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    On Sri Lanka, feeling like a failure and the best remedy for a cold

    On Sri Lanka, feeling like a failure and the best remedy for a cold

    sri lanka better raw travels

    Today marks one week since we returned from our Sri Lankan adventures.

    This destination has been on our list of places to visit for a long time (anything with tropical fruit for me and surfing for Elliot is on that list), but there was always something- either wedding planning, opening of Tanya’s, retreat in Ecuador or The Uncook Book deadline- which made it impossible for us to get away for more than 3 consecutive days.

    The baby wasn’t going to be a reason though.

    We decided early on that we’d have a travelling family and that our children would grow up learning about different cultures, foods and adventure. Why not start when they are still inside you, right?

    So at six months of pregnancy, a big growing bump and really the final month I’d be covered by insurance while flying, we finally took off for the honeymoon that was 18 months overdue. I learned a new word: babymoon!

    tanya maher pregnancy

    [Sri Lanka was magical and there is soooo much I can write about it, but I’ve already posted a daily highlight on Better Raw social channels and if you are on Instagram, I even tagged all the locations we stopped at. Just look up the hashtag #BetterRawTravels to follow along].

    Then after 10 blissful days of swimming, tanning, eating and relaxing like champions, I wake up aching all over, throat too sore to speak, nose too blocked up to breathe and eyes so watery, we had to head for the airport with my sarong instead of a hanky.

    In complete denial that I may have my first cold after 7 whole years of doing the proud raw food walk and intuitive eating, we landed back in London and I headed straight for my speaking appearance at a NZ Business Women’s Network event held at Tanya’s.

    That was last Monday and then on Tuesday I attended a bunch of meetings regarding the cafe and our recent pop-up in Selfridges, a preggie hospital check-up and even a magazine interview.

    By the time Wednesday rolled around, I was well and truly lacking all sense of desire, getting out of bed was suddenly the most tedious chore and worst of all, I was feeling so deeply sad and down, I couldn’t recognise the person experiencing any of this.

    Could this be post-holiday blues?

    Surely not, I felt so satisfied with this much-needed break and I truly looked forward to getting back to work and applying all the awesome ideas to my business which came up in Sri Lanka. And I’m also one of those super lucky/weird people that doesn’t experience jet lag.

    Could this be pregnancy blues?

    I doubt that, I’m loving every single day of being pregnant, the tiny ninja-turtle-alien dancing and bouncing inside me, observing how she reacts to various voices, the light and the positions I’m sitting or laying in, I’m loving how good my skin feels, how rarely my hair gets oily these days, how fast I tan, how full my breasts feel, how much energy I have, how peaceful I am and how natural it feels to be feeding and growing a happy little miracle.

    Then what could be making me so deeply sad?

    I couldn’t make sense of my own feelings and after various attempts to cheer myself up either with an uplifting film, feel-good-quotes, a cup of hot melted raw chocolate, switching off all wifi devices, bonding with the cutest little reptile, going for a walk to breathe in my favourite time of the year or taking a bath full of healing oils and herbs, it wasn’t until I sat down to meditate, when the answer landed on my head like a brick!

    I didn’t like the answer, but at the end of the day ‘the truth will set you free’ and my truth was simple: I am sick. I used to proudly stand up in my classes, demos or talks and tell everyone that if they ate like me, they too will stay immunised. And now I am sick. I failed.

    Ouch. That brick is going to leave a bruise.

    It’s a pretty shitty realisation to be feeling like a complete failure at what you supposedly do best.

    But I know better. I know that the toughest job of getting out of your slump is to work out what the cause is, because a problem well defined is a problem half solved. Then once you work it out, the next step is not to turn your back on it but to acknowledge your feelings and to properly ‘feel’ them out, to let yourself get as low as those feelings will take you and to stay in that space until you have no more tears to cry and nothing else left to feel.

    That’s the power of release.

    No bottling anything in, because it’s when you hold on to negativity that it might eat at you like slow-releasing poison, breaking you down like acid.

