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    How I healed 12 years of terrible skin...

    How I healed 12 years of terrible skin...

    I must’ve invented my first recipe when I just turned 14 years old, but it wasn’t delicious. It didn’t get better with age. It was rather unsightly too. It also caused much pain for years to come, but at the same time, it was the recipe that made me.

    This recipe involved a combination of teenage hormones, stress in my body caused by a near fatal car crash and a morphine overload pumped into me at the hospital, which I turned out to be severely allergic to…

    What I got was an entire back full of hideous, giant, repulsive acne, which I was too freaked out to lay a finger on myself, let alone have anyone know the real reason I preferred to sunbathe only my front or why I loved long sleeved dresses so much even in scorching hot weather or why I needed a sick-day as soon as the school announced a swimming event.

    It was hard enough being a teenager, but having to hide was pretty damn depressing.

    Eventually I learned to come to terms with what I thankfully didn’t need to look at, as it was going on behind me. I simply figured that it is what it is and it’s never going to go so I’ll just plan my life, my road trips, holidays, sports I played and even friends I spent time with- around how easy it is to hide my back.

    This went on for many many years. And then I discovered raw food!!

    Waamp waamp waaaaamp…

    You thought I’d have something new to share, right? Aha- that I do, and I want to tell you my secret in person!

    I’ll be doing just that at 2 epic events this May…

    MBS workshop Tanya MaherTOPIC | Detoxing the fun way (my talk and demo all about how to cleanse naturally)
    LOCATION |  Mind Body Spirit Festival at Olympia London
    TIME | 1pm-2:45pm, Monday Bank Hol 2nd May
    FEE | £15, limited seating, book here>>events tanyas talks

    TOPIC | Sexy Glowing Skin (skin expert panel revealing their top tips and secrets)
    LOCATION | Tanya’s at MY Chelsea
    TIME | 7pm-9pm, Monday 9th May
    FEE | £25, includes green juice, limited seating, book here>>


    Really hope I’ll see you at one or both of the events! They are both very different and will be jam packed with incredible eye opening info on what is going on inside your body, what is causing the issues and how to clear them (and your skin) for good.

    My own secret, which I’m going to reveal to you is so good, I usually save it for my retreat attendees only. This time I decided to share it in my classes too, since this year’s retreat is still under question…. but if for some reason you can’t make it or live too far away, let me know in the comments below that you’re keen to read about how I healed 12 years worth of awful skin. If there’s enough interest, I promise to write a post for you guys!

    Master of The Month | Mel Wells | Raw Chocolate Goji Berry Brownies Recipe

    Master of The Month | Mel Wells | Raw Chocolate Goji Berry Brownies Recipe

    I met Mel at a Hay House bloggers event, just before my book ‘The Uncook Book‘ was published and when her own book ‘The Goddess Revolution‘ was still only a dream.

    Today, we don’t only share the great honour of belonging to the Hay House family, we share a massive vision for a brighter, more vibrant, greener, kinder planet via inspiring others to be kinder to themselves. And Mel does this impressively well, every single day…

    She helps women worldwide quit dieting and finally end the war on their bodies through an abundance mindset and practicing true self love. She does this through her website, social media and an online academy. If you ever do get the chance to meet her in person at one of her retreats, I would seize the opportunity, if only to see for yourself how happy, joyful, beautiful and lovable you can be when you are as loving, sweet, kind, friendly and non-judgemental, as Mel is to herself and to everyone around her.

    Meet our April’s Master of the Month…

    mel wells - credit to caroline white2


    No matter what I choose to eat or drink, I always start by listening to my body and make my food choices accordingly. Sometimes I’ll fancy avo-toast for breakfast, sometimes it will be my sweet Sunday pancakes and sometimes I’ll just have some green juice!

    For lunch I might have a salad or eat out – there are so many great healthy restaurants in London now and then for dinner I might have my Green Goddess bowl of love or a thai green curry. I love to batch cook my main meals so dinner one night will often be lunch the next day too.


    My biggest inspiration has always been my Dad. I started researching diet and wellness when he was diagnosed with cancer, and that was the catalyst for everything I’ve done since, including becoming a health coach. I have also been hugely motivated and inspired by T. Colin Campbell’s book The China Study, and the work of Kris Carr. She’s amazing!


