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    Monthly Giveaway | January 2014 Detox Hamper

    Monthly Giveaway | January 2014 Detox Hamper

     Happy New Year Everyone! We're back with the first Better Raw Giveaway of 2014 and we've sourced the perfect prizes to spring clean and reboot your hard-working systems after a busy, sociable, food-frenzy festive period! Our Detox Hamper will give you back the energy, vitality and health you deserve. Even if you haven't indulged as much as others - we applaud your willpower - you can still benefit from these health-conscious, body-loving treats as a way of reinforcing your immunity and overall well-being. So here's to ever-increasing health, happiness and good times this year!
    detox giveaway 2
    Detox Hamper Winner
    The winner of the hamper will be announced in Better Raw's Newsletter on Sunday 2nd February 2014, so to be sure you don't miss the big unveiling, make sure you have signed up to receive the Newsletter. Sign up here >>>
    Prize: Sun Chlorella 'A' Granules (20 x 3g sachets)
    Chlorella is an incredible cleansing/purifying/chelating agent which will ramp up your detoxification efforts 100 fold, no question! It's one of our favourite superfoods here at Better Raw HQ because of its nutrient-packed, heavy-metal cleansing, chlorophyll abundant properties. Chlorella is a freshwater single-cell green algae, a natural whole food that contains a spectrum of nutrients perfectly designed by nature. Those nutrients include Iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Folic Acid. Sun Chlorella® 'A' is the only chlorella that is pulverized by DYNO®-Mill. This remarkable technology liberates the nutrients in chlorella, whilst breaking up the indigestible chlorella cell wall without the need for excessive heat or chemicals. Sun Chlorella granules can be added to juices and smoothies, sprinkled over salads and even turned into salad dressings.
    Did You Know? Chlorella quadruples itself every twenty hours, growing faster than any food crop known to man. When chlorella is ingested by the human body, it dramatically increases the rate of rebuilding and healing in tissues. [Source: David Wolfe, Superfoods]
    RRP: £21.95
    Prize: 2 x Forever Living Aloe Vera Juice
    One thing is certain - Aloe Vera Gel has had a profoundly positive influence on the health and lifestyle of many. This is in part due to the adaptogenic nature of the gel - different bodies draw different benefits, according to their need for nutritional supplementation. Even those who have no particular ailment at present, report that it promotes a good healthy lifestyle and an increased sense of wellbeing.
    Benefits include:
    Maintains a healthy digestive system.
    Maintains energy levels.
    Can be used as a daily nutritional tonic.
    Balances the immune system.
    Keeps for 5 years unopened – 3 months once opened (if kept refrigerated).Did You Know? The armies of Alexander the Great carried potted aloe vera with them on their military campaigns so it could be applied to the wounds of his soldiers. [Source: David Wolfe, Superfoods]
    RRP £42.00
    Courtesy of: www.foreverliving.com
    Prize: Tanya's pH Booster,  Alkalising Superfood Greens
    Contains 22 carefully chosen grasses, herbs and vegetables.
    Contains a selection of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and other nutrients.
    Ultra concentrated – you’d need to consume large volumes of fresh greens and vegetables in order to enjoy all of the benefits obtained from drinking a glass of water containing pH booster.
    Ideal for those who have neither the time nor the inclination to search for a large number of individual superfoods.
    Ecological - every element is either certified organic or free from agro-chemicals.
    Totally raw - all ingredients are juiced and/or dried below 110 degrees F to preserve their nutrients and enzymes.
    Free from dairy and animal products and contains zero gluten, salt, starch, yeast, preservatives, sugar or any other artificial ingredients.
    Suitable for those following a vegetarian, vegan or raw food diet.
    The perfect accompaniment to Tanya’s innovative Acid-Alkaline Breakthrough program.
    Did You Know? Chronic over-acidity corrodes body tissue – and if left unchecked – will interrupt all cellular activities and functions. It takes 20 times as much alkaline to neutralise one part acid. [Source: Robert Young, The pH Miracle]
    RRP: £23.95
    Courtesy of: www.detoxyourworld.com
    Prize: 'Purified -Your Complete 7 Day Detox Program' eBook
    A complete 65-page Detox Program in one downloadable eBook.
    Option of 2 menu plans - Budget Detoxer and Luxury Detoxer.
    Every Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and snack mapped out for you.
    A 7-Day program with a total of 14 Days worth of recipes.
    46 delicious and effective detox recipes.
    No fasting - this proven program is raw food based.
    All quick to prepare under 30 minute meals.
    No Dehydrator or Juicer required.
    Easy to follow Guidelines, Tips and Daily Rituals.
    Ready for you Shopping List for each menu.
    Even information on what you'll get out of each ingredient.
    RRP £15.00
    Courtesy of: www.betterraw.com
    Prize: Shazzie's New2Raw Step-by-Step Program
    Considered the most comprehensive "go raw" program on the market right now. Contains:
    23 Days to Raw Food Heaven (Workbook) Detox Helpers (PDF) Raw Food Quickstart (PDF and Audio) Wake Up Thinking Raw (Audio)
    RRP $97.00 / £59.00
    Courtesy of: www.new2raw.com
    Prize: Raw Freedom, a physical book by Saskia Fraser
    In this stunning recipe book full of mouth-watering photographs, Saskia Fraser (the UKs leading raw food and mind body spirit coach) introduces you to more than 80 easy-to-make raw food recipes for energy, health, weight-loss and detox.  With quick and delicious recipes for breakfasts, soups, pates, pastas, main courses, and delicious desserts such as raspberry cheesecake and chocolate orange mousse, you will be amazed by the flavours and luxurious textures possible with raw food.  Saskia’s recipes are designed for normal people with busy lives, so they are simple and quick to make with the most basic kitchen equipment.  Saskia advocates eating high raw (which means lots of raw food, but not all raw food) and has a very inclusive approach that is accessible to everyone trying to find a better way to eat.  She includes chapters on how to incorporate raw and cooked foods together, how to introduce your family and friends to raw food, as well as lots of other practical and inspiring information on the raw food lifestyle.
    RRP £25.00
    Courtesy of:  www.rawfreedom.co.uk
    For a chance to win this month’s prize, follow these simple steps:
    1. Subscribe to Better Raw’s Newsletter here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re done with step 1!
    2. Follow @BetterRaw on either FacebookTwitterPinterest or Instagram.
    3. Share this week’s prize image (above) on your favourite social network using the hashtag #BetterRawGiveaway. A post to one social network counts as one entry. Post on all four to get four entries!
    4. Bonus Entry - Answer this question in the comments below: "What is the ONE piece of kitchen equipment you couldn't live without and why?"
    You have until Friday 31st January 2014 before the giveaway closes and a winner is selected. Winner announced on Sunday via our newsletter. This giveaway is open to everyone. For full T&Cs, go here >>