    It’s the most liberating experience that will stretch beyond your own imagination. It’s also the moment, you will know what to do next. It’s not the step to be missed because the process itself is a divine intervention and only when you surrender to the truth, that you are able to hear guidance so clearly, your whole world becomes an effortless playground.

    In my case, when the time was right, I got up, walked into the kitchen, opened up the cupboards and after going through stashes of herbs and remedies which I’ve been saving up for a ‘rainy day’ like this, I was guided to the only thing that my body must’ve been needing at the time: Cinnamon oil.

    The very next day I was well again.

    cinnamon tree and bark

    So I wanted to share with you my top 3 remedies and how to apply them next time you have a nasty cold or a flu, but hopefully before they even get a chance to develop, because…



    What helped me rid of my full blown cold also happens to be something I bought in Sri Lanka, as if the angels told me I’m going to need it in a few days. There are many places you can buy it online, just make sure it’s top quality, for example Young Living brand. Cinnamon oil promotes healthy cardiovascular and immune function, relieves symptoms of sore throats, colds and congestion and is an excellent antibacterial and anti fungal agent, great for treating infections or supporting you during detox. It’s very very strong to taste and may cause irritation for some, so I’d urge you to use it with caution, however what worked for me was putting a drop into my hot herbal tea, adding slices of ginger and dried cinnamon bark to this infusion, then deeply breathing in the aromatic steam before taking each sip.


    This remedy has been a favourite of my entire family’s and something I would’ve definitely gone for this time to help with my cold if I only had it at home. As you’ve heard, I haven’t been ill for many years so I stopped buying it a while back. What it is is a pure extraction from olive leaves and you just swallow it by the dessert spoonful straight up or diluted in cooled down herbal tea or freshly made juice. It’s a potent liquid tonic, absolutely packed with antioxidants and contains 5 times the antioxidant activity of Vitamin C and 30 times the polyphonic content of extra virgin olive oil, which fight free radicals and help destroy bad bacteria. My trusted brand is a New Zealand company called Comvita, but you can find Olive Leaf Extract is produced by many others.


    These two key superfoods, particularly when taken together, are truly a God-send. We always tend to have them at home, because whenever I feel that my body is working hard to fight something or Elliot feels a bit under the weather, we mix a heaping tablespoon of Bee Pollen with a tablespoon of Camu Camu and chew this powdery mix with a cup of herbal tea. Usually once or twice is enough to wake up the next day feeling back to normal. Bee Pollen is a complete superfood, packed with amino acids and trace minerals, while Camu Camu is a sour berry containing the highest amount of vitamin C in comparison to any natural plant food. You can find both on DetoxYourWorld.com or many other online superfood stores and physical health shops.


    Have the best healthiest week!

    Boy or Girl? Plus baked vegan carrot cake recipe...

    Boy or Girl? Plus baked vegan carrot cake recipe...

    There's a lot I love about the way my American friends celebrate special occasions. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Baby Showers. What ever the event, you can be sure they don't go about it halfheartedly.

    So you can't even imagine my excitement when my best friend- our muffin’s future God mama / the sunny Californian Britney- offered to throw me and Elliot a Gender Reveal Party!

    For those not in the know what this party entails, here’s the gist:

    Mum-and-dad-to-be get their 20 week scan and if the sonographer can see the baby’s sex, they don’t tell you, but write down Boy or Girl on a piece of paper, seal it in an envelope and you then pass it on to a friend who is throwing you the surprise party, where you and your guests find out what you are having at the same time. This could be with a treasure hunt, quiz night, blue or pink coloured balloons, etc etc. Fun, right?

    I’ve always loved the idea of finding out in this way (we’re both too impatient to wait nine months), however before Britney took over, I thought we would organise this on our own. We were supposed to get the secret envelope to one of my raw chefs at Tanya’s, who would then take a look inside and make us either a blueberry cheesecake (blue for boy) or strawberry cheesecake (pink for girl), then coat it in white icing with absolutely no sign of what colour is inside. Then Elliot and I would slice open the cake with all of our friends in the room.

