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    sweet, ageing poison | by juliette scarfe

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    (A guest post by Juliette Scarfe of BareSkin Beauty)

    Sugar has become our constant companion in modern society. Whether added to our hot drinks, or hidden in our favourite packaged and processed foods, it’s hard to imagine life without sugar. With obesity and degenerative disease levels increasing exponentially its important to understand just how sugar can wreak havoc on your health and wellbeing. Here we discuss the truth about sugar and natural alternatives available on the market.
    Every living creature is designed to run off of a simple sugar called glucose. It is the primary unit in the study of metabolism. However, there are dangers involved with consuming excessive amounts of glucose, including: elevated blood sugar and insulin, which trigger fat accumulation, cellular inflammation and insulin resistance.

    “The average Brit consumes a shocking 1.25lbs of sugar a week”

    “The average American consumes in excess of 22 teaspoons a day”

    “In 2009, the average individual consumes 150 pounds of sugar per year.  Half of our society consumes ½ pound of sugar per day”


    Sugars are carbohydrates and are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Simple sugars are called monosaccarides and include glucose (also known as dextrose), fructose and galactose. Table/granulated sugar is sucrose (half fructose, half glucose), a disaccaride. Other disaccharides include maltose and lactose.

    The chemistry of sugar is based on the number of carbohydrates and includes monosaccharides, disaccharides and oligosaccharides. The most important monosaccarides are glucose, dextrose, and fructose.  The primary difference in these carbohydrates is the way they are digested and metabolized.  Glucose and dextrose are basically the same form of sugar. 

    “Sugar can be intoxicating, it is processed by the liver as alcohol”


    Fructose is another simple sugar that is found in nature within fruits, honey, and plant/tree nectar. This is metabolized differently than glucose and can also cause hazardous effects, when consumed in excess.


    •       After eating fructose, most of the metabolic burden rests on your liver. But with glucose, your liver has to break down only 20%.
    •       Every cell in your body, including your brain, needs glucose and “burns it up” immediately after ingestion. By contrast, fructose is primarily converted into free fatty acids (FFAs), VLDL (the damaging form of cholesterol), and triglycerides, which get laid down and stored as fat.
    •       The free fatty acids created during fructose metabolism accumulate as fat droplets in your liver and skeletal muscle tissues, causing insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Insulin resistance is now extremely common and will lead to metabolic syndrome and type II diabetes.
    •       Fructose is the most lipophilic carbohydrate, converting to activated glycerol (g-3-p), which turns free fatty acids into triglycerides. The more g-3-p you have, the more fat you will store. Glucose does not have this same effect on the body.
    •       When you eat 120 calories of glucose, less than one calorie is converted to, and stored by the body as fat. In contrast, 120 calories of fructose consumed, results in 40 calories being stored as fat.
    •       The metabolism of fructose by your liver numerous waste products and toxins, including high levels of uric acid, which triggers the body to store fat, causing you to gain additional weight. Glucose does not produce toxins in the liver.
    •       Glucose suppresses the hunger hormone ghrelin and stimulates leptin, which effectively suppresses your appetite. Fructose has no effect on ghrelin and interferes with your brain's ability to communicate with leptin, resulting in scientifically proven overeating.


    Historically, around 1000 years ago, sugar was used in a variety of ways, such as:

    •       For medicinal purposes
    •       As a preservative
    •       As a spice
    •       As a sweetener   
    Up to the seventeenth century, sugar was an expensive luxury item considered a sign of status and wealth. In England and Wales, from 1663 to 1775, consumption increased twentyfold and rose more rapidly than bread, meat, and dairy products. This was due to a massive increase in the volume of sugar produced, this drove down the price to make it available and affordable to the masses.