    I think my biggest weakness is my schedule! I have an amazing but super busy schedule, and often it’s just too tempting to overeat in case I don’t have time to eat later or to get too engrossed in work and then skip food altogether! I have to actively remind myself to pause and give myself the time to sit and enjoy a meal. I drink a lot of green juice and smoothies on the go though which keeps me feeling nourished all day.


    Improving your diet is… focus on crowding in good things, rather than cutting out ‘bad’ things.

    Staying healthy while travelling is… to plan ahead and research healthy restaurants to visit! I spent 6 weeks city hopping in the USA last year, and loved exploring all the different healthy spots.

    Detoxing is… super important but easily used as a way to crash diet. To be done mindfully!

    Immunising is… much more effective when you have less meat and dairy in your diet, less processed foods, and more raw foods, more plants and more whole foods.


    The best compliments I receive are when a client tells me that the work I do has changed her life for the better. I could not wish for anything more and there is nothing more fulfilling than knowing that what you are doing is making a difference.


    I’d love to be remembered as being a force for good in the diet industry, and a change-maker. I hope to inspire thousands of women to ditch dieting for good and find true food and body freedom for life.


    From my kitchen it would have to be my Sage Juicer. Totally adore it. From my garden it would be my herb plants, for summer salads and from my bookshelf it would be….a notebook! I am constantly scribbling down notes and making lists – I would be lost without a notebook!


    My Dad

    Kris Carr – my biggest foodie inspiration

    Marie Forleo – my biggest business inspiration


    Quite simply for how it makes you feel! Your body is so clever and will always tell you what works and what doesn’t, some way or another. The body works better when it’s fuelled with more plants, more raw foods – you will have lasting energy, sleep better, better digestion, and lower risks of getting ill. Plus you are contributing to making our planet a healthier place for us all to live in. It’s a win win.


    Our Master of The Month shares her favourite raw food recipe…




    The Ingredients

    4 cups pitted dates
    4 cups walnuts
    1 cup raw cacao powder
    1 cup goji berries
    1 cup pumpkin seeds
    2 Tbsp coconut oil
    1 large avocado
    2 Tbsp Agave Nectar


    The How

    Blend the walnuts and raw cacao together in a food processor. Add the dates in, and keep blending, a few at a time.
    Add in the avocado, coconut oil, and agave, and continue to blend.
    Transfer to a mixing bowl, and add in the goji berries and pumpkin seeds to the mix, striring with a wooden spoon so they are well distributed.
    Line a cake tin or deep set baking tray with parchment paper – and fill the mix into the tray. Using the wooden spoon, press the mix into the tray so it is spread out and level.
    Freeze the tray for 1 hour.
    Cut into brownie pieces and serve to your guests!


    For more on Mel Wells, go to  www.thegreengoddesslife.com

    three things | the raw review

    three things | the raw review

    A guest post by Michelle Aurora Hebbard.

    I get pretty darn excited about earth sourced foods and healthy snacking. I’ve been known to squeal in grocery stores on discovering aisles of healthy snacks and raw chocolates, I plan whole trips overseas around visiting raw food cafes just to taste their delicacies (and by delicacies I mean sweet treats), and I fan-girl pretty much any brand that is out there doing their bit to bring more plant based tasty goodness to the world!

    So I’m super excited to share with you what I’m digging right now in the world of plant based living…


    OM Bar Centres (where have you been all my life?)

    If you're anything like me on entering the raw food world you looked for ways to replicate your favourite childhood food with a raw healthy version.
    When I was a child I was mad about Cadbury's Roses chocolates. And not just any of them, but specifically the strawberry flavoured ones. There started my life long passion for chocolate combined with berry flavours.
    When I discovered OM Bar Chocolate I was immediately taken with their Strawberry Mylk bar. It took creamy to a whole new level in raw chocolate, with the sweet tart taste of strawberries I adore. Then came the Blueberry + Acai bar with its tart snap along side the rich raw cacao flavour.
    But recently those bars were trumped by the Raspberry & Coconut Centres bar. The closest thing to my childhood chocolate love, this bar is literally an Oh My Yummm experience. OM Bar have taken what is already an amazing chocolate bar and put a filling in it and made it extra wonderful! And they put a really pretty wrapper on it too - see it pictured below (right) next to my previous favourite.
    FullSizeRender (5)
    I've heard that there are other flavours in the OM Bar Centres range. Personally I wouldn't know, I've found my one and only and I'm sticking with it.
    Wanna know the best part? It's full of amazing nutrient rich ingredients so I don't even have to feel naughty!
    Organic ingredients: coconut cream*, coconut sugar*, raw cacao*, coconut oil*, cocoa butter*, raspberry powder*, ground vanilla powder*. *certified organic. Cocoa solids 60% minimum.
    Oh yeah!
    Immerse yourself in the world of nutrient rich chocolate here >> www.ombar.co.uk