    But! Britney does everything better!

    She made sure not to give away any clues and said to leave it with her. The only clue she was willing to give away was that the reveal wasn’t to be via a cake, so if I wanted to make one of my own, then it’s my call, otherwise she had the food and drink sorted too. Wowsers. That’s a whole lot of work, time and effort and even from your closest friend, it just feels like too much to accept.

    Of course I could never turn up empty handed or leave a friend to do all the work, so I promised to bring a cake. Two cakes- one for each gender.

    better raw gender reveal

    So I gathered my recipes and a plan to make it happen, but the day of the reveal also coincided with my actual birthday and Better Raw’s annual sale, so the evening was approaching faster than anticipated. By the time I calculated how long it would take me to shop for ingredients, soak the cashews, make, decorate and leave both cakes to set in the fridge, I knew I’d be hours late to my own party…

    Slightly panicked, I dove into my 20 year old recipe notebook for ideas.

    Crazy to think that I still own a book so old, torn and well-travelled, half of which is filled with carefully written recipes and instructions in Russian by my 10 year old self and the other half with a whole lot of scribbles in English after I began to learn the language in New Zealand. What’s crazier is that the recipes within it either use a bunch of animal products, processed ingredients or both. Still, this is a place I like to refer to for ideas and where best inspiration comes from when creating my healthy recipe versions.

    As soon as I flicked to the page with my once-upon-a-time-favourite carrot cake, I knew I had to make it. It’s baked, which requires no setting time in the fridge, so it had to save me at least 3 hours and desperate times were upon us.

    There’s one problem- I haven’t baked for over 6 years!

    Actually there's more than one problem- the recipe contained eggs, processed sugar and other ingredients I haven't used in over 6 years either!

    But then again, I checked out my notebook for inspiration, not the recipe per se, so I took out all the healthy versions of listed ingredients from my pantry and started up a science experiment to invent 'vegan eggs’. I used a little banana for the ’slimy’ part of the egg, ground flaxseeds for the ’sticky’ part which holds ingredients together and coconut yogurt to make it ‘mushy’. It didn't take long to invent, however having not baked in such a long time, I completely forgot the fact that there is baking AND cooling time involved before icing the cake, so we were still late to our own party afterall. The cake was AMAZING though!

    tanya maher baby gender reveal party

    Recipe below, but first, the remainder of the story…

    We arrived at Tanya’s in Chelsea, where a portion of the cafe was reserved just for our group and decorated in the most adorable blue and pink colour palette. There was really nothing to give away the gender at that stage though- Britney made sure to have an equal ratio of blue to pink for everything.

    We had such a good time catching up with all our friends, that I didn’t even notice how nervous I was until she called everyone to start making their way downstairs.

    Downstairs? What is down there? This was the time I dialled in my parents in Ecuador and my sister in New York via Skype and Elliot FaceTime’d his mum in New Zealand, so our families could partake in the fun.

    When our whole group entered myhotel’s darkened meeting room, we were impressed to see rows of chairs facing a large projector screen. Elliot and I knew it already, but this is when everyone else saw just how lucky we were to have a friend that would go through all this trouble. And this was before we even knew what she actually did!

    When the movie showing begun, the first video was of the God mama herself introducing what was about to happen in the most hilarious way, followed by video clips of our friends around the world sending their well wishes and vocalising their bets (and even names) on what we were having. When I say ‘around the world’, I mean around the world! Friends from New Zealand, Australia, Ecuador, New York, California, Japan, London, Portugal and even Bangkok, sent in their video predictions for us to watch.

    I wasn’t just blown away, I was an emotional wreck! Every familiar face appearing on the screen in front of us made me gasp for air. Then hearing them speak directly to us or to our baby was more than enough to make my eyes swell and my legs shake.