    Sadly, the environment is negatively affected by sugar production all over the world. Sugar cane is a highly water intensive crop, grown under monoculture conditions, which depletes trace minerals in the soil and leads to soil erosion. Refined sugar is responsible for the greatest loss of biodiversity than any other crop. Forests and natural habitats are destroyed and cleared to make way for sugar crops and excessive amounts of fossil fuel are needed in the production process.

    Therefore reducing your intake of sugar is not just beneficial for your health, but also for the planet. Consumers drive demand and therefore the environmental destruction that is inherent with sugar production.


    Most forms of sugar (except fructose) metabolize quickly in the body into a simple glucose form.  This glucose is then funneled into cells by the hormone insulin to provide us with energy.  This process is performed very well in our bodies, when the cells are kept sensitive to the circulating insulin.

    Modern lifestyle behaviors of excessive sugar intake, processed foods and lack of movement lead to chronically elevated blood sugar and insulin levels. Creating a cellular resistance to insulin, excessive free radical damage and inflammation throughout the body.

    •       Mal-coordinated immune system and reduction in functional ability.
    •     Excess sugar in the bloodstream is very damaging, in a process called glycosylation sugar (glucose) in the blood attaches itself to proteins until they can no longer function properly. All the cells in our bodies are partly made of proteins, if the protein becomes coated with glucose, the cell cannot get to its destination or do its job, repair or regenerate.
    •     Dehydrated cells (particularly skin cells) and depleted levels of critical electrolytes such as: potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium leading to cell death (apoptosis) and chronic muscle pain and spasms.
    •       Depleted levels of trace minerals chromium, copper, and zinc and other trace minerals that help sensitize cells to insulin.  This further accelerates cell membrane insulin resistance
    •       Increased cancer cell division and proliferation and inhibited cellular mechanisms that slow down tumor growth and inhibit cancer cell apoptosis (programed cell death)
    •       Creates tissue damaging Advanced Glycolytic Enzymes (AGE’s)
    •       Depletes the body of vital anti-oxidants such as glutathione, vitamin C & vitamin E.
    •       Inhibits Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and elevates cortisol levels (the fight of flight hormone) which causes excessive stress on the digestive system
    •       Inhibits cellular protein synthesis, which results in dysfunctional bone, muscle, and joint chemistry.  This accelerates the risk of osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and chronic muscle and joint pain.
    •       Promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria and parasites such as Candida and other yeast like organisms.  This also depletes the body of good bacteria and can lead to chronic infections in the gut, respiratory tissue and sinuses.
    •        Leads to obesity, elevated triglycerides, abnormal LDL:HDL cholesterol levels, elevated arterial inflammatory risk factors.
    •        Opens up the blood brain barrier, depletes the brain of trace mineral stores and allows toxins and other heavy metals to accumulate in brain tissue leading to cellular death and inflammation.
    •        Destroys nerves leading to chronic pain, neuropathies, vision disorders, and accelerated organ dysfunction.

    In humans, sweet receptors evolved in ancestral environments poor in sugars and are thus not adapted to high concentrations of sweet compounds. Research indicates that sugar consumption generates a supranormal reward signal in the brain, with the potential to override self-control mechanisms and thus to lead to addiction, obesity and degenerative disease.

    There are more than 70 health disorders that are connected to sugar consumption. Some of the most common are: diabetes, poor brain development in children, lack of concentration, allergies, asthma, ADHD, hypoglycemia, mood swings, immune and nutritional deficiencies.

    “In the US, Dr Robert Lustig (“Sugar: The Bitter Truth”) has called for a tax on sugar similar to those placed on alcohol and tobacco due to its toxic nature”. 


    High sugar intake increases advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and generates free radicals and oxidative stress. Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are a complex group of compounds formed when sugar reacts with amino acids, either in the food you eat or within the body.

    There is mounting scientific evidence that AGEs may be implicated in the development of the chronic degenerative diseases associated with advanced aging, including: Cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and Diabetes.

