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    Master of the Month | Jason Vale | Turbo Salad Recipe

    Being a high-energy coach, it is very rarely that I look for inspiration outside of myself when it comes to liveliness. To me energy is like magic. It is like a superpower. Mysterious to observers, but obvious to the possessor of this high energy, because we know, that anyone is capable of such magic, you've just gotta go and create it.

    Jason Vale, aka The Juice Master, is one of those magicians. This man is a legend in the world of wellness, he is the leading expert in the UK and is one of the most influential people when it comes to juicing and health. He is the number one best-selling author of 10 books, DVDs and CDs on juicing, health, fitness and junk food addiction. [I'm a proud owner and enthusiastic reader of nearly all of them! But hey, there are quite a few I tell you]. Jason sold over 2 million books worldwide and is most famous for his 7lbs In 7 days - Super Juice Diet, which hit the number one best-selling spot of ALL books on Amazon, knocking out the Da Vinci Code!

    Meet our December's Master of the Month…

    Describe your typical day of eating and drinking. 

    I tend to get up and start the day with a hot lemon then I will have some kind of juice for breakfast. Maybe a Ginger Zinger or a green juice. I typically have a salad for lunch and a Smoothie and with a cooked vegetable soup or warm salmon salad for dinner.

    Who inspires you to eat well and stay healthy?

    Still the same reason I got into juicing. I was really fed up with being overweight, and dealing with psoriasis, hayfever and eczema and feeling so lethargic. I read a little book on juicing by Doctor Norman Walker and it literally changed my thinking about food overnight and my life from then on turned very juicy! I began juicing, as a novice at first, I went a bit crazy, drunk buckets of carrot juice and even turned bright orange! But even as a novice I noticed things started to improve; my skin started to clear up, I had more energy, I was losing weight and feeling absolutely amazing. So I began studying it, refined my recipes and diet and slowly became the “Master” of juicing (that’s what my friends used to call me, and it just stuck!).

    There was me, a guy from Peckham in London drinking lots of juice every day with everyone thinking I was a few strawberries short of a trifle, but I didn’t care, I was a changed man. I wrote my first book Slim for Life, sent it into Harper Collins, and the next day they called me up said it was the best thing they’d read on the subject in 25 years!

    7 books later I’m still as passionate as ever that if I can do it, so can everyone else.

    What is your biggest weakness when it comes to food and how do you deal with that?

    Without being arrogant I don't have any weaknesses. I never say no to having anything otherwise that will be all I want. It's about managing what you want. I will be good, eat well 80% of the time, but if I go out for dinner and want chips I will have chips, it's fueling your body the best way you can 80% of the time.

    My top tip for:

    Improving your diet is… furnishing the body with the finest, easiest to ingest nutrients on the planet, and juicing retains 95% of the nutrients found in fruit and vegetables. Introduce a juice a day to your diet..

    Staying healthy while travelling is… easy if you take time to plan it. I make juices and store them in containers so it will last me throughout the day. I make salads, have fruit to snack on.

    Detoxing is… removing the toxins in your body and supplying the body with the finest nutrition in the fastest possible time. I make sure I do one of mu juice programmes at least once a month to make sure my body is fighting fit.

    Immunizing is… eat plenty of these:
    Avocados – the only complete fruit in the world in that it contains every major food group and a huge array of nutrients.
    Beetroot – a blood builder, liver cleanser and beetroot juice is medically proven to lower blood pressure within half an hour of consuming it, amazing!
    Apples – more vitamins than you can shake a bunch of grapes at and a real staple for many of my juice recipes because of it’s all round high nutrient content.
    Carrots – the anti-cancer king and a real winner on the mineral front. In combination with apple juice, it tastes amazing and is fantastic for you too.
    Last one – wheatgrass – you cant put it in a centrifugal juicer but juiced fresh through a masticator or in powder form it is phenomenal for the body. In fact whole communities in America live off wheatgrass juice and have huge cancer success rates with it too . Amazingly powerful.

    How would you like to be remembered?