    By the time Britney appeared on the screen again to do the final reveal, I was so overwhelmed with emotion, gratitude, anticipation, love, nerves and adrenaline, I was no longer sure that I was ready to know. When she said that this wasn’t the way we’d find out and that we now all had to go upstairs and look for a unicorn, I didn’t know who I was relieved for the most- me, because I got an opportunity to gather myself or my family, because they could now continue watching without the shaky experience they were getting when the laptop was on my trembling lap.


    The parents and the God parents


    The Unicorn Piñata

    The rest was such a blissful blur, that I still don’t really remember where the unicorn piñata was or how it was split in half over my and Elliot’s heads or the details of what (or even what colour) fell out from inside, or who clapped first when the gender was revealed, but I’ll never forget searching my husband’s eyes for his reaction and thinking what an amazing dad he would be to a…. baby girl!

    A girl! A girl! We are having a baby girl!

    And I’ll never forget what Britney did for us. This little love bug inside my belly has already been so cherished and celebrated from the first day of discovering she was there, but she has no idea how lucky she really is with all the loving grandparents, aunties, uncles, God parents, and not to mention mum and dad, awaiting her arrival.


    It's a girl!


    Pure happiness

    And now the recipe! I asked on Facebook and Instagram if you guys were interested in a baked vegan cake recipe and to my surprise, the majority said 'Absolutely'! So here you are. It really is so delicious and using the best ingredients, I think you'll love it too..

    Baked Vegan Carrot Cake

    better raw gender reveal 4

    3 cups grated carrots
    1 cup light olive oil
    1 cup walnuts, roughly chopped
    2 cups wholemeal flour (I used spelt)
    2 cups coconut palm sugar
    EGGS (1/2 banana, 1 cup soy/coconut yogurt, 1/2 cup ground flaxseeds)
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1.5 tsp cinnamon powder
    1 tsp Himalayan salt
    2 tsp baking soda

    [For the pink icing, I used a similar recipe to the Strawberry Layer here>> and for the blue icing, I used the recipe of my Blueberry Pie filling on p.117 of The Uncook Book]

    -Preheat oven to 160 degrees C.
    – Blend oil and sugar.
    – Add banana, yogurt, vanilla extract. Blend again.
    – In a bowl- mix flour, ground flaxseeds, cinnamon, salt and soda.
    – Add carrots and walnuts, then mix.
    – Finally stir in the blended mix, scraping everything out of your blender. Stir well to combine ingredients evenly.
    – Transfer to a 8 inch tin and bake for 1 hour.

    The Uncook Book launch and Pina Colada recipe

    The Uncook Book launch and Pina Colada recipe

    Hi my friends,

    Whoa what a week it's been.

    I don't remember the last time I felt this busy, excited, energised, exhausted, emotional, productive, behind, overwhelmed and calm all at the same time. Actually, I've never had a week this full on before.

    To sum up just a portion of events that occurred in this short space of time, I had a birthday and my huge annual birthday sale which is always exciting and mega busy, my bestie threw us the most incredible and emotional gender reveal party (more on this next time), I took Tanya’s Cafe and book signing on the road for the first time ever, our dear friends and travel buddies got engaged, my first published book was officially released all over the UK, the massive competition with an insane amount of entries came to an end, prep for The Uncook Book launch was in full swing, followed by the exhilarating launch party itself and ending with travel outside of London for uncooking demonstrations and book signings.

    Sounds super fun (and it really really was), but during all the celebrations, my inbox nearly exploded and I’m now weeks behind replying to everyone (if it’s you, now you know why, love you!), my sister’s flight was so delayed that she missed the gender reveal party which she was looking forward to since the moment she learned she was going to be an aunty, the wheels on my giant suitcase broke off on the way to the Birmingham demo which made the 30kg of equipment not only too heavy for helpful strangers to drag, but especially for me with a growing baby bump, which brought on a meltdown even I didn’t anticipate, and meanwhile ‘interesting’ events kept occurring at our cafes which needed my immediate attention.