    Of all the sugars, fructose in particular is an extremely potent pro-inflammatory agent that creates AGEs and speeds up the aging process. It also promotes the kind of dangerous growth of fat cells around your vital organs, and in particular around your waistline, that are the hallmark of high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease.

    To reduce the levels of AGEs in your body and the consequent stress your immune system experiences in order to defend against them, reduce your total fructose consumption below 25 grams per day.

    For those of us that suffer from acne, excluding sugar is extremely beneficial for your skin. People who have acne do not process sugar. Insulin is the hormone that shifts sugar (glucose) out of the bloodstream and into the cells, where we use it for energy. People with acne do not transfer sugar into their cells properly.

    Collagen forms an integral part of the skin’s structure, if it is damaged by oxidation (think of biting into an apple and leaving it, the apple skin oxidises and becomes brown almost immediately). Oxidation causes our skin to become saggy and wrinkled. Also affected is the efficiency with which the skin cells are nourished, supplied with oxygen and eliminate waste, leading to dull, tired and congested skin.

    This is not limited to sugar, but also to refined carbohydrates such as white flour and breakfast cereals, which are converted into glucose during digestion. If we do not use these sugars for energy, immediately, they are laid down as fat cells, these fats decrease the oxygen supply to cells, particularly those in the skin – leading to dull, congested and saggy skin that repairs and regenerates at a much slower rate.

    Sugar interferes with the way that the body uses vitamin C, which is needed for the formation of collagen and elastin and to support our overall health and immunity.

    Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar you eat the more elasticity and function you lose, leading to premature ageing.”

    HOW TO TAME YOUR SUGAR CRAVINGS - Refined Sugar Alternatives: 

    This will be the subject of the next upcoming article here on BetterRaw.com. If you'd like to see and sample a variety of sugar alternatives, as well as incredible raw food dessert recipes, which can be produced with healthy sugars, check out Tanya Alekseeva's class Raw Food Sweet Sensations>>

    For more from Juliette Scarfe, the natural health guru, natural aesthetician and founder of organic skincare range, Bareskin Beauty, visit www.bareskin-beauty.co.uk and connect with her on Twitter @baresknbeauty.

    raw food kitchen essentials- ingredients and equipment

    Hey there, Tanya Alekseeva here.

    Every time I run a workshop, present to an audience or coach a client- the common question is not actually about protein or calcium, but equipment for a raw food kitchen.

    Whether you are starting out and have no idea of where to begin, ready to upgrade but don't know which brand to choose or perhaps you are looking for a meaningful gift to get your raw friend, which they will actually use, I've done the research for you. Here is a list of the essentials that I use, obsess over and always recommend...

    NOTE: This post is now a permanent tab ('Shopping') of our website to refer to at any time for your convenience.

    Below is a list of UK based companies where I currently shop for all of my superfood, raw food ingredients, sprouts, aloe based beauty products and supplement needs. Physical health stores and some supermarkets are beginning to stock a bunch of ingredients, but you'll find that it's cheaper to purchase them online via the below. Click on images.


    Starting out with raw foods shouldn't be scary or overwhelming. All you really need is listed below and is incredibly affordable for a complete essentials start-up kit. I still know many thriving on high raw foods with only these basics in their kitchen.

    A good knife | Sabatier
    You don't need to spend a fortune on a chef's knife, but using a good knife is essential as you'll be chopping more fruits & vegetables than ever. This is an amazing strong built, carbon steel and blister comfort knife for all your chopping needs. Amazon>>

    An all in one blender/processor | Kenwood
    An excellent way to get started with raw food prep! This is an all in one food processor (for fine chopping and making energy balls), blender (for liquidising and smoothie making), grater (various blades for grating) & grinder (for hulling flaxseeds and grinding coffee beans or nuts). Amazon>>

    A basic centifugal juicer | Philips
    A centrifugal machine is a great entry level juicer to quickly grind produce and extract juice with least amount of prep and clean up time. If you are however looking to preserve majority of nutrients and get the most out of your greens, consider the next level in a masticating juicer (see Advanced or Pro). Amazon>>

