep climb until the echo reached another dimension and awoke our own memory cells of greatness.

    I look at the group of 17 individuals that have come here from every part of the globe and can't help but fill with overwhelming joy for every single one of them. I look at my hard working family and can't help but fill with overwhelming gratitude for helping me make this magic happen. Already I'm sure that I'll be doing this all over again next year!

    Pencil in some awesomeness for 2014,
    x Tanya

    Vilca balls - an award winning energy ball recipe

    As I type this sentence, we are now well and truly into my Raw Food & Soul Adventures Retreat in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. 

    Every day has been jam packed with adventure, workshops, excursions, laughter, detox, yoga, meditation and food, glorious raw food!

    Something in particular, which was a heap of fun for everyone- also happened to be the activity during which I came to the conclusion, that we have a group of creative geniuses on our hands…

    An energy ball competition!

    First, I had everyone pull a team name out of a 'hat'. 
    Teams were either Macadamia, Pumpkin Seed, Walnut, Sunflower Seed, Almond or Brazil Nut.

    Then I introduced all the ingredients that everyone would get the chance to play with. These included everything from Goji berries and Dates, to a whole variety of Superfood powders, like Baobab, Acai, Spirulina, Barley grass, Violet Fig powder, Raspberry powder and about 15 others. 

    They were to be judged on taste as well as presentation and everyone was encouraged to forage through my parents' garden for decorations.

    Plate decoration in process:

    Energy ball mixing in process:

    The teams then presented their recipe to the group.

    And then everybody tasted and casted one vote for the best decorated plate and one vote for the best tasting ball:

     I'm only glad I didn't have to make that decision, I would've struggled big time! Just take a look at all the creativity that went on:

    I've no idea how they managed to choose with all that variety, but we had a clear winner on all accounts:

    The gorgeous Sue, Suzanne and Bill wowed all 17 participants with their taste pairing. And luckily for us, they were only happy to share their 'Vilca Balls' recipe with Better Raw readers too!

    Makes 30 small balls

    1 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds, soaked 2-8 hours
    1 cup sesame seeds
    1 1/2  cup dates, soaked 2-8 hours
    1/2 cup cacao powder
    1/2 cup Goji berries
    1 Tbsp Acai berry powder
    2 Tbsp Spirulina
    Desiccated coconut for rolling in

    -Put all the ingredients, apart from desiccated coconut, into your food processor and process until well combined.
    -Roll into equal sized balls and coat in coconut.
    -Serve right away or dehydrate for 5 hours so they last longer and get a dense chewy texture.

