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    The Winter Recipe Round-Up, No Dehydrator in Sight

    The Winter Recipe Round-Up, No Dehydrator in Sight

    The UK has seen such a gorgeous and long summer, that I still get shocked each time I walk outside nowadays.

    I forgot what it’s like to be cold and my lordy it is coooold!

    Winter is well and truly here, or so it seems, and right around this time is when I dust off the printed versions of my eBooks ‘Nourished- Comforting raw foods for winter‘ and ‘Festive- The best raw food Christmas recipes‘.

    I wanted to share with you a recipe from Nourished, which is the most perfect side to any meal, just like mashed potatoes, except there’s not a potato in sight. There’s also no starch. Or dairy. Or anything cooked or processed for that matter. Instead though you get a beautiful combination of nourishing seasonal ingredients to keep you balanced, comforted and immunised this winter.

    Oh and I thought I’ll compile a few other recipes, that were a big hit during last frosty season and share with you below. You’ll be happy to know that no dehydrator is required for any of them.

    There are also some epic recipes, that have been featured on the blog recently but not yet in my newsletters. Keep scrolling for the round-up from our four most recent Masters of the Month…



    1 head of cauliflower, chopped

    1 cup cashews, soaked
    ¾ cup warm water
    ¼ cup olive oil
    4 tbsp nutritional yeast
    3 tbsp manuka honey
    2 tbsp lemon juice
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 tsp paprika
    salt and pepper to taste

    -First blend the cashews and water to make a creamy paste.
    -Add the remaining ingredients to the blender and blend until smooth.
    -Serve as a side dish or with ‘Never Miss Meat’ Stroganov recipe (pg. 48 of Nourished) or Mushroom Jus (pg.16 of Festive).



    raw food chia seed apple cinnamon pudding2 cups nut milk
    1-2 apples, peeled and deseeded
    3 pitted dates
    2 tbsp chia seeds
    ½ -1 tsp cinnamon
    Optional sprinkles: bee pollen, raw honey, goji berries, chopped fruit, fresh berries, cacao nibs, figs, etc.

    For instructions, go to the original post here>>  


    Better Raw Health Benefits of Ginger Juice Recipe 10 inch ginger root

    2 apples

    small bunch of mint leaves

    For instructions, go to the original post here>>  



    P10209403 cups butternut squash/ pumpkin
    1 cup pure water
    1 golden sweet apple
    juice of 1 lemon
    2 Tbsp tahini
    1/2 inch ginger root
    1/2 red chilli, deseeded
    2 garlic cloves
    1 Tbsp fresh thyme
    1 tsp turmeric
    1/2 tsp salt pinch pepper
    optional: fresh thyme, pumpkin cubes and seeds to garnish

    For instructions, go to the original post here>>  



    Anna Hart_BetterRaw_Master of the month
    1/2 cup almonds
    1 cup walnuts
    1 tbsp cacao nibs
    10 pitted medjool dates
    3 tbsp almond butter
    2 tbsp virgin coconut oil1 teaspoon vanilla paste or vanilla powder
    2 tsp spirulina powder
    1 – 2 tsp water
    1/2 cup shredded coconut to coat


    James Colquhoun _ Better Raw _Master of the Month _ Skin salad2 handfuls of young rocket
    2 handfuls of baby spinach
    1 carrot 2 radishes
    2 small cucumbers
    1 small red onion
    3 limes, juiced
    1 avocado
    1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
    1 pinch cayenne pepper
    1 tsp raw honey
    1 handful fresh herbs
    ¼ tsp sea salt


    Master of the Month _ BetterRaw _ Tara Stiles 1 handful of spinach
    1 banana
    1 cup of almond milk


    Deliciously Ella Woodward1 cup medjool dates
    3/4 cup almonds
    3/4 cup walnuts or any other nut
    2 Tbsp chia seeds
    2 Tbsp ground flax seed
    1 Tbsp coconut oil
    1 Tbsp hemp protein powder
    1 Tbsp raw cacao powder
    For instructions, go to the original post here>>

    My top 5 Superfoods for immunising during winter and always

    Touch wood, but I haven't been sick with either a cold or a flu in over five years now.

    If you asked for my secret five years ago, I would've put it down solely to green smoothie drinking. Then over time, as my diet evolved and my curiosity for superfoods, wholefoods and supplements grew, I am now confident of this:

    The immune system gets stronger with variety.

    Variety of the foods you put in your mouth, variety in your eating patterns (think detoxing and fasting), variety of seasons and temperature (think bare feet in winter and shower tempering), your exercise regime, work breaks, things you look at, places you travel to, conversations you have and so on.