    Nut milk bag | Living Milk
    A must have at any level, this is a multi purpose straining bag for nut/seed milk making, sprouting and even juicing if you only own a blender. When you soak nuts and seeds, you activate the enzymes, hence the milk you'll have after blending and straining is Living milk. Amazon>>

    A beginner's DVD | Raw Food 101
    A complete beginner's guide to raw food preparation in a 2.5 hour DVD. Chapters include Equipment, Smoothies vs Juices, Nut milks, Superfoods, Sprouting, Fermenting, Dehydrating, Flavours & Sauces, Quick meals, Sweets & more. Better Raw Store>>

    When you are ready to upgrade, it may seem overwhelming with all the brands and choices out there, but I've done the research for you! You are welcome :) Consider either this category or jump straight to the Raw Chef Pro if you are in for the long haul.

    A masticating single- auger juicer | Tribest's Solostar II
    This advanced juicer releases more nutrients & minerals as well as actual juice, than any centrifugal juicer. It works slowly, using a chewing action, cold pressing the juice from even the toughest greens & preserving nutrition, while taking longer to oxidise. Very affordable for the quality & freshness you'll receive. See this attachment for portable use. Tribest>>
    A high powered blender | Enpee
    Although I've never used this blender personally, it appears to look and sound just like my beloved Vitamix (see Pro Chef), but at a fraction of the cost. The sharp blades and commercial grade motor will crush ice, blend creamy smoothies and produce hot soups. The mixing rod is ideal for making soft serves from frozen fruit. Amazon>>
    A high powered food processor | Magimix or Cuisinart
    Many brands make food processors, but in my opinion there are just two categories- basic & professional, no in-between. So, when ready to upgrade- go for a top brand: Cuisinart or Magimix. Both serve the same functions to chop, grate, mix, whisk & grind, producing excellent results, so you won't go wrong, but read about my preference of Magimix under Pro Chef.

    A reliable dehydrator | Excalibur
    Dehydrators work at low temperatures to preserve nutrients, slowly extracting liquid to make food dense, warming & cooked-like. Make living breads, crackers, cookies, granola, fruit roll-ups & more. There are many dehydrator varieties at a lower cost, but anything below Excalibur or Sedona (see Pro) won't dehydrate evenly or have enough room for larger recipes like pizza bases. Remember to get paraflexx sheets too. Raw Living>>

    Here's your sneak peek into my own kitchen. Yep, I like to think of myself as a 'pro', but I've also had the privilege of using every piece of equipment I've mentioned and can honestly say, that this category includes the best of the best. All equipment comes with long guarantees and exceptional customer service to answer your questions and queries.

    A pro chefs knife | MAC
    Entirely manufactured in Japan, MAC knives are a combination of the best in Western design and Japanese knife-making craftsmanship. This is one of the very top stainless steel knives on the market, retaining sharpness several times longer than other leading knife brands, suitable for raw enthusiasts to professional chefs. Amazon>>

    A triturating twin gear juicer | Tribest's Green Star Elite
    Bringing you the ultimate in twin gear technology & maximising the benefits of your juice from any masticating juicers, nothing compares to a Green Star Elite. Not only does it work to carefully crush produce without damaging nutrients, it cold presses the most juice from all greens & now provides a 3rd stage- mixing, so that cell membranes can be easily opened to allow even more minerals to be extracted & preserved for longer. Tribest>>

    The ultimate high power blender | Vitamix
    My all time favourite kitchen equipment and without a doubt- one of the greatest loves of my life. A Vitamix is so much more than a blender, it is superb for making soft serves, pastes, smoothies, hot soups, doughs and even rawtella. The powerful motor & sharp blades break through cellulose cells in greens, making nutrients more available for us to assimilate when drinking smoothies. Get free shipping with my promo code>>