    Try This Tuesday | The End of Year Roundup

    If you already follow Better Raw on Facebook, it's no news to you that each weekday is a groovy topic for inspirational nuggets. Here is what you'll be used to seeing me post:
    On the last Tuesday of 2013 and to celebrate the End of the Year, here is the second half of this year's round-up of Better Raw's Try This Tuesday - from August to December 2013. To see the first half - from January to July 2013 - click here.

    If you eat oranges (and you should), then why not create roses out of peels and make a potpourri or a centrepiece for the most citrus fresh and naturally fragrant environment.

    Add more fibre to your diet! It increases stool weight and promotes speedy bowel movements, helps cure high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, IBS, constipation and colon related conditions, as well as promotes weight loss! Excellent raw food fibre sources come from psyllium husks, sprouted whole grains, oats, carrots, apples, pears and tomatoes.

    Four life changing words you can say to another person are 'I believe in you'. 
    Make sure you say them to yourself too.

    Do you ever plan your meals for the week ahead? Do you ever wish menu planning was easy? 
    Check out this excellent example of a fun and breezy menu planning DIY board... 
    Simply write the names of your favourite dishes and their recipes on the back of each card, pick out 7 cards at the beginning of every week, and take them shopping, so you have the ingredients list and all of your food can be purchased for the week ahead. Genius!