    Nobo Icecream (a love story)

    One day in late November there was a report of snow on the horizon in my lovely town of Hove. I love it when it snows. I love it in the way that only an Australian can who grew up wondering what White Christmases were like.
    'It won't snow here, we live too close to the sea' my house mate assures me. I hope she's wrong.
    The day before the expected arrival of those dainty white flakes it was the coldest it had been all year. I could almost taste the snow in the air. I was pumped. 'It's going to snow, it's going to snow I just know it.'
    But on the morning of the next day my iPhone had converted the sweet little snow flake icon on my weather app to cloudy and rainy. What a disappointment.
    My house mate was not surprised, but on seeing my dismay she returned from the shop with a bounty of delicious ice cream. And this ain't just any kind of ice cream. It's the kind that leaves you feeling like you've just given yourself a mouthful of heaven. It's the kind that lets you forget that winter isn't for eating ice cream, and reminds you that good exists in this world when you can eat something so truly delicious which also just happens to be nutritious as well. It's even the kind of ice cream that makes you forget that it didn't snow...
    Introducing Nobo.


    Meaning no cow in Irish, this total deep freezer supermarket find has become our weekly staple for soothing anything that may not go our way.

    Made only with coconut milk and avocado it’s naturally dairy and gluten free, and just yummy beyond words. Aaaand they have a ridiculously amazing selection of flavours too, like Irish Salted Caramel, Chocolate and Toasted Almond and Vanilla and Coconut. Win, win, winner!

    Nobo is what I’ve raved about most this year, and I simply can’t wait until Summer to fill my freezer with it. Or rather, to not to be considered weird for eating it when I’m wrapped up in a scarf and thermals.

    Drool over their awesome flavours here >> www.nobo.ie



    Have you ever wanted to combine your love of chakra cleansing with your love of tea?

    In all honesty I hadn’t thought of combining the two until I came across Ellie and her beautiful brand of Positivitea chakra inspired herbal blends. And then I was like: ‘why didn’t I think of this before!? It’s brilliant.’

    As someone who has been fascinated by chakras since reading Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss I relish every chance to learn more about my own energy system and how to cleanse and strengthen it.

    So I promptly purchased a tester pack (because I have so much difficulty picking just one favourite chakra) and I embarked on a 7 day chakra cleanse.

    Each of the teas have life affirming words that connect with the colour, and the nature of that chakra, which is just so uplifting in itself.


    There are various ways that you can do a chakra cleanse, the key component as I understand it is to simply give each chakra ample attention and focus.

    Here are just a few examples:

    + Using a chakra meditation like this one from Belinda Davidson

    + Wearing the colour of that chakra that you’re celebrating that day

    + Drinking tea that embodies the essence of the chakra of the day (this is where Positiviteacomes in handy :))

    If you’re a big tea drinker I imagine that you could do all of the above and drink each of the 7 teas in the same day. But as someone who enjoys being slow and methodical I took it 1 chakra per day, starting with the root.

    Ellie has matched each tea to the chakras so that you can truly delight in the experience, and find your favourite.

    The result? A very self nurturing and loving experience with a sense of vibrancy and aliveness.

    I love this tea. It’s more than just a cup of tasty colourful loveliness to warm me, it reminds me how alive I am. But I’m still trying to pick my favourite!

    Find your favourite here >> www.positivitea.london


    I hope you’ve enjoyed this bounty of nourishing treats.


    For more from Michelle Aurora Hebbard; green lover, smoothie aficionado, and hugging pro visit michelleaurorahebbard or connect with her on Insta @AuroraClementine

    How I knew a little girl was coming... before I was even pregnant

    How I knew a little girl was coming... before I was even pregnant

    Hi guys,

    If we are not yet best buds on social media where I announced the safe and natural arrival of my mini-me, then you might’ve wondered if she’s even here yet.