    The best performing food processor | Magimix 5200
    Smooth, quiet & so easy to use- Magimix processor even adjusts the power automatically depending on what's in the bowl. The quality is unparalleled to any other (20 years motor guarantee!!), it's manufactured in France by the giant of all commercial food processors- Robot Coupe. Larger capacity recommended, see comparison guide here. Amazon>>

    A commercial grade dehydrator | Tribest's Sedona
    Sedona Dehydrator is the best I've ever used, while making living breads, flax crackers, veggie burgers, kale chips, fruit leathers, granola, cookies & more. It can be divided into 2 drying chambers if you aren't taking up full capacity, has an all-digital control panel, extra quiet fans for night time operation & a gorgeous glass window. Remember to order Teflon sheets too. Tribest>>

    I don't like to overload my kitchen with too many gadgets, which seem exciting but hardly get used, so here you'll find only the important bits I'd recommend. I even listed them in order of importance from my own personal experience.

    Water purifier | EVA
    I own this particular model with the infrared mineral tray and can definitely taste the difference in purity of water even distinguishable from bought mineral water in glass bottles. It is accredited and scientifically proven by independent laboratories and is currently the most complete filter cartridge system in Europe. Amazon>>

    Nut milk bag | Living Milk
    A must have at any level, this is a multi purpose straining bag for nut/seed milk making, sprouting and even juicing if you only own a blender. When you soak nuts and seeds, you activate the enzymes, hence the milk you'll have after blending and straining is Living milk. Amazon>>

    Manual citrus squeezer | Chef'n Freshforce
    This super cool and handy lemon/lime squeezer is possibly the best [a little] money can buy for your raw kitchen. I contemplated on making it part of the Newbie Essentials list, but decided that anyone at any level must be blessed with this invention. Amazon>>

    A spiraliser | Lurch Spirali
    An absolutely awesome gadget for sprucing up your salads and making the most impressive spaghetti pasta out of courgettes. I also often use it to spiral carrots- they just taste so much better looking so cute! Amazon>>

    A mandolin | Grunwerg Benriner
    This original Japanese design mandolin comes with interchangeable blades. This is the best invention ever for courgette lasagna sheets, evenly sliced root veggie chips, creative salads & loads more. It gets used equally as much as the spiraliser in my kitchen. Amazon>>
    Cut resistant glove | Any brand
    One thing that puts off many from using mandolins is the fear of the sharp blade. Use it in complete confidence with this microplane cut resistant glove, which will protect your hands. One size fits all, works for either hand. Amazon>>
    A powerful citrus juicer | Tribest's CitriStar
    The Gadget Show's favourite juicer is this good looking CitriStar citrus juice extractor. It has a powerful motor, is incredibly affordable and includes a stainless steel spout for your juice to pour directly into a glass. Tribest>>

    A cleaver | Any brand
    A cleaver is vital if you plan to open young coconuts for intake of their healing electrolyte rich water and protein rich flesh. These knives are cheap and can be found at any Asian supermarkets. Make sure you get one that has its blade sitting firmly within the handle, such as this one with three rivets and a full length tang for durability, safety and performance.

    Automatic sprouter | FreshLife
    Sprouts are possibly the most nutrient dense, energising, healing & alkalising food available to man. You can make your own for pennies! Just fill this sprouter with water, add seeds, plug it in, and in 5-8 days you'll be enjoying your very own organically grown wheatgrass, micro-greens & sprouts. Tribest>>

    Ice cream maker | Cuisinart
    Even though I make perfectly amazing ice creams in my Vitamix, they must be consumed instantly, because if you freeze them, they'll turn into a block of ice. The ice cream maker works slowly to stir and knead the mixture of coconut flesh, cashew creams, berries and fruits to produce commercial quality ice creams, dairy free yogurts & sorbets. Amazon>>

    I'd never want my health and dietary preference to be compromised when travelling and constantly asked about how I do it. Honestly, the #1 equipment I'd use is my Sedona Dehydrator, because I prepare a bunch of crackers, muesli bars & snacks in it before I hit the road, but the below list is just as essential.