    My year of awesomeness with The Institute For Integrative Nutrition

    Since January of this year, amongst all other major life commitments like planning a wedding, running online programs, writing my first hard copy book, writing another eBook, launching my new alkalising superfood product- pH booster, organising my first Raw Food and Soul Adventures Retreat in Ecuador, and planning the biggest project of my life's work (to be revealed soon), I have also been studying at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition. This school is based in New York, but the course is done by correspondence. It is a part-time course full of recorded lectures by world class speakers, like Deepak Chopra, David Wolfe, Geneen Roth and hundreds more! The amount of inspiration and knowledge I've gained over this time can't be measured and I would love LOVE love for everyone who even considers doing this year long program, to look deeper into it and invest in yourself (scroll down for Special Discount news). You become a qualified Health Coach at the end of it, but what really matters to me is the person you become during it. Here is just a handful of amazing quotes which I've been jotting doing during the year. I thought you'd love them too... "Anyone I've ever met who has their shit together, was standing in it at the time." - Stephen Levine "Information doesn't mean a thing to people without inspiration." - Bernie Siegel "The way we do anything is the way we do everything. The way we eat is the way we live." - Geneen Roth "For every diet there's an equal and opposite binge (bulimia which is binging and purging is another way of depriving yourself)." - Geneen Roth "We spend our lives protecting ourselves from losses that already happened." - Geneen Roth "This is not a diet, this is a way of life, that is sustainable over a lifetime." - Mark Sisson "Don't try to help people to 'not die', help them to enjoy life!" - Bernie Siegel "People with plants in their home live 5-7 years longer. It's about relationships. Water and take care of a plant, you are already not lonely, even though you might live alone. - Bernie Siegel (about how having a relationship helps you to survive) "I always remember the words of George Halas, the owner of the Chicago Bears football team. When he was well into his eighties a friend found him in his office on Sunday, and asked him why, at his age, he was working on a Sunday. His response, 'It’s only work if there’s someplace else you’d rather be.'" - Bernie Siegel "If you love people, you'll enjoy your life. If you don't, you won't love anything you do." - Bernie Siegel "The purpose of healing is to live while you are alive instead of dying while you are alive. Healing is about being broken and whole at the same time." - Geneen Roth "If LOVE could talk to you about your relationship with food, what would it say?" - Geneen Roth "We are using the food as a doorway to understanding the rest of our lives." - Geneen Roth "Enjoy your food but eat less - choosemyplate.gov" - Geneen Roth "'I want it just because I love it'... But people that love things, take time with things. You want to be present with what you are eating, not gorging yourself with food and feeling bloated and gaseous. That's not love, that's suffering." - Oprah Winfrey "Noone wants to do business with people who give a limp handshake." - Karin Witzig "One of the reasons why McDonald's can keep their burgers at such a low cost is because of their low cost labour. They protest in order to keep the minimum wage from rising". - Michele Simon JD, MPH "Food is the most effective way of breaking down social barriers". - John Quilter, food busker "We are already eating less animal foods since a few years ago, but we are still eating 8-9 billion animals per year." - Mark Bittman "Industrialised stock producers don't want you to see what these conditions are like. They wanna fill your screens of happy farmers looking after individual animals. That's not what it looks like." - Mark Bittman "Your 'Pringle' contains 30% potato, that yoghurt has the same amount of sugar as ice cream, that whole grain cereal bar may be no better for you than a snickers." - Mark Bittman "We need to demonise soda, the way we've demonised cigarettes." - Mark Bittman "50-100 years from now we are all going to be eating a plant based diet. Whether that happens through a catastrophe or a peaceful sustainable life giving way is based on whether we make the right choices now and how we fight in this struggle together." - Mark Bittman "If you don't have your health, then you don't have anything. Life can then be a real drag and a drain on your finances." - Andrea Beaman "Pesticides are great at killing bugs. What's the difference between a human being and a bug? Size. Pesticides will do the same to us, it will just take longer." - Andrea Beaman "Pesticides accumulate in fat cells and organs to break us down over time." - Andrea Beaman "Localharvest.org to join CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) to pay approx $500USD to a local farmer and get seasonal weekly harvest for 24 weeks! That's one shop to WholeFoods Market for some." - Andrea Beaman "Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience." Ralph Waldo Emerson "Food alone wont give you that higher spiritual attunement, it along won't give you financial abundance or relationship satisfaction. But it is a necessary component, a platform. We must nail the food first!" - Mike Adams, The Health Ranger "We all want to be at the top of the mountain NOW without climbing it. It is unavoidable, so you might as well enjoy the process." - Stacey Morgenstern "If you can describe a person's problem better than they can, then they will automatically and unconsciously credit you with knowing the solution. They assume you know the answer. What is my prospect's problem? Then list specific frustrations." - Peter Drecker "You know enough. You are capable enough. You have everything you need within you." - IIN member "As soon as you trust yourself, you'll know how to live." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "In Chinese medicine, you are taught that anger is in the liver. When liver is irritated, anger occurs." - - - Joshua Rosenthal "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. And when you change the way you be with things, the things you be with change." - Paul Epstein. "The difference between meditation and morning pages is that often if you have something bothering you and go into meditation with it, you might come out thinking that nothing needs to be done about whatever was bothering you. Morning pages move you into action and usually as you start writing, by the end you know very clearly what is bothering you and what the steps are to fix it." - Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way "There are 4 questions I ask when I'm ready to binge: 1. Am I hungry? 2. Is this what I want to eat? 3. Is this what I want to eat now? 4. Is there something else that I could eat instead?" - Julia Cameron "Morning pages routine: What do I need to know? What do I need to try? What do I need to accept? What do I need to do? What do I need to grieve? What do I need to celebrate?" - Julia Cameron "Ultimately what you believe to be true, will be true for you. This is why so many don't lose weight- your brain has not received the message that your body has changed." - Marilena Minucci "The person doesn't fail. It's the strategy that fails." - Marilena Minucci "Have you ever criticised or mirrored another? It's really about you, not them. If you spot it- you've got it." - Marilena Minucci "Great affirmation to shift on a cellular level: 'Even though I don't know how/ even though I feel this way, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself." - Marilena Minucci
    If you are even slightly inspired by the sound of The Institute For Integrative Nutrition's course, I urge you to get in contact with ambassadors@integrativenutrition.com or (877) 730-5444 for more info. As a friend of mine, you can often get a spot with savings. Tell IIN, that Tanya Alekseeva sent you to secure a special price to see what's on offer.

    Raw Food Diet in Four Steps

    Photo by Tristan Glinski 

    Here is an article I originally wrote for Planet Organic. I am still getting questions and love notes popping up in my inbox from those who've read it, so I decided to repost it here for my tribe also...