    I have come up with 3…

    1) Attitude of Gratitude – More important than anything else is the appreciation of life and the position we have been granted. We are in the top 1% in the world when it comes to wealth, we have access to the best foods in the world and live in a free society. That fact alone is so often under appreciated. Also, some people might be surprised to hear that a lot of my books are more about the psychology of food than about juicing. We’ve spent so many years of our lives being subtly brainwashed by BIG Food and BIG Drink companies that it’s so important to try and untangle this web of clever and deceptive advertising. Appreciating and being grateful for everything you have right now and everything that will come into your life, even if you dont do anything else, will have the biggest impact of your life and health. It’s no surprise that some of the oldest people in the world are often the happiest and most grateful.

    2) Movement is Life – More important than diet even, is the necessity to move your body every day. We have become a nation of people now sat behind a desk staring at a screen all day. You MUST make sure you get out and do something active a couple of times a day. Movement keeps the lymph system working, removing toxins and dead cells and an increased heat rate and oxygen are like superfuel to the body. I once met an 80 year old man that beat me 6-0 three times in a row at tennis. Now, I consider myself pretty good at tennis but this guy was phenomenal and I asked him what his secret was. He just said one thing, “move your body every day. I’ve been doing that all my life and I’m just as fit as I ever was”. What a living testament to his own statement! It is ridiculous that you even see kids these days unable to run, play and move because they’ve become a nation obsessed with computer games and TV, it’s heat breaking. So tip number 2, MOVE your body daily.

    3) Nature’s Liquid Fuel – We are the ONLY species on the entire earth that cooks our food. I have never once met and gorilla that can cook me a good BBQ and I don’t think I ever will. The life force that the animals of the world live off, including us, is to be found in raw, uncooked fruits, vegetables, plants, nuts and seeds. Now in today’s modern world it’s pretty impossible to consume entirely raw foods, or huge amounts of fruits and vegetables. That’s where juicing comes in, you are giving your body all the vitamins and minerals it needs in liquid form, that goes straight to the cells where its needed. A combination of the right attitude, daily exercise and the right nutrition and you have the perfect combination to life-long health.

    If you got to keep only 3 of your belongings: 1 thing from your kitchen, 1 thing from your garden and 1 thing from your bookshelf- what would they be?

    I would take my juicer from my kitchen, vegetables from my garden and my ipad from my bookshelf

    If you could host a dinner party for 3 guests (dead or alive) - who would they be and what would you serve?

    I can't answer this as there's just too many people to invite!

    Why do you believe that life is Better Raw?

    There are many foods out there touted as the new superfood, and there certainly are some foods that contain a super concentration of nutrients and antioxidants for example. BUT in all honesty all fruits and vegetables are superfoods really. They all nourish the body, provide an array of vitamins and minerals to help the body grow and repair and they are what our ancestors have been living on for years! People also ask me what particular juice I can recommend for their ailment, but I’m a real believer in the One Disease One Body approach, in that the body can not selectively heal. If you are feeding it an abundance of nutrients rich in live foods it wont cure one ailment without helping the body fix the rest.


    Our Master of the Month shares his favourite raw food recipe...

    Serves 1-2

    Why this is good for you:  
    - This salad is rich in silica, helping the hair, nails, and skin.
    - The cabbage is superb for many digestive and intestinal problems, such as bowel infections, parasites and colitus, and the broccoli is one of nature’s true super-foods, helpful for high blood pressure, liver problems and constipation.
    - The grated carrot helps to reduce inflammation of the mucus membranes in the intestines and respiratory tract. This really is one hell of a power salad!

    1 cup spinach leaves
    1 cup rocket leaves
    ½ cup watercress
    1/8 cup red cabbage, grated
    ½ carrot, grated
    ¼ cup broccoli, grated
    ½ sweet pepper (any colour), diced
    4 black or green olives
    Egg cupful of cold-pressed olive oil
    Balsamic vinegar
    1 lemon
    1 lime
    Flesh of 1 large avocado, diced into large chunks

    - Place the spinach, rocket and watercress leaves on a plate or in a small salad bowl.
    - Top with the red cabbage, carrot, cucumber, broccoli, pepper and olives.
    - Add olive oil and balsamic vinegar and juice from half the lemon and lime. Toss together.
    - Place the avocado chunks on top and squeeze over the lemon juice from the remaining lemon and lime.