    A portable blender | Tribest's Personal Blender
    Hands down- the best travel companion for a raw foodie or anyone on the go to suit a busy lifestyle. You can grind nuts to make vegan Parmesan, blend dips, sauces & salad dressings, and whizz up individual drinks to a creamy consistency. Mason jars attach right to the blender, drink right away or put on a lid and have on the go. Tribest>>

    A portable juicer | Tribest's Z-Star Manual Juicer
    This lightweight, portable juicer is very versatile too. The single-auger design uses an extremely gentle and efficient process to extract more high-quality juice from fruits, vegetable, greens, even wheatgrass and without any electric power. Note if you own a Solo Star II (Advanced Affordables category), you can just get the Z-Star Conversion Kit. Tribest>>

    A portable spiraliser | Gefu Spirelli
    A super fun & useful travel tool for making courgette noodle pastas and spiraling carrots, sweet potatoes, etc for your salads. It extracts the middle part of the vegetable, so the spiralled product can last longer- make in your hotel room and take the salad hiking! Amazon>>

    Superfood nutrition | Juice Master's green powder
    Perfect for mixing with water, juice or sprinkling on your meals, this powder will ensure you get a heap of enzymes, probiotics & amino acids to keep yourself immunised while travelling. Amazon>>
    A parasite zapper | Terminator by Don Croft
    This little pocket device is a parasite remover to help aid the body in the elimination of parasites such as bacteria, worms, yeast, and fungi. All diseased tissues are positively charged, but the zapper introduces negative ions when touching the skin, killing parasites by reversing their polarity. Totally silent, I use it on planes, while walking or even during meetings. Raw Living>>

    A water purifier | Black and Blum Charcoal
    This reusable drink bottle is great for travelling with, as the BPA free bottle is lighter than glass and it contains a binchotan active charcoal filter (6-12 months use) that purifies tap water, making it taste better. A method used in Japan since 17th Century. Amazon>>

    All the books I currently offer are digital (download yours in seconds), but I do have plans for a published hard cover book, which I'm now busy writing. Watch this space! If you are after a physical product- check out my DVD RawFood101 or a suggestion of my top picks below.

    Purified- Your complete 7 day detox program | eBook
    This eBook is a step-by-step detox guide with 2 different menu plans- 1 for the luxury detoxer and 1 for the budget detoxer. Every breakfast, lunch & dinner recipe is designed with a busy individual in mind, taking only upto 30 minutes to prepare. Comes complete with shopping lists. Better Raw Store>>

    Seduced- Raw chocolate recipes to get very excited for | eBook
    It's all in the title really. This eBook contains 22 gorgeous & simple raw chocolate recipes, including raspberry jam centres, marzipan cigars & chocolate coated strawberries. There is even a superfoods glossary & none of the chocolate making requires any special equipment. Better Raw Store>>

    Festive- The best raw food Christmas recipes | eBook
    This eBook contains the most flavour rich, luxury recipes that are not only incredible for the Christmas & Holiday seasons, but any time of the year. You will find 30 recipes with stunning photography. Everything is as always absolutely free from gluten, dairy, non-cultured soya and wheat, but definitely not the taste! Better Raw Store>>

    Nourished- Comforting raw foods for winter | eBook
    This stunning full colour eBook contains 39 of my most carefully selected recipes to feel warm, comforted and nourished during winter & beyond. Get a whole heap of extra tips on staying healthy & immunised in the cold, as well as a guide to seasonal local produce. Better Raw Store>>

    Raw Food 101- Your first steps to the healthiest lifestyle ever | DVD
    This DVD (a physical product) is the best beginner's guide to raw foods in a 2.5 hour DVD. It contains 20 easy & scrumptious recipes to give you confidence in the kitchen & health everywhere. Chapters include: Equipment, Smoothies vs Juices, Nut milks, Superfoods, Sprouting, Fermenting, Dehydrating, Easy meals, Sweets & Success Stories. Better Raw Store>>