    Raw Food is not just for Hollywood celebrities trying to preserve their superstar looks, slim down fast and have loads of energy, clarity and patience on a movie set. Raw Food is not a diet. Raw Food is not a phase.

    It is a way of living and it’s taking the UK by storm (or a heat wave, which we've all experienced here during summer)!

    The English are a careful bunch when it comes to making any changes to their diet and like to take on any new info -especially as radical sounding as ‘raw foods’- with a grain of salt. And rightfully so…

    It would’ve taken me forever and a half to come around to the idea of eating this way if it wasn’t what healed my bruised and damaged organs in a near fatal car accident many years ago.

    No doubt you’ve heard enough buzz on this 'diet' to want hot tips on getting started right away. If you are wondering where to begin with it or need a reminder, here are my top strategies on going raw in four easy steps:


    Let’s face it- we don’t accomplish a thing without a reason. Even when we do a good deed ‘for no reason’, it is either to make ourselves feel good, to pay off some spiritual debts or maybe to clear your conscience. It may not be obvious right now, but you are reading this for a reason. So figure out why you want to go raw (or more raw) before you even attempt it, because this will be your drive. If you are suffering from an illness, your WHY may seem like a no-brainer, but ask yourself not how you can heal, but why you’d want to. Is it to live pain-free and have the energy to play with your children? Is it to be there for your grandchild’s wedding? Is it to be a good example to those you love? Your real reasons -those that will keep you motivated to stay on track- come from far deeper within.


    It’s easy to add raw foods to your meals and you probably already have salad with your potatoes, fresh fruit with your yoghurt or raw snack bars with your coffee. But what about having a full meal per day, which is 100% raw? Food combining can be tricky for the body, as different nutrients require different parts of your digestive tract to be properly broken down. That’s why even when you add raw foods to your meals, they don’t necessary go well together and some people experience indigestion or bloating. When you have a meal that is totally raw, the benefits are pretty impressive and in most cases immediate. I suggest mastering your breakfast. It’s usually super easy and there are so many options of what you can make, like green smoothies, veggie juices, living chia seed porridge, nut milk and granola, coconut yoghurt with blueberries, dehydrated energy/muesli bars, superfood shakes, fruit salads and more. If you are struggling to come up with recipes, there hundreds right here on the blog, just enter a key word you are after in the search box on the right. When you master your breakfast, it will set the tone for the rest of the day.


    When your environment is supportive of your aspired eating habits, it becomes super easy to make healthy choices and stay on track. So clear out your cupboards, get rid of anything in your kitchen that is processed or contains fake ingredients (rule of thumb: if you can’t pronounce it, you shouldn’t be consuming it), keep your blender or juicer where you can easily reach it, so it never feels like an effort, tidy up your spice rack, clean out the fridge and de-clutter your work station. You will notice how all the energy within your home transforms to a place of where wellness belongs.


    When you master the daily meal and start to enjoy your morning green juices regularly, your taste buds will begin to change, your cells will start to rejuvenate, your energy will shift and your body will get begging for more. It is now ready for a proper cleanse. My bestselling eBook ‘Purified- Your 7 Day Detox Program’ is so popular not only because every raw food breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe is clearly outlined for your successful cleanse, but I also explain why the ingredients of each meal are there on that particular day and in that combination and give you an option of two menu plans- one for a budget detoxer and one for a luxury detoxer. When you complete a week, you are going to be feeling so transformed from inside out, that you’ll likely not want to stop there, so most people carry on and complete both weeks. But aside from all the health benefits and the momentum you’ll gain, the best thing about doing this for seven days in a row is that you will come out having learned 21 brand new recipes in just a single week. What a pro you’ll become!

    Did this article resonate with you? You are more than welcome to share it! Please simply add this blurb at the end:

    Tanya Maher (pronounced Marr) is a leading pioneer in the world of ultra-nutritious and energising plant-based foods for the whole family. Tanya co-founded 'Tanya's,’ a high-end raw cafe in 2014 and merged it with her established wellness company 'Better Raw' in 2017. She is the creator of the Amazon #1 best selling DVD 'Raw Food 101' and author of Hay House's 'The Uncook Book' (available to purchase worldwide, here). Born in Russia, raised in New Zealand and now raising her own family in London, Tanya has been hailed as one of the most recognised experts in the world of gourmet raw food by the likes of Vogue, Daily Mail and Women's Health. www.tanyasliving.com

    Would you prefer to hear these strategies LIVE and taste all the raw food goodness for real?

    I am running my final Raw Food 101 workshop for 2013 and would love to meet you! Join me on Saturday 28th September in Regent's Park, London for my signature class! Very few spots left, book here>>