    But the number one thing is and will always be- something we do and think about more often than anything else- eating.

    As a coach I often find myself reminding others to listen to their bodies, not their heads, for what they want to eat. But I do get that sometimes you have to first taste a certain food to store it in your body's wisdom library for later reference. I also get that some health foods sound too alien for a willing wallet, so hoping to decipher the code for you by sharing five immunising foods which my body is loving this winter season and why I think that you should try them too…

    photo: source
    ABOUT: Camu Camu is a bush growing in the black water rivers of the Amazon, which produces berries about the size of large grapes. They get picked at peak ripeness and frozen in the boat that collects them. Back at the plant, they are thawed, peeled and dried to a powder, which we are lucky to buy around the world. To me this is an absolute wonder food. It's about 60 times higher in Vitamin C than oranges, making it the highest source of Vitamin C in the world! So just 1/2 teaspoon of dry powder provides almost 400% of RDA. 
    HOW TO TAKE: I always keep some Camu Camu in the cupboard and only find myself taking a little before flying or at a change of every season to keep my immune system strong. Luckily I don't have the need for regular use, but Elliot is the one usually under the weather because of his work. As soon as he starts to feel like a cold is coming on, I get him to take 2 teaspoons of Camu Camu mixed with 2 teaspoons of Bee Pollen and the next day he is back to normal. Many of my clients take a teaspoon each day in smoothies or juices for 2 weeks to immunise and then just 1/2 teaspoon to maintain their health.

    Buy here>>

    photo: source
    ABOUT: Bee Pollen is a superfood used by vegetarian and even non-vegetarian athletes, because of its mega high protein content. It has 20 of 22 essential amino acids!! What's more is that to me this is like a complete food also being full of carbohydrates, Vitamins A, B and C and minerals like magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, silica, phosphorous, sulphur, chlorine and manganese. It's been known to ease and cure many allergies, to energise, lower blood pressure, improve digestion and clear problematic skin.

    HOW TO TAKE: As you've just read above, I mix it with a little Camu Camu, because the berry powder is tangy and the pollen is sweet, so they make a tasty crumble. You can eat it as is- straight from a spoon, spread it on a cracker together with almond butter, add to smoothies, cookies, energy balls, granola and anything else you'd like a little taste of honey with. Generally a tablespoon a day is a good amount, but you can't overdose on the stuff, so enjoy to your heart's desire.

    Buy here>>

    photo: source
    ABOUT: "Our bodies need essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6 for maintaining optimum heart health, brain function, supple joints and a strong immune system. They are called ‘essential’ because our bodies cannot produce them -- they need to be included in our diets. However, with modern day food processing and cooking methods which damage or destroy these delicate essential fats, our sources of “healthy”, undamaged omega oils are limited. Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend provides a simple and convenient way of ensuring the whole family can obtain these important nutrients by mixing it in with foods or your favourite smoothie (great for getting the omega oils into kids!)"

    INGREDIENTS: Flaxseed oil, Sunflower seed oil, Sesame seed oil, Coconut oil, Evening primrose oil (13mg gla/15ml), Soy lecithin, Rice bran and rice germ oils, Oat bran and oat germ. [From organically grown plant seeds. Gluten free].

    HOW TO TAKE: You really don't need to add it to anything, as the oil is actually lovely tasting as it is and it's easy to take 1-2 tablespoons daily for beautiful skin and healthy hair amongst many benefits. Otherwise you can stir that amount into salad dressings, smoothies and sauces.

    Buy here>>

    photo: source
    ABOUT: Maca is a root vegetable from Peru, which quickly gained popularity out these ways, when people discovered its hormonal balancing, libido enhancing and fertility promoting powers. It is also an amazing adaptogen, which means that it helps the body adapt to stress and therefore strengthen the immune system. It is recommended for men and women for maintaining good health and protein intake (yes it contains high amount of essential amino acids!) or for treatment purposes for those with anaemia, memory loss, chronic fatigue syndrome, erectile disfunction, menstrual issues, osteoporosis and depression.
    HOW TO TAKE: Maca is energising, so it is best taken in the morning with breakfast. You can get it in capsule form if you find the taste too strong. I quite enjoy both the aroma and the taste in its powdered form and usually put a teaspoon into my breakfast nut-shake or a hot spiced chocolate. I also often sprinkle it over granola and add it to raw cakes, crackers, sauces and smoothies. I haven't heard any overdosing stories, but personally feel that 3 teaspoons per day would be my limit.