    Recommended recipe & nutrition books
    Better Raw- pure eating, healthy thinking. This collection of my favourite raw food & nutrition books is the 'pure eating' part. Amazon>>

    Recommended inspirational & spiritual books
    Better Raw- pure eating, healthy thinking. This collection of my favourite inspiration & empowerment books for the mind & soul is the 'healthy thinking' part. Amazon>>

    If you have any suggestions of your own, perhaps I've missed your favourite equipment or you'd like me to recommend something specific, please leave me a comment below. I'll review the product and definitely add it to the list if it's a goodie. 

    lately in the press

    Hello my friendly friends, 

    Guess what! At last, I have an entire tab devoted to press articles and media appearances featuring Better Raw on BetterRaw.com

    The tab is called Appearing and I've combined it with what used to be called Watching. Now all the media outlets where our articles and reviews have appeared as well as all the YouTube videos which I've released are all in one place. Hurray!

    Below you will see some of the latest articles in more detail incase you didn't manage to grab the magazines in time...

    February/March 2013

    March 2012:

    February 2013:

    January 2013 - Issue 6

    December 2012

    Autumn 2012 - Issue 25

    October 2012

    26 September 2012 - Issue 143

    International Lifestyle Magazine
    September 2012 - No. 42

    Untangled FM
    The Gourmet Revolution Show about why 'Better Raw'
    12 September 2012

    The Weekender
    March 9 2012

    Funky Raw Magazine
    Spring 2012

    Get Fresh! magazine
    Spring 2012

    Funky Raw Magazine
    Autumn 2011 - Issue 21

    Simply Beautiful Magazine
    October 2011 - Issue 13

    holy guacamole! here's a fantastic avocado based DIY face mask recipe

    A guest post...

    Over at NaturalCures.com, we love all things DIY. I’m not talking knocking up a shelf here and there or carpeting your living room, but concocting your very own beauty products from raw food. Sounds bizarre, but I’m a big fan! And when I heard Tanya of this here blog was happy to have me write a guest post for www.betterraw.com, I was raring to get stuck in.

    You see, this year I’ve taken up a brand new hobby – aromatherapy. But while I’m not exactly an expert at creating beautifully aromatic blends just yet, I’ve certainly had lots of fun having a go. I’ve been adding lavender oil to my bathtub water for a relaxing soak, whipped up natural bath bombs and fizzers, and even had a go creating a face mask – and I’d love to share this quick and easy face mask recipe with you.

    It’s not quite guacamole, but it contains one of the dip’s key ingredients – avocado. It’s loved by former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham, and if it’s good enough for an A-lister like ‘Posh’, it’s definitely good enough for me.

    Here’s how you can make your own...

    You’ll need:
    •        ½ avocado
    •        One teaspoon of almond oil

    To prepare:
    •       Start by mashing the avocado in a bowl and add the oil, stirring to combine.
    •        Apply the mask to your face, being sure to avoid the delicate eye area.
    •        Let the mask sit for around 15 minutes, before rinsing with warm water, followed by cool water.
    • Pat the face dry with a towel – et voila, beautifully soft skin!
    The mask is ideal for dry skin – perfect during the cold snap we’re experiencing here in our UK base of Halifax, West Yorkshire!

    Have you ever dabbled in making your own beauty products? I’d love to know how you got on?

    A big thank you to Tanya for letting us raid her blog to write this little post!

    We’d love to have you as a member over at NaturalCures.com. There are loads of fantastic benefits to signing up for a great value monthly or yearly membership. Enjoy everything from free books and special reports, up to $2,000 of discounts on natural health products, and access to articles, newsletters and ‘cure report’ documents for over 200 illnesses.