    Be the reason someone smiles today.

    Aloe Vera plants propagate quickly, so buy yourself a plant and it will keep on giving. I took the offspring (left pic) and potted it into an old candle pot (right pic)- here's what 10 months on a windowsill did.

    When I posted my 'effective moth repellent' question last week- this suggestion came up a few times. Definitely doing this!

    Recycle Recycle Recycle!
    Just check out how many gorgeous uses an old crate has for furniture.

    Clean out your fridge and pantry and get rid of every expired jar or ingredient that hasn't served you. Replace with fresh, vibrant and nutritious food. If you keep good food, you will eat good food.

    Guys - want to prevent baldness?
    Ladies - need iron to combat fatigue & anaemia?
    There's a herb you want to try! It grows wild and free for all:

    26 seconds is all it takes for the chemicals in your personal care products to enter your blood stream. If you won't eat it, then don't put it on your skin. I dare you to do a 21 day challenge of using nothing but edible natural products, like Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Essential Oils, Apple Cider Vinegar, Sea Water, Avocado, Baking Soda, Seaweed, Volcanic Clay and my personal favourite- Aloe Vera!

    Add Acai berry powder to your smoothies, cereals, crackers, salads, soups, and anything else you fancy. This superfood is a potent source of Vitamin C and many immune boosting qualities to help you ace through winter, it's packed with antioxidants to protect from many things, especially cell and skin damage, it's a great energy booster and digestive aid also.
    It tastes delicious and my shake here has 2 cups almond milk, 1 frozen banana, 5 soaked dates and 1 heaped tablespoon Acai.

    I'm excited and super proud to announce that I haven't had either a cold or a flu in over FIVE years now! Diet is the biggest contributor in my case but also due to the variety of foods that I continuously try. I wanted to tell you about 5 of them. Here are the superfoods that my body is loving this winter:

    Make your favourite raw food ice-cream, smoothie or cheesecake recipe and freeze it in ice-pop moulds. This way your freezer will always be stocked with delicious healthy desserts, anytime you have that sweet tooth craving.

    Are you eating the World's 15 Healthiest Foods? Do you know what they are and how to incorporate them into your meals? This little eBook is a completely free resource, which I've created for you to say thanks for trusting me with your email address and your passion for healthier living. You can download it in seconds, but not for much longer, as very soon- I will change it forever. Get yours here: www.BetterRaw.com

    Take a break from work for a fun puzzle or a mini challenge like this one. Then watch your productivity, creativity and problem solving abilities soar. Ok so try it and tell me the missing number in the comments, but don't read the comments for clues...

    Colloidal Silver is your immune system's best friend. It's a liquid solution in which microscopic, electrically charged particles of Silver are in suspension. It's known to kill 650 different kinds of pathogens, such as bacteria, fungus, viruses, streptococcus and many others, by inhibiting the enzymes which allow their oxygen metabolism. And it does so in minutes, safely, with no side effect. It doesn't even taste of anything. I remember my parents putting a silver coin in a jug of our drinking water when I was little and some may remember their grandparents putting silver coins in milk to preserve it. Now you can 'preserve' yourself by taking a teaspoon of Colloidal Silver a day 
    There are lots of places to get it now, just google. One example is this great brand:

    Act without expectation...

    Add 1/4 cup white vinegar or 1/2 cup baking soda to your wash cycle. Not only is it a natural fabric softener, it will also eliminate static cling.

    Rub a walnut over dings and scratches in your furniture to hide them. Now that's really thinking beyond food as medicine!

    Master 1 daily raw food meal....
    It’s easy to add raw foods to your meals and you probably already have salad with your potatoes, fresh fruit with your yoghurt or raw snack bars with your coffee. But what about having a full meal per day, which is 100% raw? Food combining can be tricky for the body, as different nutrients require different parts of your digestive tract to be properly broken down. That’s why even when you add raw foods to your meals, they don’t necessary go well together and some people experience indigestion or bloating. When you have a meal that is totally raw, the benefits are pretty impressive and in most cases immediate. I suggest mastering your breakfast. It’s usually super easy and there are so many options of what you can make, like green smoothies, veggie juices, living chia seed porridge, nut milk and granola, coconut yoghurt with blueberries, dehydrated energy/muesli bars, superfood shakes, fruit salads and more. When you master your breakfast, it will set the tone for the rest of the day. 