    The last thing I wanted to do is to write a post full of what sounds like complaints, but I hope you can see that I am just like everyone else :)

    I cry, I get tired, I experience stress, I forget to drink water, I worry, I think too much and I take off my cape when it needs a good clean.

    Amazing how just one day, sometimes even one moment, can remind you that you do live the best life ever and that there’s nothing in the world which would have you trading it for another.

    For me that moment was last Thursday…

    The Uncook Book launch party with some of my favourite people in the world, at my very own happy place, with my dream publisher, blessing my pride and joy into the world, may have just topped all the best nights of all time!

    Aaaand finding out that during the first week of its release, The Uncook Book has already gone into its SECOND printing. Just wow.

    Thank you so so much, it's all because of YOU!

    Here are some of the pictorial highlights from my best night ever...


    The Uncook Book ready to party


    Peanut Butter Cups from the Kid's Section (really, Adult's section, but it was going to sound strange if I had an 'Adult's Section' in the book)


    Prep in full swing. Vodka Lavendade (less the vodka for a non-alcoholic version) and Pina Colada (scroll down for recipe), both from the Party Section

    Tanya Maher, The Uncook Book

    Here I am with my book baby and a 5 months baby bump

    Tanya Maher, 5 months pregnant

    See? There really is a bump. I love it!


    The adorable Hay House team, from left: Jo, Alexandra, Jessica, Julie (the incredible and talented editor), Karen and Ruth (the hard working cutie responsible for this awesome night). But where's Amy?


    Here she is! My sweet editor Amy and her bright smile as always. Fab and Lauren in deep convo


    No uncooking party without a cold-pressed organic green juice


    And another super adorable Amy. I've come to a conclusion that the best and cutest humans are named Amy


    Sister Party! From left: my soul sister (and the one responsible for introducing me to Hay House) Michelle, my sissy-in-law Saskia and my own sister-face Alissa


    The stunning Nikki Salamony, PR for Tanya's Cafe


    Serious chocolate talk with Kris from The Raw Chocolate Company and Richi Qi from The Wellbeing Now Conference


    The always gorgeous Christy, American Girl in Chelsea


    Food glorious raw food from various sections in the book


    Alkalising Cucumber Rolls from the Party Section


    My sis of Universe + Chorus , a Pina Colada (scroll down for recipe) and a summer roll


    Luigi and my Goji Berry Trifles from the Party Section of the book


    A few words turned into such a long gratitude list, you couldn't stop me talking


    That little muffin inside was all blissed out and still with so much gratitude pouring though my body


    The love squad. Thank you all so so much for your support


    Happy times with the lovely Maxine there in the back ground and Bronwen from NZ Biz Women's Network here to support too


    A tad proud of my cake, made using a combination of recipes from the book, especially having had my sister rolling the cute energy balls, my chef Eddie decorating the cake and Rebecca Campbell blessing it


    The amazing Linda Barker of BBC's Changing Rooms


    The Uncook Book launch


    Blogger and co-creator of Plant-based Picnic, Natasha Lipman


    The Uncook Book launch


    My favourite human, personal recipe taster and loving husband, Elliot

    The Uncook Book goodie bag

    And the prize for THE BEST goodie bag goes to... Can you believe how much goodness is in here? And all in support of the book launch! Thank you so much for such generous gifts: Superfoodies, Dr. Organic, Hay House UK, Neal's Yard Remedies, Udo's Choice, The Raw Chocolate Company, Planet Organic and Seasoul & Snow



    And because I believe that every successful party post deserves a recipe, here is one you will LOVE...

    It was a hit and a half at The Uncook Book launch (above), it's the first recipe of the Party Section in the book and it includes my favourite ingredient combination EVER. Introducing...


    Pina Colada

    (serves 1)


    45ml (1.5fl oz) light rum

    120g (4.25 oz) ripe pineapple, peeled and chopped, reserving leaves from the crown to garnish

    90ml (3.25fl oz) fresh apple or pineapple juice (6 apples or 1 pineapple will usually produce enough juice for 4-6 servings)

    2 tbsp coconut butter

    2 tbsp manuka honey

    handful of ice


    -Blend all the ingredients, except the ice and garnish, in a blender until creamy, then add the ice and blend again.