    And she is!


    Not only has she been here since 8:16AM 13th January, but I have no idea how I ever lived without my little lady Lake.

    In fact she’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. Ever. I’d hear other parents say that about their children and I thought that it’s just something you say, like ‘My wedding day was the best day of my life’. Perhaps it is very much true for many, but both Elliot and I went to bed that night high-fiving each other because it was over. Heehee. Not that we didn’t enjoy it -it was the most incredible day with our favourite people, in the best location, best food, best speeches, best so many things- but we were just way too happy the planning was over and especially the first dance which we practiced in his work’s meeting room for just enough after-work hours for the security guard to get seriously suspicious.

    Back to Lake.. she is the best thing that’s happened to me and Elliot, we can’t say it enough and can’t get enough of our delicious little girl.


    We knew that we were going to have a girl way before we were pregnant. How?

    Every NYE we sit down with our note pads and list off all the amazing things that happened in a year. They don’t have to all be super happy, but they are all the things we are super happy they happened (everything eventually leads to happiness). In other words, we make a gratitude list to start off the new chapter in a state of bliss.


    On 31st December 2014, we decided to fancy up our little tradition and along with Elliot’s sis, went for a walk to my favourite place in London, Holland Park, to burn stuff. Let me explain…

    1. We wrote down our greatest wishes and desires for the new year.
    2. We read them over, breathed them in and put ourselves in a state of feeling as though everything on that paper was ours right now.
    3. Then to release all attachment to the outcome, we set fire to our folded paper. It was now up to the universe to get to work.


    I personally wrote down 3 wishes, one of which was a happy healthy pregnancy in 2015. By the time Saskia and Elliot’s bits of paper transformed into magical fairy dust, we were all ready to head back for some warmth, except we didn’t, because my bit of paper hasn’t burned out. No matter how many matches I lit or how hard I tried to shield it from the wind, we could’ve been there all night waiting for it to be finish burning.

    I decided it would be just as effective if I buried the remaining piece under all the fallen leaves and let nature degrade it when it’s ready. When my wish is ready…

    Just before I went ahead and left it behind, I was curious to see what could’ve been on that paper which didn’t want to burn.

    Then as I unfolded the wish list, it wasn’t what I wrote which shocked me, it was what I saw:


    Wow, right?

    I couldn’t have created this shape with a magic wand, let alone a match. That was the moment I knew that when we were ready to start trying, a little girl will be ready for us.

    Do you ever wonder how many messages from the universe you might be missing? Or how to look for them? Or how to interpret them when they pop up? Or maybe how to receive them when you need some guidance?..

    Then there’s nothing I could possibly recommend any more than getting involved in a Hay House World Summit this year!

    In a month’s time I’ll be writing to you to let you know how you can get the very best advice, from the very best authors, in the comfort of your own home, completely free of charge. But like with everything super mega valuable, it will also be for a limited time, so make sure you’re on the list not to miss my reminder!


    Have the best day!

    a surprising way to immunise naturally | by joanna scott-lutyens

    a surprising way to immunise naturally | by joanna scott-lutyens


    (A guest post by Joanna Scott-Lutyens of NutriEssence)

    When you feel that dreaded scratchy throat, vice-like headache or sudden endless sneezing, you know it is typically the onset of a cold or flu. Although guzzling a bunch of vitamin C might seem like the best way to boost your immune system at this time this rarely has the effect of changing the course of the illness, which often leads you to submit to it with a sigh of resignation. You might even reach for cold and flu tablets to ease the symptoms knowing that it will be a battle with every day life for a few days or weeks and you can use all the help you can get.

    But what if these symptoms didn’t make a cold or flu inevitable? What if there was another way to support your immune system that didn’t require eating a bag of oranges every day? Would you be interested to find out more?

    I’d like to introduce you to your glorious gut bacteria!

    Your gut and immunity are in fact inextricably linked. About 70% of your immune system is actually based in your digestive system, and the gut mucosa connects with a large collection of immune cells in the body. These come from what is known as the lymphoid system and are bundles of cells known as Peyer’s patches which work to protect the membranes of the small intestine from infections. They do this by releasing white blood cells known as T cells and B cells to defend from infection. These protect the gut from infection but they also migrate through to the lymphatic system preparing the whole body for an immune attack against a pathogen.