    The pumpkin season is among us, but don't go throwing out all those precious seeds which you scoop out! Sprinkle a bit of soil on tray, top with seeds and cover with a little more soil. Water daily and watch them sprout in 7-10 days when you can add the ready sprouts to salads, smoothies and juices.

    Stand on your head for a few minutes each day to rebalance. It's a cure for everything. David Wolfe even has a great example about how the only two mammals which don't get arthritis- bats and possums- have their 'hanging upside down to thank for that.

    Practice hydrotherapy. There is no better way to wake up and renew every cell in your body and get energised for detoxification, than taking a really hot shower to thoroughly warm up, then switching to cold for 30 seconds, repeating 3 times. Try it! It's the best energy boost ever.

    Christmas parties aren't exactly known for their healthy feasts, but the issue is not in indulging once in a while, it's in overindulging and on the wrong things. You can still have a delicious merry time with raw foods (and without the immune system crash), so why not bring a plate to your next Christmas work party or social gathering and surprise everybody? You may even changesomeone's life with this simple idea. If you are after recipes, you already know that I have a whole eBook 'Festive-The Best Raw Food Christmas Recipes' on special now (25% off), but what's more is that I have a bunch of free recipes online too! Start with this collection:www.betterraw.com/2010/12/christmas-in-raw-no-dehydrator-needed.html

    Disclaimer: I respect and support the creative minds behind each image, so every known author/artist will always be published. If however an image has no original source sited, it is only because it was either sent to me or went viral online. If you are the source or you know the source for any if the above, please leave a comment below and I'll link your creation back to you!
    To make sure you don't miss another Try This Tuesday, 'Like' Better Raw on Facebook and share it with your friends. 

    Raw in Chelsea - London's Newest SupperClub

    Raw in Chelsea - London's Newest SupperClub

    Amazing friend,I have just finished writing my gratitude+achievements list for 2013- red nose, wet cheeks, trembling hands and all. The gratitude component was over flooded and YOU were the main reason why…This activity is something I do often, but as each year comes to an end, I make a ceremony out of the ritual. I light candles, get comfortable, gather my annual calendar (for reference of past events), do a relaxation meditation and get writing. I make a bullet point extravaganza out of my notepad, then sit back and soak up every word. That second part is like another meditation all on its own. It’s powerful and humbling and it sets the ‘attitude of gratitude’ tone for the new year ahead. I hope you realise how much you mean to me.Whether you read these love notes often or once a year, you are loyal and loving- you are the one I’ve described when I prayed for a solid tribe. And for you I am grateful. We may not have met in person [yet], but I’ve always been as open and honest with you, as I am with my own family. I consider you family too and in the new year I look forward to connecting with you in an even bigger way!!


    You already know that something pretty epic is coming your way and now that we are 2/3 full for ‘Raw in Chelsea’ SupperClub, I wanted to remind you that I’ll be announcing this ‘thing’ to you in person on Wednesday 29th January over dinner… for which you still have 1 day to secure early bird tickets!

    Book the seven-course magical mystery tour of your senses now and save 21%: www.betterraw.com/p/teaching.html

    See you next year!

    Tanya Alekseeva
    P.S. I haven't forgotten that I promised you a video from Slovakia. You showed great enthusiasm for the Protein Shakes I made every morning while skiing and although the video is ready, iMovie on my laptop tends to disagree :( Hopefully you won't mind hanging on till my next update! 

    Monday Mantra | The End of Year Roundup

    If you already follow Better Raw on Facebook, it's no news to you that each weekday is a groovy topic for inspirational nuggets. Here is what you'll be used to seeing me post:
    On the last Monday of 2013 and to celebrate the End of the Year, here is the second half of this year's round-up of Better Raw's Monday Mantras - from August to December 2013. To see the first half - from January to July 2013 - click here.
    There is always always something to be thankful for.