    As a bonus to all of Tanya’s readers we are offering a FREE ONE MONTH TRIAL!

    ·       Don’t forget to keep up-to-date with NaturalCures.com’s daily blog feed at http://blogs.naturalcures.com/for all the latest news in the natural health world.

    top five benefits of chia seeds and apple cinnamon chia pudding recipe

    Chia. Chia. Chia. Even the name sounds cheeky and sweet. Oh how I've been looking forward to telling you all about this wonder superfood of them all! And Raw Living couldn't have summed it up any better... 

    Chia seeds are one of the most powerful, functional, and nutritious superfoods in the world! The chia seed is an excellent source of fiber, packed with antioxidants, full of protein, loaded with vitamins and minerals, and the richest known plant source of omega-3 fatty acids.

    Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family that grows in southern Mexico. In pre-Columbian times, chia seeds were a component of the Aztec and Mayan diets and the basic survival ration of Aztec warriors, 2 tablespoons of the seeds could sustain a person for 24 hours.

    • More Omega-3 than Atlantic Salmon or Flaxseed 
    • More Antioxidants than fresh blueberries 
    • More Fibre than bran flakes 
    • More Calcium than 2% fat milk 

    Make your own "chia fresca" (see pictured above), a drink popular in Mexico and Central America: Stir 2 teaspoons of the seeds into 250ml of water (you'll end up with a slightly gelatinous liquid). Add lime or lemon juice to taste, and enjoy.

    Reasons to Eat Chia Seeds

    1. Chia Seeds Are Nutritious. On top of the fact that chia seeds have more omega-3 than any other natural source, they are loaded with antioxidants, calcium, protein, fiber, and many other vitamins & minerals. 
    2. Chia Seeds Are Energising. Not only do chia seeds give you a boost of energy that lasts, they also provide stamina and endurance. 
    3. Chia Seeds Reduce Cravings. Because chia seeds absorb so much water and have high soluble fiber levels, they help release natural, unrefined carbohydrate energy slowly into the bloodstream.
    4. Chia Seeds Are Easily Digestible. Unlike flax seed, chia seeds do not have to be ground up before you eat them. The human body can easily digest chia seeds, and they do good stuff for the body, like keeping blood pressure and blood sugar under control.
    5. Chia Seeds Are Convenient & Versatile. You can eat chia seeds straight from the bag, mix them with your favorite drink, add them to your cereal or salad, and just about anything else. 

    The gel-forming property of chia seed tends to slow digestion and sustain balanced blood sugar levels, which can be helpful in preventing or controlling diabetes. Whole, water-soaked chia seeds can be easily digested and absorbed.

    Adding just 2 tablespoons of chia seeds to your daily diet will give you approximately 7 grams of fiber, 4 grams of protein, 205 milligrams of calcium, and a whopping 5 grams of omega-3!

    Source: Raw Living- the online raw food and superfood store.

    And now onto yet another raved about recipe from my eBook 'Nourished- Comforting Raw Food Recipes For Winter' which has our subject as the star ingredient...


    2 cups nut milk
    1-2 apples, peeled and deseeded
    3 pitted dates
    2 tbsp chia seeds
    ½ -1 tsp cinnamon
    Optional sprinkles: bee pollen, raw honey, goji berries, chopped fruit, fresh berries, cacao nibs, figs, etc.
    Blend all the ingredients together, apart from chia seeds and the optional sprinkles.
    Stir in the chia and continue stirring rapidly for 2 minutes so the seeds don't clump up as they begin to form a gel. Now leave them to set for a minimum of 10 minutes.
    Sprinkle with extras and enjoy.

    Do you like this recipe? How about another 38 warming, hearty and healthy raw food recipes for winter? In my brand new eBook 'Nourished', you will find only the healthiest, enzyme rich and nutrient dense ingredients, which I specifically combined to support you and your immune system during the cold months of the year. Check out what you will find>>