    Although your digestive system’s main role is to digest and absorb your food it also has a major role in defence. Have you ever considered that your gut is actually on the outside of your body? If you think about it you are actually open from top to bottom (literally) making your digestive system very vulnerable to attack from the outside.

    Other than the specialized immune cells, our friendly bacteria are absolutely vital to protecting our gut walls. When we take probiotics they travel to our gut and adhere to the gut wall and grow in numbers. These little bacteria are like soldiers protecting their fort wall and stopping any pathogen or infections from being absorbed into our blood stream. Sometimes called the ‘barrier effect’, this is a huge part of our immune system, and one we don’t really think of.

    As well as this is the nutritional side of immunity. More and more of us are becoming increasingly aware of how important our food is. That is fantastic news, but in order to optimise the use of these wonderful nutrients we need to be absorbing them. The correct function of the gut wall is vital for overall digestion and absorption of foods and again probiotics have a fundamental role in this. Optimised absorption of nutrients is essential for a strong immunity (you can check out the research here).

    So all of this sounds wonderful but is there any clinical evidence for this? The answer is yes. One meta-analysis1 found that the average duration of winter illness, and the number of days spent absent from work, were significantly reduced by taking a probiotic, compared to placebo.

    Another trial2 looked at immune function in professional rugby players. It was found that the group of players who took a probiotic suffered approximately 40% fewer colds and gastrointestinal infections compared to those who didn’t.

    So there are several studies highlighting the value of probiotics for keeping our cold and flu tablet bill down but how do we know which ones to buy? Well, the strain of the probiotic is very important. Different probiotics have different characteristics and are particularly beneficial for different things. In-vitro trials3 to investigate which probiotic strains were especially effective at combating food-borne bugs, found the strains L. acidiphilus UBLA-34 and B. longum UBBL-64 had excellent ability to inhibit Listeria, Yersina as well as a good ability to inhibit E. Coli and Salmonella. These strains of probiotic can be found in OptiBac Probiotics ‘For daily immunity’ (my preferred probiotic).

    In another studywhich was run in the winter season, 326 children were randomly given a placebo or the probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM® in combination with Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07. Their immunity was monitored and it was concluded that these strains in combination were an effective way to reduce colds, coughs and fever as well as time off school in children between children aged 3-5. These strains can be found in OptiBac Probiotics ‘For every day EXTRA Strength’ which is also a good probiotic for support with more challenging digestive issues.

    Want more confirmation that gut bacteria influence your immunity? Remember the last time you were stressed for a while? Did you come down with a cough or a virus you just couldn’t shake off? Stress is known to wreck havoc with gut bacteria, destroying the delicate balance of your microbiota and can be seen in how stress affects your ability to stave off bugs. Some people often get an upset tummy just before they come down with a cold or flu; another indicator that your gut is linked to your health. Antibiotics are also known to destroy not just bad bacteria but healthy bacteria too. It therefore follows that people often suffer from a bout of ill health following a course of antibiotics, again because the gut microbiota, and therefore the immune system is being compromised. These connections again underlie how inextricably connected your gut and immunity is, and therefore the importance of this surprising way to boost your immunity naturally.

    It’s never too late to start looking after yourself with these little bacteria.


    or more from Joanna Scott-Lutyens , passionate advocate of nutrition for wellbeing, nutritional therapist and founder of NutriEssence, visit www.nutriessence.co.uk and connect with her on Facebook @NutriEssence

    To find out more about the probiotics that Joanna recommends check out OptiBac



    1.Sarah King et al (2014) Effectiveness of probiotics on the duration of illness in healthy children and adults who develop common acute respiratory infectious conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis.British Journal of Nutrition. July 2014; 112(1): 41–54.

    2.Haywood, Brylee A. et al. (2012) Probiotic supplementation reduces the duration and incidence of infections but not severity in elite rugby union players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport , Volume 17 , Issue 4 , 356 – 360

    1. Laboratory analysis, Unique Biotech Limited, Hyderabad

    4.Leyer GJ, et al. (2009) Probiotic effects on cold and influenza-like symptom incidences and duration in children. Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics; Vol. 124, pp. 172-179