    If you’d like to know more about Jason Vale, I highly recommend that you start with one of his books. 7lbs In 7 days is not only an educational book full of epic juice recipes, it is a highly entertaining read too. If I were being honest- it is the only health book I've read cover to cover AND re-read again! Yes- that good! Jason's mega juicy site is here: www.JuiceMaster.com

    Raw Food Christmas Festivities- Final Workshop for 2013 is this Saturday!

    “Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year”
    Oh yes it certainly is! But is it very healthy for most people?
    Why not make this year a little different and attend the most exciting seasonal class to discover how...
    You will be amazed at the richness of truly beautiful foods and how Christmas flavours do not have to be compromised with a raw food menu.
    THIS SATURDAY I will be teaching my very best and favourite recipes out of my new eBook “Festive-The Best Raw Food Christmas Recipes”:
       ·       Nut nog
    ·       Rosemary nut ‘roast’
    ·       Mushroom jus
    ·       Caramelised onions
    ·       ‘All the trimmings’ salad
    ·       Christmas mince pies
    ·       Cinnamon vanilla cream
    ·       Surprise treat
    Come along with an appetite, as you will be tasting everything demonstrated throughout the day.
    This workshop will only happen once this year and it is the final for 2013, so make sure you secure your spot!
    “I was not so keen to attend a cooking class, let alone a raw food class, but my wife had her way. I have to say, this is the best decision I’ve ever made (or was forced to make). I am really astounded at how excellent the food tastes and absolutely beside myself at how satisfied I feel. Just brilliant.” –S. Mansfield
    “Loved every single moment. Tanya is fantastic and really knows her stuff. All the recipes were truly the best I’ve tasted. I would recommend this class to everyone.” – R. Clarke

    WHERE | The Albany Club, Little Albany St, NW1 4DY, London
    WHEN | 10AM-12:30PM Saturday 7th December
    BOOK | £69, includes all ingredients, tasters and take away materials. Treat yourself to this delicious, educational and inspirational day, get an amazing gift experience for that special someone or sign up for 2 and save. ONE-OFF CHRISTMAS DEAL: Book for two and receive a 50% discount for your friend!! Book here>>

    See you on Saturday :)

    Tanya Alekseeva

    Tanya Alekseeva- IIN's newest graduate!

    Holy moly, I can't believe that yet another chapter of my year is satisfyingly completed. I just sat the final test at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and graduated as a Qualified Health Coach with a 95% average! If I could do this while running my own business, travelling and planning a wedding, then it is most definitely a testament to successfully applying all the powerful techniques and exercises I've learned during the year long program.

    [Pictured is my graduation for a Bachelor of Property Degree 7 years ago].

    I will miss all the lectures and the world's most inspiring speakers on the course dearly, but I am looking ahead and already putting all of the learnings to good use. But before I jump too far ahead of myself, I am practicing a truly powerful technique, which is gratitude. It is like a muscle, which gets stronger the more you use it, but unlike a muscle, overworking it is not painful. Entirely the opposite actually.

    So right now I shall stop, breathe in the glory, flood my soul with satisfaction, marinate in appreciation and celebrate this beautiful gift.

    You know how much I love to share, so I invite you to celebrate with me and here are FIVE ways you can do just that:

    1. Pop Sunday December 8th into your diary. This is the day I will email you amazing discount codes for all the raw food, superfood and equipment on your Christmas wish list!
    2. Enjoy a completely fr*ee No-Gluten Christmas Recipe eBook, courtesy of IIN.
    3. Book two spots to my Raw Food Christmas Festivities workshop and receive a 50% discount for your friend. (Only available for the remaining 4 spots).
    4. Enter our MEGA Christmas Giveaway and the biggest raw food hamper worth £500 could be all yours!
    5. Enrol at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition by 2nd December and receive a $1000 saving, a surprise winter package and an Apple product! Tell coachblair@integrativeinstitute.com that Tanya Alekseeva told you about this one-off special.