    -Pour into a chilled highball glass or a goblet, garnish with the pineapple leaves and serve with a pretty straw.

    And the winner is...

    And the winner is...

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    The moment you’ve all been waiting for…

    The Complete Raw Food Kitchen Giveaway, worth £3,000, has a winner!

    Big Huge MASSIVE Congratulations to Tanya Wilkinson from London!!

    Hay House picked a winner using random.org and to all of our surprise and delight, the system blessed us with #222 and another Tanya.

    Wow. So awesome.

    Here's a picture Tanya sent us when she learned about her insane luck:

    Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 21.58.45

    Here’s a note she sent:


    Thanks you for making my day, week and year all in one go! Have been floating on air all evening.

    I wanted to send a huge heartfelt thank you to Tanya. I have been so excited about her book coming out as I am a big Tanya’s Cafe fan! She has been a huge inspiration to me and a big influence on my cooking and eating habits – to the point where I was looking up the course at the School of Integrative Nutrition just last week. Am taking this as a bit of a sign and going to save the cash to make the plunge to do it in 2016, plus have tonight booked in to a food photography workshop at the end of September to sharpen up my shooting skills for everything I’ll be making. ”



    And here’s a picture from Tanya with her mountain of prizes:


    Screen Shot 2015-09-13 at 21.58.28


    I tell you what- it certainly feels pretty damn good to make someone feel this amazing.

    How I do wish we could’ve done this for ALL of you to show you how much your support means, because it really really does. But then again this isn’t the last giveaway we will be doing and for now, let’s all congratulate Tanya and share some of the joy with her. Ah, we feel the joy!

    Thank you so so much to you guys for entering the giveaway, for purchasing The Uncook Book and for sharing your re-creations of my recipes with me on social media. I love seeing each and every post so much! To make sure that I don't miss them, tag #TheUncookBook (I will always read your post and like it, it's my favourite part of the day to check what you've made :)).

    Finally, thanks to our amazing partners and truly my favourite brands out there for your most generous gifts to make this competition the biggest in the industry...



    Hay House UK | hayhouse.co.uk

    Tribest Green Star Elite Juicer | See for more | tribest.co.uk

    JTC OmniBlend | Buy for only £250 | jtcomniblend.co.uk

    Magimix | magimix.uk.com

    Tribest Sedona | tribest.co.uk

    Hemsley+Hemsley | hemsleyandhemsley.com

    Living Milk | Get yours here

    Superfoodies | superfoodies.com

    Organic Burst | organicburst.com

    Optibac | optibacprobiotics.co.uk

    The Raw Chocolate Company | therawchocolatecompany.com

    Neal's Yard Remedies | nealsyardremedies.com

    Planet Organic | planetorganic.com

    Udo's Choice | udoschoice.co.uk

    Universe + Chorus | www.universechorus.com

    Tanya's Cafe | tanyascafe.com

    Up to 50% off sale - dehydrators, blenders, juicers, supplements, books!

    Up to 50% off sale - dehydrators, blenders, juicers, supplements, books!

    This is what you get when you ask for a bike for your birthday, but your husband doesn’t want his unborn child out on the open roads.

    As you can tell we both take birthdays rather seriously (in very different ways) and there’s nothing that makes me happier than being able to offer something to you on my own day of birth!

    It is today, which means….

    SALE TIME all weekend long, starting now!

    Scroll below to marvel over all the awesome equipment, supplements and books you can get at a fraction of their usual price. And make sure you go for it, because the savings are only there till Sunday.