    Don't judge me. I was born to be awesome. Not perfect.
    Complaining won't burn calories.

    You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel.
    Remember that!

    If it came from a plant, EAT it.
    If it was made in a plant, DON'T.

    I count nutrition, not calories.

    Two Things: If it makes you happy, do it.
    If it doesn't, then don't.

    Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.

    Don't let someone dim your light, simply because it's shining in their eyes.

    There is always a way.

    Optimism: it's the best way to see life.

    When things aren't adding up in your life, start subtracting.

    I know today is Monday and you assume it's going to suck, but just smile, because according to statistics, it should actually be a really nice day.

    When I lost all of my excuses, I found all my results.

    You can do anything but not everything.

    God gives the hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.

    I am too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, 
    and way too determined to be defeated.

    Laugh till your stomach hurts.

    It's a good day to have a good day.

    More sleep, more music, more tea, more books, more sunsets, more creating, more long walks, more laughter, more hugs, more dreaming, more road trips, more fun, more love.

    Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body.

    Dear Past, thank you for all the lessons.
    Dear Future, I am ready.

    Disclaimer: I respect and support the creative minds behind each image, so every known author/artist will always be published. If however an image has no original source sited, it is only because it was either sent to me or went viral online. If you are the source or you know the source for any of the above, please leave a comment below and I'll link your creation back to you!
    To make sure you don't miss another Monday Mantra, 'Like' Better Raw on Facebook and share it with your friends. 

    Friday Funnies | The End of Year Roundup

    If you already follow Better Raw on Facebook, it's no news to you that each weekday is a groovy topic for inspirational nuggets. Here is what you'll be used to seeing me post:
    On the last Friday of 2013 and to celebrate the End of the Year, here is the second half of this year's round-up of Better Raw's Friday Funnies - from August to December 2013. To see the first half - from January to July 2013 - click here.

    My fantasy is having two men at once. 
    One cooking. One cleaning.

    My roommate called me and said there's a leak in the bathroom.
    Came home to this.

    Hey girl, I grew this kale for you in my organic garden.
    [For the Ryan Gosling fans amongst us...]
    I'm changing my name to "Nobody" on Facebook, so when I see stupid crap people post, 
    I can like it and it will say "Nobody likes this."

    Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree. That makes it a plant. Chocolate is salad.

    Ladies, if a man says he will fix it, he will.
    There is no need to remind him every 6 months about it.

    Here's some Chia Seeds for you...
    and some Nori Ships for you...
    And Psyllium Husk for both of you to reset your digestion.

    Not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet, not yet.
    Too late.
    - Avocados

    I will be posting telepathically today. So if you think of
    something funny, that was me.

    I didn't make it to the gym today.
    That makes 5 years in a row.

    I love Pandas, they're so chill.
    They're like: "Dude, racism is stupid. I'm white, black and Asian."

    A little kid wrote this letter for his teacher after he was told she was sick.

    Mom? What is normal?
    It's just a setting on the dryer, honey.

    One time, Bill Murray came up to me at Wendy's, took a fry off my tray, ate it, 
    looked me in the eyes and said, "Nobody's going to believe you."

    I need a six month vacation twice a year.

    Why science teachers should not be given playground duty.

    I was about to go for a jog but it looks like it might rain so I'm gonna
    stay home and play it safe.

    I hate being so busy that I can't do personal things at work!

    I just watched my dog chase its tail for 5 minutes and I thought:
    Dogs are easily entertained. Then I realised, I was just watching my dog
    chase its tail for 5 minutes.

    Want today's wifi password?
    1. Make your beds  2. Vaccum downstairs  3. Walk the dog

    OMG! Slow down!
    You're gonna get us killed!
    Disclaimer: I respect and support the creative minds behind each image, so every known author/artist will always be published. If however an image has no original source sited, it is only because it was either sent to me or went viral online. If you are the source or you know the source for any if the above, please leave a comment below and I'll link your creation back to you!
    To make sure you don't miss another Friday Funnies, 'Like' Better Raw on Facebook and share it with your friends.