    Buy here>>

    photo: source
    ABOUT: pH Booster is in my opinion the best possible mix for alkalising superfood powders EVER! Naturally I would say that of course, it being my own product, however I put it together only because there was nothing so potent on the market for my annual course 'Acid-Alkaline Breakthrough'. I wanted the most effective way of boosting pH levels, while mineralising, immunising and detoxing all at the same time. The result was this combo of 22 greens, herbs, grasses and vegetables. Every element is either certified organic or free from agro-chemicals and totally raw - all ingredients are juiced and/or dried below 110 degrees F to preserve their nutrients and enzymes. It is widely known that no disease can claim a body in its alkaline state, so it is very important to test your pH levels on litmus paper and make sure you don't tip over to the acidic side. This is where the pH Booster plays a crucial part.
    INGREDIENTS: Wheatgrass powder, Barley Grass Powder, Alfalfa Herb Powder, Bilberry Leaf Powder, Black Walnut Leaf Powder, Couchgrass Powder, Dandelion Leaf Powder, Ground Lemongrass, Marshmallow Root Powder, Meadowsweet Herb Powder, Ground Pau d'Arco Inner Bark, Ground Peppermint, Rosehip Powder, Ground Rosemary, Red Sage Powder, Ground Thyme, White Willow Bark Powder, Horsetail Powder, Slippery Elm Powder, Celery Seed Powder, Chlorella Powder, Spirulina Powder.

    HOW TO TAKE: As the Acid-Alkaline Breakthrough course is 28 days, I suggest 1 teaspoon 2-4 times daily. You'll need 2 of these 200g bottles for the full duration of the course. Otherwise for general good health- a teaspoon a day -mixed in water, smoothies, juices or sprinkled on cereals- is a great way to enjoy the powder.

    Buy here>>

    Please note that all of these recommendations are based on my own personal experience and are not intended to diagnose or treat chronic conditions. Consult with your health professional and always follow your own intuition. Remember to celebrate detox and health too!

    Raw Food Sunburger from sunny Vilcabamba

    It's hard to believe that Raw Food & Soul Adventures Retreat in Vilcabamba has already been and gone. It's even harder believe that I've whispered my gratitude list and goodbyes to Vilca only this morning and am already in Quito, just hours from heading to Miami. Oh how I do love my life!
    You might've been following my retreat updates either on Facebook or on the blog (here and here), but I have more personal favourite moments, including a personal favourite recipe to share with you. We served this burger at our retreat closing lunch and it made an appearance in others' 'top favourites' box of their feedback forms too… and not only once.
    Some of my highlights below:
    Getting to do my dream work with mum and dad.
    Juicing our garden bounty with Tribest's GreenStar Elite.

    Closing night- chocolate ceremony and chakra purification in white.

    A nut-free dessert made by my mama.

    Cheftress at work.

    Goodie bags full of Palosanto products, Sun Chlorella A, The Raw Chocolate Company's choco coated mulberries and my sister's personalised handmade bracelets by Universe + Chorus.

    Bonding over wheatgrass sprouting.

    I only pick the best looking people for my retreats, can you tell?

    Wild swimming and yoga by the waterfall with Doris Fin.

    Mandango Mountain and Vilcabamba village.

    Ready to juice.
    Makes 12 burgers
    For the equipment
    Food processor
    For the burgers
    2 cups sunflower seeds, soaked overnight*
    1 cup cashews, soaked overight
    1 cup sundried tomatoes, soaked overnight**
    1 large white onion, roughly chopped
    1/2 cup fresh dill
    1/2 tsp white pepper
    Water as needed (a great opportunity to reuse the sun dried tomato soaking water)
    *The sunflower seeds will expand to 4 cups after soaking, which is normal.
    **Only soak the sun dried tomatoes if they have been preserved in salt. If they came in oil, you can skip the soaking stage, but add a little salt to taste.
    - Load the food processor with all burger ingredients, except the water. Use the Pulse function to begin chopping, then turn to High.
    - Stop to scrape down all the sides back onto the blade, turn the food processor back on and add water as needed to acquire a thick paste-like consistency.
    - Scoop the dough onto the teflex sheets of your dehydrator, forming equal sized burger patties. Use either your fingers or the back of a spoon to smooth out the edges of each patty. 
    - Dehydrate on 115degreesF for 12 hours, turn the patties over onto mesh trays of your dehydrator and continue dehydrating for another 3-8 hours.
    For the salad
    2 cups grated cabbage
    Bunch of radish, thinly sliced
    1 large cucumber, sliced
    3/4 cup fresh herbs (in particular dill, parsley and green onion)
    2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    3/4 tsp Himalayan salt
    - Mix the cabbage, radish and salt together in a bowl and massage these ingredients together using your hands.
    - Add the remaining salad ingredients and continue to massage, but very gently this time. Note this salad could be prepared a few hours in advance as all the flavours get an opportunity to marinate.
    For the extras
    Either a tomato ketchup or a curry sauce (both keep well in the fridge for upto two weeks, so make them in advance)
    Tomato slices
    Grated carrots
    - To assemble, scoop a large helping of salad into a heaped pile on your plate, position a ready burger patty on top, coat with your chosen sauce, add tomato slices, grated carrots and a fanned avocado.