    Tanya Alekseeva

    Raw Food Sunburger from sunny Vilcabamba

    It's hard to believe that Raw Food & Soul Adventures Retreat in Vilcabamba has already been and gone. It's even harder believe that I've whispered my gratitude list and goodbyes to Vilca only this morning and am already in Quito, just hours from heading to Miami. Oh how I do love my life!
    You might've been following my retreat updates either on Facebook or on the blog (here and here), but I have more personal favourite moments, including a personal favourite recipe to share with you. We served this burger at our retreat closing lunch and it made an appearance in others' 'top favourites' box of their feedback forms too… and not only once.
    Some of my highlights below:
    Getting to do my dream work with mum and dad.
    Juicing our garden bounty with Tribest's GreenStar Elite.

    Closing night- chocolate ceremony and chakra purification in white.

    A nut-free dessert made by my mama.

    Cheftress at work.

    Goodie bags full of Palosanto products, Sun Chlorella A, The Raw Chocolate Company's choco coated mulberries and my sister's personalised handmade bracelets by Universe + Chorus.

    Bonding over wheatgrass sprouting.

    I only pick the best looking people for my retreats, can you tell?

    Wild swimming and yoga by the waterfall with Doris Fin.

    Mandango Mountain and Vilcabamba village.

    Ready to juice.
    Makes 12 burgers
    For the equipment
    Food processor
    For the burgers
    2 cups sunflower seeds, soaked overnight*
    1 cup cashews, soaked overight
    1 cup sundried tomatoes, soaked overnight**
    1 large white onion, roughly chopped
    1/2 cup fresh dill
    1/2 tsp white pepper
    Water as needed (a great opportunity to reuse the sun dried tomato soaking water)
    *The sunflower seeds will expand to 4 cups after soaking, which is normal.
    **Only soak the sun dried tomatoes if they have been preserved in salt. If they came in oil, you can skip the soaking stage, but add a little salt to taste.
    - Load the food processor with all burger ingredients, except the water. Use the Pulse function to begin chopping, then turn to High.
    - Stop to scrape down all the sides back onto the blade, turn the food processor back on and add water as needed to acquire a thick paste-like consistency.
    - Scoop the dough onto the teflex sheets of your dehydrator, forming equal sized burger patties. Use either your fingers or the back of a spoon to smooth out the edges of each patty. 
    - Dehydrate on 115degreesF for 12 hours, turn the patties over onto mesh trays of your dehydrator and continue dehydrating for another 3-8 hours.
    For the salad
    2 cups grated cabbage
    Bunch of radish, thinly sliced
    1 large cucumber, sliced
    3/4 cup fresh herbs (in particular dill, parsley and green onion)
    2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    3/4 tsp Himalayan salt
    - Mix the cabbage, radish and salt together in a bowl and massage these ingredients together using your hands.
    - Add the remaining salad ingredients and continue to massage, but very gently this time. Note this salad could be prepared a few hours in advance as all the flavours get an opportunity to marinate.
    For the extras
    Either a tomato ketchup or a curry sauce (both keep well in the fridge for upto two weeks, so make them in advance)
    Tomato slices
    Grated carrots
    - To assemble, scoop a large helping of salad into a heaped pile on your plate, position a ready burger patty on top, coat with your chosen sauce, add tomato slices, grated carrots and a fanned avocado.

    Christmas Giveaway | Better Raw's Mega Festive Hamper

    Sorry, this giveaway is now closed. Check more recent blog posts for latest giveaway contests.
    We are going all out this week - and indeed for the next month - to bring you a seriously, too-good-to-miss Better Raw Giveaway. If this doesn't blow your festive socks off, we don't know what will.

    We have teamed up with the best companies and the loveliest people to bring you this eye-widening, mouth-watering, hand-rubbing Mega Delicious Hamper, which is overflowing with health, goodness and just darn-right pure indulgence!

    We are giving away a whopping £500.00 worth of delicious, high-end prizes to just ONE lucky winner, where ever you happen to live in the world!!! Someone's doorstep is going to look like Santa's Warehouse the night before Christmas!