    P.S. Only a very few people in the world will be able to see that I’m wearing a red cape in this picture. If you don’t see it, it’s OK, but if you do, then you have special super powers too! Use them :)



    Sale starts now and ends at 11:59PM GMT Sunday 6th September (same time as the end of Complete Raw Food Kitchen Competition)


    Screen Shot 2015-09-04 at 11.48.55

    The Uncook Book- The Essential Guide to a Raw Food Lifestyle | Hard copy

    Inside you will find over 140 easy-to-follow, accessible recipes with a modern edge, everything you need to know to set up a successfully raw kitchen and a whole lot of super handy tips that are both nutritionally viable and creatively fun. It's the perfect book for anyone who wants to celebrate life through food and there's even a Kid's Section and a Party Section (with Superfood Cocktail recipes!), as well as a whole collection of never-before-seen signature recipes from Tanya's Cafe.

    UK version available for next day delivery on Amazon.co.uk , click to save 30%. Take me there>>

    US version available to pre-order on Amazon.com, click to save 25%. Take me there>>


    Purified- Your complete 7 day detox program | eBook

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    Seduced- Raw chocolate recipes to get very excited for | eBook

    It’s all in the title really. This eBook contains 22 gorgeous & simple raw chocolate recipes, including raspberry jam centres, marzipan cigars & chocolate coated strawberries. There is even a superfoods glossary & none of the chocolate making requires any special equipment.

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    Festive- The best raw food Christmas recipes | eBook

    This eBook contains the most flavour rich, luxury recipes that are not only incredible for the Christmas & Holiday seasons, but any time of the year. You will find 30 recipes with stunning photography. Everything is as always absolutely free from gluten, dairy, non-cultured soya and wheat, but definitely not the taste!

    Enter coupon code Tanya50 at checkout and save 50%. Take me there>>


    Nourished- Comforting raw foods for winter | eBook

    This stunning full colour eBook contains 39 of my most carefully selected recipes to feel warm, comforted and nourished during winter & beyond. Get a whole heap of extra tips on staying healthy & immunised in the cold, as well as a guide to seasonal local produce.

    Enter coupon code Tanya50 at checkout and save 50%. Take me there>>  


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    I totally get what it's like to want to make all those frozen fruit ice creams, creamy cheesecakes, pastes, rawtella, nut butters, frozen cocktails, etc, but being left disheartened at the price of a Vitamix or Blendtec. Did you know that the best, closest, most incredible alternative does exist… and costs HALF the price!?
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    Hands down- the best travel companion for a raw foodie or anyone on the go with a busy lifestyle. You can grind nuts to make vegan parmasan, blend dips, sauces & salad dressings, and whizz up individual drinks to a creamy consistency. Mason jars attach right to the blender, drink right away or put on a lid and have on the go.
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    The easy way to make dairy free milks at home using the Tribest Soyabella Milk Maker. Simply add soaked soya beans and water to get fresh soya milk in 15 minutes. For raw-vegans, it can make amazing raw almond, cashew, hazelnut and other nut milks in as little as 30 seconds. It can also quickly and easily make delicious milks from a wide variety of other beans and grains such as oat, rice and coconut. The included grinding attachment can even be used to grind nuts, seeds and coffee beans.
    Enter coupon code TANYAB25 at checkout and save 25%. Take me there>>
    Udo's Choice Ultimate Oil Blend is a blend of plant-based, organic, unrefined nutritional oils free of the constituents found in processed oils. Its unique formulation provides an excellent source of the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and 6 and the fatty acid Omega 9, for incredible digestion, glowing skin, strong hair, nails and bones. Or take a look at Udo's Choice range for more options...
    Enter coupon code TANYA25 at checkout and save 25%. Take me there>>
    Wondering how I found a career I love and became a Health Coach? I studied holistic health and nutrition at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition! IIN taught part time and entirely online, by the world's best speakers, nutritionists, doctors and spiritual gurus. Check out the entire first module of the curriculum here>>
    Call +1(877)-733-1520 and mention my name (Tanya Maher) to save upto 25%. Take me there>>  
    Sale ends at 11:59PM GMT Sunday 6th September (same time as the end of Complete Raw Food Kitchen Competition)