    My top nine on Croatia + the ideal healthy skin food in a glass

    Last month Elliot and I trekked to Croatia via Italy, where we met friends, celebrated my finale of 28 days of alkalising, beached, danced and explored a new part of the world.

    Give me the beach and the sun and I'm your girl for ever. 
    The Island of Pag in Croatia delivered. 
    But I won't leave it there, I had soooo many favourites. Here's my top nine anyway...

    1. The cleanest and most picture perfect ports.

    2. The sunsets.

    3. Scootering all over the island of Pag and coming across this view. The view!

    4. The blue blue skies.

    5. Friends! Having London close enough for a bunch of us to holiday together.

    6. This.

    7. Hiring four wheelers.

    8. No tides, which means you could sit on the beach with your feet in the water all day.

    9. Being able to order a whole pint of freshly squeezed orange juice in most bars.

    Orange juice and Croatia's abundance of oranges wasn't the only foodie highlight. Melons tasted out-of-this-world insanely good. Rock melons were like ice cream right our of the fridge and watermelons served as the best hydrating treat you could dream of. 

    We ate melon on its own or chopped it into fruit salads, and when I got home- all I wanted was for the holiday taste to continue, which inspired me to make this heavenly drink... 

    Serves 4

    4 cups watermelon, chopped flesh only
    2 cups strawberries
    1/2 whole rock melon, deseeded and peeled
    1 tbsp Acai berry powder
    optional: ice

    - Transfer all of the ingredients into a blender and blend on high.
    - Enjoy right away or freeze it in ice cube trays to use as flavoured ice in other drinks or to wizz up into sorbet.

    Tanya's Top Tip: Acai berry powder is a freeze-dried result from harvesting Acai berries. These berries are a superfood full of anti oxidants, Vitamin A, amino acids, calcium and monounsaturated fatty acids, making it the ideal healthy skin food.

    ebook bundle deal from tanya alekseeva

    Hi gorgeous!

    Don't you wish that no matter the weather, the occasion, the ailment or the craving- you had a raw food recipe for it? 

    Wouldn't it be super if you owned a collection of warming recipes for when it's cold, a bunch of easy and decadent chocolate recipes for Easter, Valentines and other special occasions (ehem- today!), the most impressive recipe collection for a truly spectacular Holiday season and then when you are ready- have a complete detox program planned out for you, so all that's left to do is print out a shopping list (which of course will be included too)?

    Wouldn't that be great? Well guess what!..

    It IS great, because not only can you get my entire eBook collection, but you can save 20% when you buy the bundle. That's a saving of £12.00 (approx. US $18.50) and available to you right now for the Better Raw Store :)

    Happy healthy browsing,

    x Tanya

    'Purified- Your Complete 7 Day Detox Program' is a step by step detox guide with two different raw food menu plans, one for the luxury detoxer and one for the budget detoxer, every breakfast, lunch and dinner recipe mapped out, each taking no longer than 30 mins of prep, comes complete with helpful tips, information and shopping lists.

    'Festive- The Best Raw Food Christmas Recipes' - includes the most flavour rich, luxury recipes that are not only incredible for the festive season, but any time of the year. This downloadable eBook contains 30 recipes with stunning photography.

    'Seduced- Raw Chocolate Recipes to get very excited for' - it's all in the title really. 22 gorgeous and simple to make chocolate recipes from raspberry jam centres to marzipan cigars to chocolate covered strawberries, it just keeps getting better and better. This downloadable eBook even has a superfoods glossary at the back and none of the chocolate making requires any special equipment!

    'Nourished- Comforting Raw Food Recipes For Winter' is stunning full colour eBook containing 39 of Tanya's most carefully selected recipes to feel warm, comforted and nourished during winter & beyond. Get a whole heap of extra tips on staying healthy & immunised in the cold, as well as a useful guide to seasonal local produce.

    'Thrive on this! 15 World's Healthiest Foods' is a completely free extra bonus report just for you. It outlines what the most nutrient dense foods on the planet are and why.

    Get the ebook bundle>>