    Mega Hamper Winner...
    We will be announcing the winner of this ginormous hamper on Sunday 22nd December 2013, so to be sure you don't miss the big unveiling, make sure you have signed up to receive Better Raw's Newsletter. Sign up here >>>

    Prize: Detox Your World Hamper
    Kelp Noodles
    Hungry for Change DVD
    Lovechock Bars (1 of each flavour)
    Magic Moss
    Tanya Alekseeva's pH Booster
    Passion Fruit Extract
    Green Coffee Bean Extract
    Baobab Powder
    Purple Corn Flour
    Walnut Quarters
    RRP: £125.00
    Courtesy of: www.detoxyourworld.com

    Prize: The Raw Chocolate Company Hamper
    4 x Raw Chocolate Mulberries Gift Tube 150g
    4 x Raw Chocolate Goji Berries Snack Pack 32g 
    4 x Raw Chocolate Mulberries Snack Pack 32g 
    4 x Goji and Orange Raw Chocolate Bar 44g
    4 x Pitch Dark Raw Chocolate Bar 44g
    4 x Vanoffe Raw Chocolate Bar 44g
    All products are 100% organic, vegan, fairtrade and raw and include the 2013 Great Taste Award winning Goji and Orange Bar!
    RRP £55.00

    Prize: Tribest's Soyabella Milk Maker
    The Tribest Soyabella Milk Maker is the easiest way to make dairy free milks at home. It can make amazing raw almond, cashew, hazelnut and other nut milks in as little as 30 seconds and fresh soya milk in 15 minutes, as well as quickly and easily making a variety of other delicious milks such as oat, rice and coconut. The included grinding attachment can even be used to grind nuts, seeds and coffee beans.
    RRP: £109.95
    Courtesy of: www.tribest.co.uk

    Prize: 1 x Nakd Bars Goody Bag
    Nakd bars and snacks are a great way to eat nutritious, healthy food without compromising on taste. Their snack bars are made from yummy natural ingredients such as fruits and nuts which are smooched together for you into a handy bar. All their bars and snacks are 100% gluten, wheat and dairy free, with no added sugars or hidden extras.
    RRP £27.99 

    Prize: 10 x 350g breads of your choice
    Pura Vida bread is made with 100% whole and unprocessed, sprouted, living raw ingredients, not cooked or baked at high temperatures but gently and slowly dehydrated at 40 Celsius. It is gluten-free, wheat-free, yeast-free, vegan and raw, high in protein, easy to digest and laden with the full spectrum of nutritional components, just as nature intended.
    RRP £70.00
    Courtesy of: www.puravida.co.uk

    Prize: Green Bay Harvest Manuka Honey Hamper
    10+ Active Raw Manuka Honey (227g)
    Raw Manuka Honeycomb (340g)
    Apple Cider Vinegar with Manuka Honey (500ml)

    Green Bay's Raw Manuka Honeycomb is cut straight from the frame and carefully packaged by hand. It arrives completely unadulterated - no filtering, heating or processing, which makes it naturally beneficial as well as delicious because all the goodness from the hive is retained. Green Bay's Apple Cider Vinegar combines the detoxifying effect of cider vinegar with their 10+ raw Manuka Honey. This invigorating blend of soothing honey and enzyme-rich apple cider vinegar is popular for joint health and digestion.
    RRP £45.00

    Prize: 2 x 1 inch High Quality Neodymium Healing Magnets
    Each 1 inch disk offers the deepest, fastest approach to soft tissue injury whether from arthritis, pulled muscles, tendons or torn ligaments. The Neo will play a large part in the relief of pain and the reduction of inflamed and swollen joints, for the whole family. Use it as a 'plaster for pain'.
    RRP: £35.00
    Courtesy of: www.fresh-network.com

    For a chance to win this week’s prize, follow these simple steps: 
    1. Subscribe to Better Raw’s Newsletter here. If you’re already subscribed, you’re done with step 1!
    2. Follow @BetterRaw on either FacebookTwitterPinterest or Instagram
    3. Share this week’s prize image (above) on your favourite social network using the hashtag #BetterRawGiveaway. A post to one social network counts as one entry. Post on all four to get four entries!
    4. Bonus Entry - Answer this question in the comments below: "What is your top piece of advice for someone new to raw food?"
    You have until Friday 20th December 2013 before the giveaway closes and a winner is selected. This giveaway is open to everyone. For full T&Cs, go here >>